The Video Conference Sample implements a web service demo for OWT(Open WebRTC Toolkit) media server, which fully demonstrates OWT features in mix and forward modes. It also provides basic conferencing actions like share screen, instant messaging, mute/unmute audio and video in web UI.
(1) Install docker engine.
(2) Install docker compose, if you plan to deploy through docker compose. Version 1.20+ is required.
(3) Setup docker swarm, if you plan to deploy through docker swarm. See docker swarm setup for additional setup details.
(4) sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
(5) printf "[Service]\nEnvironment=\"HTTPS_PROXY=$https_proxy\" \"NO_PROXY=$no_proxy\"\n" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/proxy.conf
(6) sudo systemctl daemon-reload
(7) sudo systemctl restart docker
(1) mkdir build
(2) cd build
(3) cmake ..
(4) make
Use the following commands to start/stop services via docker swarm:
(1) make start_docker_swarm
(2) make stop_docker_swarm
Launch your browser and point to https://localhost
to join the video conference. Note that the default certificates are self-signed with limited lifetime for demo purpose only. Suggest to replace them with your own key pairs with trusted certificates. You may need to confirm the self-signed certificate exception to continue if default certificates are used for demo purpose.