- Add action to Move current selected line(s)/cursor text up/down by 1
- Add settings option for View-Mode link color
- Improve table of contents - add border around, disable underline
- Update Markdown parser
- Long press toolbar to jump to top/bottom (edit & view mode)
- Add search to View Mode
- Accessibility improvements & Talkback support
- Allow http on Android>=9
- Telegram file edit support
- Add accordion dropdown markdown button
- Yellow icon for favourite files
- Markdown: Normal sized headers by default, increases performance
- Disable highlighting on big files to improve edit performance
- Don't sort non-document files in third group
v2.2 Blog Post
- Added Presentations & Slides with Markdown
- Added audio recording dialog which allows to add voice to documents. Manual interaction required to start & stop voice recording. Voice recording permission required for this feature
- Added editor button to create Markdown tables
- Markdown Footnotes support added
- Added attachment button for all formats (insert color, link, image, file, audio, date)
- Date/Time button long press now inserts text with last used format
- Improved SD Card reading & writing
- Added option to File-import-dialog to import to notebook instead of current folder
- Reordered editor buttons so global actions are on same position at all formats
- Source code highlighting for View mode
- Added settings option to enable experimental features
- New experimental feature: Convert epub to plaintext and replace current text with ebook
- New experimental feature: Speed Reading for (text from) edit mode
- New Special Keys option: Indent / Deindent current line
- Copy textfile to clipboard from file browser
- Added highlighting todo.txt due dates
- Long press the todo.txt date button to insert due date
- Sepia editor theme
v2.1 Blog post | Code changes
- Improved editor, highlighting and overall performance
- New file dialog: Templates
- New format: KeyValue - highlighting for json, ini, csv, yaml, vcard, ics, toml and other simple key-value like syntax
- Long click on main view plus button -> open favourites/recents
- Use lightweight Markdown heading highlighting on non-highend devices
- Show SD Card dialog when opening file that is under SAF
- Share: Rename PDF -> Print/PDF
- Text action to sort todo by date
- Keep view mode scroll position
- Remove LinkBox from main screen to improve performance
- Make filesystem selection dialog fill screen
- Rework share into: Use file browser to select favourite/recent/popular files
- Special keys added: Insert page break for PDF/Printing, ohm key, punctation mark arrows
- Append linefeed on end when saving
- Show error when trying to rename to existing file/folder
- Add special handling for percent encoded filenames in nextcloud/owncloud folder
- Link 'More->Help' to Project website FAQ
- Debug Log settings option
- Improve local/linked file opening when clicking link at preview
- Add option to set font size in view mode
- Share (multiple) files from file browser
- PlaintextConverter: Put HTML into preview as is (allow to view html files)
- Fix folder title not visible sometimes
- Enable hex color highlighting for various prefix/postfixes (like colon, quote, ...)
v2.0 Blog post | Code changes
- Recursive file & folder search
- Search button in editor, viewer and file browser
- Always export PDF and images with light theme and white background (improves printing)
- Show dialog on for textfiles to choose open in Markor or other app
- Setting to set file extensions to always load in Markor
- Always view files starting with "index."
- Setting to configure wrap mode (=line breaking)
- Menu option for reload file (editor/viewer)
- Menu option for hiding files & folders starting with a dot
- Setting to set tab width
- Improve back button when always start view mode is set
- Keep file browser sort order
- Improve inline code highlighting
- Add new line when archiving tasks
v1.8 Blog post | Code changes
- Show app intro at first start
- All new file navigation
- Add favourite files
- Add quick navigiation options (to notebook, sdcard, AppData and more)
- Add option to set Navigation-Bar color
- Combine edit & view mode to one fragment, show view as overlay
- Add horizontal scrolling for code blocks in view mode
- More efficient undo/redo
- Option to enable/disable swipe to change mode
- WikiLinks: Disable default escaped characters, so subfolder path is not converted to hyphen
- Added fonts: Source Pro, DejaVu Sans Mono, Ubuntu, Lato
- Scan storage Fonts folder for custom fonts
- Add word count to document info dialog
v1.7 Blog post
- Improved app color theme for better readability
- Load custom fonts from file
- Markor bundles 5 additional open fonts
- Copy custom fonts to folder: 'Notebook/.app/fonts/'
- Links shared from e.g. browsers are automatically converted to Markdown syntax if possible
- LinkBox is now listed on the main view bottom bar
- LinkBox defaults on new installations to LinkBox.md as filename
- Default to last used date/time format at dialog
- Apply todo.txt format only for .txt files
- L/R Swipe in edit/representation mode to change mode
- Open link textaction: Don't include trailing ')' in parsed URL, which is common for markdown
- Added App Shortcuts, requires Android 7.1+
- Markdown: Enable WikiLink style to reference [[file]] relative
- Strip #ref from URL in representation to determine if another file should be opened on click
- Option to set app start tab (Notebook / ToDo / QuickNote / LinkBox / More)
v1.6 Blog post
New features:
- TextAction: Insert date/time
- Add website title when sharing into Markor, if browser supports it
- Website title + URL formatted in Markdown format if possible
- Automatically create ToDo/linkbox/QuickNote and parent folders when using respective launcher
- KaTex/Math: Improve inline math
- Close virtual keyboard after creating new file
- Language selection: Load system's most important language as system hint
- Markdown + Jekyll: Replace {{ site.baseurl }} with .. in representation
- More padding at settings on older devices
- Use the new file dialog for sharing into new documents
- Filesystem dialog now shows images / textfiles only at respective file selection
- New file dialog: Jekyll option on older devices
- Title not updated when swiping
v1.5 Blog post
New features:
- App-wide
- Settings option: Keep screen on
- Editor
- Open multiple Windows
- Document browser
- Completly new 'New file' dialog
- Text Actions
- Sort todo.txt files
- Tasks support in Markdown
- Document browser
- Replace 'Reload button' with pull down to refresh
- Added 'Last modified' to File information dialog
- Editor
- Added greenscale basic editor colors
- Representation
- Set inital background color before loading document
- Math/KaTex: Show inline when single dollar is used
New features:
- App-wide
- Add popular documents to 'share into'
- Editor
- Settings options for editor background and foreground color
- todo.txt: Highlight multiple levels of context/projects (@@/++)
- Text Actions
- Add zero-width space character to 'special characters'
- Add color picker
- TextActions
- Markdown: Multiline textaction for header/quote/list
- Editor
- More space for document title
- Harden automatic file naming and moving
- Representation
- Enable block rendering for KaTex (math)
- App-wide
- Natural scrolling in dialogs
- Filesystem
- Discard selection when leaving filesystem view
New features:
- App-wide
- Add 'Auto' theme, switch light/dark theme by current hour
- Support for Chrome Custom Tabs
- Editor
- Start document at the recent cursor position (jump to bottom on new documents and at special files)
- Enable link highlighting in plaintext format (especially easier to distinguish title and links in linkbox)
- Text Actions
- Markdown: Long press image adds img-src with max-height
- Long press 'Special key' jumps to top/bottom
- Long press 'Open external' opens content search
- TextActions
- Don't list empty lines in simple search
- Edit picture supports now relative filepaths too
- Show import dialog for selected pictures too (like in file selection)
- Representation
- Renamed from Preview
- Performance improvement for TOC & Math - only use when text contains headers/math
- Markdown: Underline h2 too (like h1, more common for two levels)
- ToDo: Add alternative naming for contexts/projects
- Editor
- Disable 'History disable' performance option for data integrity
- App-wide
- Special files: When app launcher was used, create file if not exists
v1.2 Blog post
New features:
- General
- Launchers to directly open LinkBox/ToDo/QuickNote (opt-in)
- Text Actions
- Search/filter lines by input (available in special-keys button menu)
- Todo: context aware search for projects,contexts (longpress project/context button)
- Preview
- Table of contents (opt-in))
- Math using KaTex (opt-in)
- Converter
- Markdown: More features enabled, notably GFM like table parsing and underlined h1
- Settings
- More spacing between categories
- Editor
- File saving
v1.1 Blog post
New features:
- Text Module Actions
- Markdown Picture Dialog
- Load picture from gallery
- Take picture with camera
- Edit picture with graphics app
- Formats
- Load Markdown Format for .md.txt files
- Editor
- Change default lineheight back to 100%
- Not connects multiple lines anymore
- Filesystem view
- More checks for storage access and the yellow info box
New features:
- Add popular files (most used files by access count)
- Add popular & recent files as virtual folder under /storage/
- Selectable e.g. for widgets
- Text-Module-Actions
- More safety checks at execution
- Highlighting
- MD: Better code readability
- MD: Better unordered list readability
New features:
- ShareInto
- Added export: calendar appointment
- Widget
- Added shortcuts to ToDo, QuickNote and LinkBox
- SD Card handling and permission errors
- Show warning when opening a file on not writeable path
- Add shortcuts to writeable SD card folders
- Mark unwriteable files red in selection dialog
- ShareInto
- Better separator placement
- Widget
- Open selected file
- Editor
- Markdown header highlighting padding
- Share to app
- Fix view intent not starting on some devices
- Filesystem view
- Allow to view Details for folder too
New features:
- ShareInto
- Show "open in browser" option if text contains link
- Prepend separator to all existing documents
- Settings / Preview
- User customizeable CSS/JS injection option (for preview)
- Configureable in settings
- Contains some (uncommented) modification lines for important elements
- like font size, font type, script to load when page loaded etc.
- Inherit font size from global font preference
- Recents working without having opened anything yet
- Translation updated
- Updated project description
- Slightly modified adaptive icon
- Editor-Rotation: Creates new file again when editing before
- Create folder: Screen rotation
New features:
- Recently viewed documents
- Start editing of recent documents, button in the toolbar of main view
- Allow sharing into recend documents
- Queue containing the 10 last viewed files
- Keep scroll position when reloading document list (Notebook)
- Document/File Info: Dialog showing information about selected file
- Openable at main views toolbar when one item is selected
- Overall better performance
- Faster document loading
- Decreased memory usage
- Reduce edit history size (undo/redo) to 5 for lower memory usage
- Preview/Rendering (All):
- Rework of theme, font-size and font injection
- Preview/Rendering (Markdown):
- Blockquote theme based styling
- Blockquote RTL compatibility
- Crash when Markor put to background and huge file is loaded
- Document contents are not stored into resume cache anymore if they are too big
- Make no major differences for huge files, just undo/redo history is cleared when switchting away
- Option to disable spellchecking-underline
- More file managers and sync clients supported (notably: seafile)
- Improve default settings
- Limit history size to improve performance
- Support UTF8 local filename references
- Decrease padding of textmoduleactions for more fitting elements
- Add delete action for all formats
- Add open link in browser moduleaction
- Fix actionmode icon color
- Share into:: Add LinkBox option
- Share into:: Fix re-sharing of text
- All new More section
- All new "Share into" handling
- Fix: Keep dates when priority is assigned
- Mod: Disable colored,underlined header text
- Add: Enable zoom gestures in Preview
- Mod: md::link/image filesystem selection in working directory
- Remove MoreFragment and AboutActivity
- Share into:: Editable text
- Share into:: Re-Share option
- Share into:: Copy to clipboard option
- Share into:: Landscape support
- Update settings
- Improve permission checking
- Replace commonmark markdown parser with flexmark
- Various smaller bug fixes
- Updated translations
- Settings option: Edit in screen center
- Add ".." in folder selection to go up
- Add support for editing files from most file managers
- Allow to open from Own/NextCloud
- Hints about using Markor with Dropbox
- Allow to set document folder outside of internal storage
- Fix import dialog orientation crash
- Add option to start editing on bottom
- md: moduleaction: end line with 2 spaces
- Improve project icon
- Trim share-into text
- Improved exporting/sharing
- Todotxt: Support delete, archive tasks
- Todotxt: Try to keep cursor position
- Translation updates :)
- Option for custom line height
- Remember cursor position when switching away from app
- Special keyboard actions (Page up, Tab,..)
- New project icon
- Settings ordered in subscreens
- Additional syntax information
- Improve highlighter performance
- Improve default highlighter settings
- Added new highlting settings options
- Preference support lib for settings
- Abstract highlighting, converter and text module actions
- Added: Support for todo.txt
- Added: Icons to settings
- Added: Hex-Color-Code underlining
- Added: Changelog dialog
- Select file/image from filesystem
- Fix relative web local file loading
- Added: manually save option
- Added: Launcher shortcuts
- Filesystem: Add refresh menu option
- Show document and file amount below folders
- Settings toolbar option
- Highlight line-endings with two spaces (MD line break)
- Translation updates
- Translation update
- Widget and document list fixes
- Improve editor actions
- Rework of core functionalities of the app
- Added QuickNote
- Redo/Undo editing
- Separate Preview/Edit by fragments, unify functions
- Rewrite storage/handling of documents
- Improved sharing into the app, allow appending
- Added bottom navigation
- New font chooser in settings
- Added: Many new supported languages
- More supported markdown elements in highlighter
- More markdown file extensions supported
- Improved language selection
- Share as image fixed
- Added: Translation: Brazilian, Polish, Hindi, French, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian
- Added: Sort files
- Added: Replace markdown charbar with actions
- Improved: Syntax highlighting
- Fixed: replaced Uri.fromFile with FileProvider
- Added: Share as file, share as PDF
- Use commonmark-java instead of AndDown markdown parser
- Added: Spanish translation (#26
- Added: More font size options
- Fix: Renaming case sensitive
- Mod: Syntax highlighting
- Fix: Widget
- Added: Copyright notices
- Changed: Translation license
- Overall refactoring
- Remove startup ""authentication""
- Remove slow animations
- FilesystemDialog from scratch
- Save only if title/content changed
- Rework most callbacks and broadcasts
- Rework settings
- Fix import (#2)
- Use appcompat in dialogs
- Change cursor in editor
- Fix resizing with fullscreen in editor
- Dialogs in dark
- Initial release
- Start of community project Markor
- Fork of writeily-pro
- Different branding
- New initial features