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Getting into a new project

  • What is the purpose of this new project? Is it clearly defined?
  • What value is unlocked at v1? Can this value really be deployed? What second order effects might occur after deployment (and what blocks the value from being released)?
  • What's the biggest uncertainty ahead? What does it cost to solve it, what value does it bring?
    • Try to derisk the biggest/most painful uncertainties soonest
  • What single thing might give us 80% of the remaining answer? Probably avoid the edge cases (document, but don't focus on them)
    • Identify the most valuable deliverables (most-derisking, most-value-yielding) to rank opportunities
  • Milestones - list some, note what each enables


  • Prefer who/what/why/where/when objective questions
  • Focus on understanding the levers for highest value delivery, check for shared agreement on these (ignore low-value stuff that's cool but won't enable beneficial change)
  • Aim for frequent mini-retros to discuss "what did we learn? what shouldn't we repeat?"


  • Billion in UK and USA is 10^9 (the "short billion"), unlike various parts of Europe. Milliard can be used in Europe to refer to 10^9.



  • Pandas better describe - colour the percentiles, not the counts/mean/std, include 5/95% in percentiles. Add dtype description and maybe memory, not how many columns were ignored too (stick on the end maybe?)

  • Pandas better cut - give it some ranges and ask for nice labels and it'll form e.g. in scientific form (1M-500k ...) with open/closed labels, maybe special handling of e.g. 0, with formatting for currency and others - in progress in simpler_pandas.bin_series and apply_labelling.

  • Matplotlib label formatter - take int/float labels and convert to eg currency (2dp), human readable (e.g. 1M), optional leading symbol (e.g. ÂŁ, $) or trailing text (e.g. pp.), with commas (e.g. "2,000") friendly_label(dp=2, leading_text="", following_text="", with_commas=False, ints_if_possible=False) and human_readable(...) -> in progress in labelling.format_to_base_10.


dts = np.arange("2021-01-01", "2021-01-30", dtype="datetime64[D]") will make 29 * 1D datetime64 objectss in an array. pd.to_datetime(dts) will make a Pandas DateTimeIndex of dtype datetime64[ns]. NumPy doesn't store timezone info .



gpby = df.groupby generates a groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy. This has a __len__, gpby.groups shows the a dict of keys for the groups and the indices that match the rows.

for group in gpby: generates a tuple of (name, subset_dataframe), the subset_dataframe has all the columns including the group keys. .groups generates this entire list of groups as a dict, index into it using e.g. gpby.groups[('-', '-', 'Canada')] to retrieve the indices (and use df.loc[indices]) to fetch the rows. gpby.get_group(('-', '-', 'Canada')) takes the keys and returns a DataFrame without the keys.

gpby.transform works on Series or DataFrame and returns a Series (?) that matches each input row pre-grouping. gpby.apply returns a result based on the grouped items.

gpby calls such as mean are delegated.

groupby on a timeseries (e.g. day index) won't care about missing items (e.g. missing days), using resample for date times with a fillna is probably more sensible.

Categoricals have a non-obvious memory behaviour in 1.0 in groupby, must pass in observed=True on the groupby else it stalls and eats a lot of RAM: pandas-dev/pandas#30552 It builds the cartesian product of all possible categorical groups with the default arguments which might take some time and RAM.


normalize can take "index"/0 (note not "rows"), "columns"/1 or "all"/True, default is False.


utc=True will set timezone (else no tz info). Lowest valid date we can parse is circa pd.to_datetime('1677-09-22', utc=True) (21st will raise a OutOfBoundsDatetime unless errors="ignore" passed, if this is passed then we get a string back in place! use coerce to get NaT for invalid times) - limitations: . Error handling:


Pandas is closed-right by default i.e. with right=True (default) then bins are (b1, b2] (exclusive/open of left, inclusive/closed of right: ).


Merging is the underlying operation, df.join is a shortcut into merge. join merges keys on the left with the index on the right, it doesn't change the resulting index. Prefer merge to stay explicit and check to see if the index has changed.

indicator=True adds _merge column with indicators like both.

validate='many_to_one' validates uniqueness on the right (or left or both), raising MergeError if not validated. Really ought to do an assert on the before-and-after-row-count as if e.g. on a left join we have repeated keys on the right side, we'll expand the resulting dataframe silently! Note the validate argument does this in Pandas but with Dask you have to do it manually (so for 2020 - better to be safe).


Has lots of options including to drop the index, axis=1 for columnar concatenation and more.


Apply a new index e.g. a series of ints to a non-contiguous existing index, fill_na defaults to NaN.


Probably add dropna=False every time caveat this means we easily miss NaN values, the sanity_check is to count the results and check them against the size of the original column.

info"deep") introspects each column and counts bytes used including strings - but this can be slow on many strings (e.g. millions of rows of strings might take 1 minute).


  • ser.describe(percentiles=[0.01, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.99, 1]) add more percentiles.
  • df.describe().style.background_gradient(axis=0)


pd.read_csv(parse_dates=True) will only parse index dates, instead use parse_dates=['col1', 'col2'] to parse other cols.


Lightweight pattern match use to e.g. df.columns.contains('somestring', ignorecase=True) to find substring somestring in column names, returns a mask.


vc.apply(lambda v: f"{v*100:.0f}%") turn a value_counts into percentages like "92%"

display options

pd.get_option('display.max_columns') probably 20 and max_rows is 60. Use pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 100) for more cols in e.g. .head(). pd.set_option('precision', 4).

def show_all(many_rows, max_rows=999):
    """Show many rows rather than the typical small default"""
    from IPython.display import display
    with pd.option_context('display.max_rows', 999):
        display(many_rows) # display required else no output generated due to indentation

selecting columns or rows with filter

Use df.filter(regex='blah') to find column names containing "blah", add axis=0 to do the same filtering on row labels.

Data processing tips

query with NaN rows is a pain, for text columns we could replace missing data with - and then that's another string-like thing for a query, this significantly simplifies the queries.


my style (?)

ax.grid(axis='x') # horizontal grid lines only


  • fig, ax = plt.subplots(constrained_layout=True)
  • fig, axs = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 12), nrows=2, gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [2, 1]})

Pandas plot

Marks with x and no lines: .plot(marker='x', linestyle=' ', ax=ax)

Horiztonal lines

ax.axhline(10, color='grey', linestyle='--')

Formatting axis

  • ax.get_yaxis().set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: format(int(x), ',')))


  • fig, axs = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(8, 6))


symmetric limits (x and y have same range)

min_val = min(ax.get_xlim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[0])
max_val = max(ax.get_xlim()[1], ax.get_ylim()[1])
ax.set_xlim(xmin=min_val, xmax=max_val)
ax.set_ylim(ymin=min_val, ymax=max_val)

symmetric (y axis)

biggest = max(abs(ax.get_ylim()[0]), abs(ax.get_ylim()[1]))
ax.set_ylim(ymin=-biggest, ymax=biggest)

axis labels

import matplotlib as mpl
def set_commas(ax, on_x_axis=True):
    """Add commas to e.g. 1,000,000 on axis labels"""
    axis = ax.get_xaxis()
    if not on_x_axis:
        axis = ax.get_yaxis()
    axis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: format(int(x), ',')))
# add e.g. s for seconds labeling on tick label
locs =ax.get_yticks()
new_yticks=[f"{d}s" for d in locs]

axis ticks


Argument parsing


parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) # read __doc__ attribute
parser.add_argument('-i', '--input_filename', type=str, nargs="?",
                    help='csv from someone'
                    ' (default: %(default)s))', # help msg 2 over lines with default
                    default=input_filename) # some default
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action="store_true",
                    help="show version")

args = parser.parse_args()
print("Arguments provided:", args)
if args.version:
    print(f"Version: {__version__}")

When argument parsing it might make sense to check for the presence of specified files and to sys.exit(1) with a message if they're missing. argparse can also stream stdin in place of named files for piped input.



python -m unittest runs all tests with autodiscovery, python -m unittest mymodule.MyClass finds and runs the tests in MyClass.

There are some visual diffs but they're not brilliant. I don't think we can invoke pdb on failures without writing code?


More mature than unittest, doesn't need the unittest methods for checking same/different code and catching expected exceptions is neater. Also has plugins, syntax colouring.

Typically we'd write pytest to execute it, there's something weird with being unable to find imported modules if is (or maybe isn't) present, in which case python -m pytest does the job:

pytest --pdb drops into the debugger on a failure.


$ coverage run -m unittest (or e.g. discover to discover all test files) writes an sqlite3 .coverage datafile, $ coverage report html generates ./htmlcov/ and firefox htmlcov/index.html opens the html report. coverage erase to wipe db. Notes:

$ coverage run -m pytest as above

$ pytest --cov=. --cov-report=html will report on all code ( --cov=my_module would restrict to that module) by running named file.

$ pytest --cov=. --cov-report=html --ignore=src --ignore=tests/ will report on all, ignoring any test file discovered in src (e.g. an experiment that's been called and will ignore the specified test (which might need e.g. extra credentials that we haven't setup).

To run coverage on this project

$ pytest --cov=. --cov-report=html test*.py, $ firefox htmlcov/index.html and coverage erase.



import ipython_memory_usage; #%ipython_memory_usage_start for cell by cell memory analysis



In IPython"scipy.stats.power_divergence(o, axis=None, ddof=2, lambda_='log-likelihood')") will invoke pdb, use s to step into the function, n for the next line, p to print state (use this to see that f_exp is calculated in an unexpected way, see Statistical tests below). b _count will set a breakpoint for the _count function inside power_divergence, run to it with c.

Statistical tests

scipy.stats.chi2_contingency(o) on a 2D array calculates e=scipy.stats.contingency.expected_freq(o) internally. With a 2x2 table the dof==1 so correction is used which adjusts o, then this calls through to scipy.stats.power_divergence. To use a G Test pass lambda_="log-likelihood" to chi2_contingency. Note that the default lambda_="pearson" is less preferred to using a G Test (log-likelihood) but the resulting probabilities seem to be very similar (to 2dp at least) in my experiments.

To avoid the correction when debugging confirm that scipy.stats.chi2_contingency(o, correction=False) and scipy.stats.power_divergence(o, e, axis=None, ddof=2) are the same. See . To calculate an equivalent G Test manually use scipy.stats.power_divergence(o, e, axis=None, ddof=2, lambda_='log-likelihood'). Note that e is calculated implicitly as the mean of the array inside power_divergence which is not the same as calling expected_freq! Prefer to be explicit. See

Getting to high code quality


Lints and checks code, works in most IDEs and as a git commit hook. Can disable a line with annoying warnings using # NOQA as the comment.


Has more than flake8, not as widely supported (2020-05 not in Visual Code as a default linter).


Highly opinionated, not necessarily "what you want" as some of the reformating is hard to read but you also don't get a choice and that's a really good outcome!


Check dataframe cols as I go


%load_ext watermark
%watermark -i -v -m -p pandas,numpy,matplotlib -g -b
# possible -iv for all imported pkg versions? try this...


  • (stupid niche) writing a custom distributed Agg dd.Aggregation(name="sumsq", chunk=lambda s: s.aggregate(func=lambda x: np.sum(np.power(x, 2))), agg=lambda s: s.sum()) is a pain in the arse - this calculates a sum of squares on a grouped series
from dask.distributed import Client
if 'client' not in dir():
    # useful for Pandas - no threads (Pandas not GIL-friendly), many processes
    # and enough memory to not max out my laptop
    client = Client(processes=True, n_workers=8, threads_per_worker=1, memory_limit='4GB')
client # show client details


  • conda config --show to list all config
  • conda info to list general configuration
  • prefer channel_priority to be strict

Conda for this environment

$ conda create -n notes_to_self python=3.9 pandas matplotlib jupyterlab altair black pytest
$ conda create -n notes_to_self python=3.10 pandas matplotlib jupyterlab altair black pytest pytest-cov flake8 pandas-vet flake8-bugbear flake8-variables-names
$ pytest *.py



ln -s other_folder_file . link the other file into this folder.


set -euox to fail most errors, unset variables or fails in a pipeline and to print commands as they're executed

Video editing


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