copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2025-01-24 |
expiry, glacier, tier, s3, compatibility, api |
cloud-object-storage |
{: #expiry}
An expiration rule deletes objects after a defined period (from the object creation date). {: shortdesc}
You can set the lifecycle for objects by using the web console, REST API, and third-party tools that are integrated with {{}}.
- An expiration rule can be added to a new or existing bucket.
- An existing expiration rule can be modified or disabled.
- A newly added or modified Expiration rule applies to all new and existing objects in the bucket.
- Adding or modifying lifecycle policies requires the
role. - Up to 1000 lifecycle rules (archive + expiration) can be defined per bucket.
- Allow up to 24 hours for any changes in Expiration rules to take effect.
- The scope of each expiration rule can be limited by defining an optional prefix filter to apply to only a subset of objects with names that match the prefix.
- An expiration rule without a prefix filter will apply to all objects in the bucket.
- The expiration period for an object, specified in number(s) of days, is calculated from the time the object was created, and is rounded off to the next day's midnight UTC. For example, if you have an expiration rule for a bucket to expire a set of objects ten days after the creation date, an object that was created on 15 April 2019 05:10 UTC will expire on 26 April 2019 00:00 UTC.
- The expiration rules for each bucket are evaluated once every 24 hours. Any object that qualifies for expiration (based on the objects' expiration date) will be queued for deletion. The deletion of expired objects begins the following day and will typically take less than 24 hours. You will not be billed for any associated storage for objects once they are deleted.
- In versioning enabled or suspended buckets, a regular rule retains the current version and creates a delete marker rather than permanently deleting data. To clean up a versioning enabled bucket, you can set two expiration rules. Add a first rule that sets an expiration for the current version and the noncurrent version. Because versioning is enabled, this rule creates a delete marker for the version. Add a second rule with the selection "Clean up expired object delete markers" to delete the data.
- The expiration time of non-current versions is determined by its successor's last modified time, rounded to the next day at midnight UTC.
- If versions are manually deleted from an object that has versions expected to be expired the next day, those expirations may not occur.
Policies specifying a date in the past may take up to a few days to complete. {: note}
Without caution, data might be permanently lost with when using expiration rules on a versioned bucket. In cases where versioning is suspended and there is a null version present for the expired object, data might be permanently lost. In this case, a null
delete marker is overwritten, permanently deleting the object.
{: important}
Objects that are subject to a bucket's Immutable Object Storage retention policy will have any expiration actions deferred until the retention policy is no longer enforced. {: important}
{: #expiry-rules-attributes}
Each expiration rule has the following attributes:
A rule's ID must be unique within the bucket's lifecycle configuration.
The expiration block contains the details that govern the automatic deletion of objects. This could be a specific date in the future, or a period of time after new objects are written.
The number of days after which non-current versions of objects are automatically deleted.
An optional string that will be matched to the prefix of the object name in the bucket. A rule with a prefix will only apply to the objects that match. You can use multiple rules for different expiration actions for different prefixes within the same bucket. For example, within the same lifecycle configuration, one rule could delete all objects that begin with logs/
after 30 days, and a second rule could delete objects that begin with video/
after 365 days.
A filter option that allows expiration rules to apply to objects that contain a matching tag. The tag filter is provided as a container that specifies a key string and value string. The key string must be less than 128 characters. The value string must be less than 256 characters.
A filter that restricts lifecycle actions to objects less than a specific size. This must be an integer value greater than 0.
A filter that restricts lifecycle actions to objects greater than a specific size. This must be an integer value greater than 0.
Use the AND parameter to apply multiple filters to objects that should meet all specified conditions.
A rule can either be enabled or disabled. A rule is active only when enabled.
This configuration expires any new objects after 30 days.
<Filter />
This configuration deletes any objects with the prefix foo/
on June 1, 2020.
This configuration expires any non-current versions of objects after 100 days.
You can also combine transition and expiration rules. This configuration archives any objects 90 days after creation, and deletes any objects with the prefix foo/
after 180 days .
<Filter />
This configuration expires any object with a tag key value of environment:production.
This configuration expires any object with an Object Size Less Than 2kb.
This configuration expires any object with an Object Size Greater Than 1kb.
This configuration expires any object greater than 10mb with tag key value equals environnment:production and tag key value equals environment:development.
{: #expiry-using-console}
When creating a new bucket, check the Add expiration rule box. Next, click Add rule to create the new expiration rule. You can add up to five rules during bucket creation, and extra rules can be added later.
For an existing bucket, select Configuration from the navigation menu and click Add rule under the Expiration rule section.
{: #expiry-using-api-sdks}
You can programmatically manage expiration rules by using the REST API or the IBM COS SDKs. Select the format for the examples by selecting a category in the context switcher.
{: #expiry-api-create}
REST API reference {: http}
This implementation of the PUT
operation uses the lifecycle
query parameter to set lifecycle settings for the bucket. This operation allows for a single lifecycle policy definition for a bucket. The policy is defined as a set of rules consisting of the following parameters: ID
, Status
, Filter
, and Expiration
{: http}
Cloud IAM users must have the Writer
role to add a lifecycle policy from a bucket.
Classic Infrastructure Users must have Owner
permissions on the bucket to add a lifecycle policy from a bucket.
Header | Type | Description |
Content-MD5 |
String | Required: The base64 encoded 128-bit MD5 hash of the payload, which is used as an integrity check to ensure that the payload wasn't altered in transit. |
{: http} |
The body of the request must contain an XML block with the following schema: {: http}
Element | Type | Children | Ancestor | Constraint |
LifecycleConfiguration |
Container | Rule |
None | Limit 1. |
Rule |
Container | ID , Status , Filter , Expiration |
LifecycleConfiguration |
Limit 1000. |
ID |
String | None | Rule |
Must consist of (a-z ,A-Z ,0-9 ) and the following symbols: ! _ . * ' ( ) - |
Filter |
String | Prefix |
Rule |
Must contain a Prefix element |
Expiration |
Container |
Days or Date |
Rule |
Limit 1. |
Days |
Non-negative integer | None | Expiration |
Must be a value greater than 0. |
Date |
Date | None | Expiration |
Must be in ISO 8601 Format. |
NoncurrentVersionExpiration |
Date | NoncurrentDays |
Rule |
Limit 1. |
NoncurrentDays |
Non-negative integer | None | NoncurrentVersionExpiration |
Must be a value greater than 0. |
ObjectSizeGreaterThan |
Non-negative Integer | None | Filter ,And |
Must be a value greater than 0. |
ObjectSizeLessThan |
Non-negative Integer | None | Filter ,And |
Must be a value greater than 0. |
Prefix |
String | None | Filter ,And |
Must be used with two or more filters. |
And |
Container | Prefix ,ObjectSizeGreaterThan , ObjectSizeLessThan , Tag |
Filter |
May contain one or more Tag elements. |
Tag |
Container | Key , Value |
Filter ,And |
Must define both a Key and Filter. |
Key |
String | None | Tag |
String must be less than 128 characters. |
Value |
String | None | Tag |
String must be less than 256 characters. |
{: http}
The body of the request must contain an XML block with the schema that is addressed in the table (see Example 1). {: http}
<Filter />
{: codeblock} {: caption="Example 1. XML sample from the body of the request." caption-side="bottom"} {: http}
Syntax {: http}
PUT https://{endpoint}/{bucket}?lifecycle # path style
PUT https://{bucket}.{endpoint}?lifecycle # virtual host style
{: caption="Example 2. Note the use of slashes and dots in this example of syntax." caption-side="bottom"} {: codeblock} {: http}
Example request {: http}
PUT /images?lifecycle HTTP/1.1
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2018 17:50:00 GMT
Authorization: authorization string
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-MD5: M625BaNwd/OytcM7O5gIaQ==
Content-Length: 305
<Filter />
{: codeblock} {: caption="Example 3. Request header samples for creating an object lifecycle configuration." caption-side="bottom"} {: http}
Code sample for use with NodeJS COS SDK {: javascript}
Using the {{}} SDKs only requires calling the appropriate functions with the correct parameters and proper configuration. {: javascript}
var aws = require('ibm-cos-sdk');
var ep = new aws.Endpoint('');
var config = {
endpoint: ep,
apiKeyId: 'ZRZDoNoUseOLL7bRO8SAMPLEHPUzUL_-fsampleyYE',
ibmAuthEndpoint: '',
serviceInstanceId: 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/<CREDENTIAL_ID_AS_GENERATED>:<SERVICE_ID_AS_GENERATED>::',
var s3 = new aws.S3(config);
var date = new Date('June 16, 2019 00:00:00');
var params = {
Bucket: 'STRING_VALUE', /* required */
LifecycleConfiguration: {
Rules: [ /* required */
Status: 'Enabled', /* required */
Filter: {}, /* required */
Date: date
s3.putBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
else console.log(data); // successful response
{: codeblock} {: javascript}
Code sample for use with Python COS SDK {: python}
Using the {{}} SDKs only requires calling the appropriate functions with the correct parameters and proper configuration. {: python}
import sys
import ibm_boto3
from ibm_botocore.client import Config
api_key = "ZRZDoNoUseOLL7bRO8SAMPLEHPUzUL_-fsampleyYE"
service_instance_id = "85SAMPLE-eDOb-4NOT-bUSE-86nnnb31eaxx"
auth_endpoint = ""
service_endpoint = ""
cos = ibm_boto3.client('s3',
response = cos.put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration(
'Rules': [
'Status': 'Enabled',
'Filter': {},
'Days': 123
print("Bucket lifecyle: {0}".format(response))
{: codeblock} {: python}
Code sample for use with Java COS SDK {: java}
Using the {{}} SDKs only requires calling the appropriate functions with the correct parameters and proper configuration. {: java}
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class App
private static AmazonS3 _cosClient;
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args)
SDKGlobalConfiguration.IAM_ENDPOINT = "";
String bucketName = "<sample-bucket-name>";
String api_key = "ZRZDoNoUseOLL7bRO8SAMPLEHPUzUL_-fsampleyYE";
String service_instance_id = "85SAMPLE-eDOb-4NOT-bUSE-86nnnb31eaxx"
String endpoint_url = "";
String storageClass = "us-south";
String location = "us";
_cosClient = createClient(api_key, service_instance_id, endpoint_url, location);
// Define a rule for expiring items in a bucket
int days_to_delete = 10;
BucketLifecycleConfiguration.Rule rule = new BucketLifecycleConfiguration.Rule()
.withId("Delete rule")
rule.setFilter(new LifecycleFilter());
// Add the rule to a new BucketLifecycleConfiguration.
BucketLifecycleConfiguration configuration = new BucketLifecycleConfiguration()
// Use the client to set the LifecycleConfiguration on the bucket.
_cosClient.setBucketLifecycleConfiguration(bucketName, configuration);
* @param bucketName
* @param clientNum
* @param api_key
* @param service_instance_id
* @param endpoint_url
* @param location
* @return AmazonS3
public static AmazonS3 createClient(String api_key, String service_instance_id, String endpoint_url, String location)
AWSCredentials credentials;
credentials = new BasicIBMOAuthCredentials(api_key, service_instance_id);
ClientConfiguration clientConfig = new ClientConfiguration().withRequestTimeout(5000);
AmazonS3 cosClient = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard().withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials))
.withEndpointConfiguration(new EndpointConfiguration(endpoint_url, location)).withPathStyleAccessEnabled(true)
return cosClient;
{: codeblock} {: java} {: caption="Example 1. Code samples showing creation of lifecycle configuration." caption-side="bottom"}
{: #expiry-api-view}
This implementation of the GET
operation uses the lifecycle
query parameter to examine lifecycle settings for the bucket. An HTTP 404
response will be returned if no lifecycle configuration is present.
{: http}
Cloud IAM users must have the Reader
role to examine a lifecycle policy from a bucket.
Classic Infrastructure Users must have Read
permissions on the bucket to examine a lifecycle policy from a bucket.
Header | Type | Description |
Content-MD5 |
String | Required: The base64 encoded 128-bit MD5 hash of the payload, which is used as an integrity check to ensure that the payload wasn't altered in transit. |
{: http} |
Syntax {: http}
GET https://{endpoint}/{bucket}?lifecycle # path style
GET https://{bucket}.{endpoint}?lifecycle # virtual host style
{: caption="Example 5. Note the use of slashes and dots in this example of syntax." caption-side="bottom"} {: codeblock} {: http}
Example Header Request {: http}
GET /images?lifecycle HTTP/1.1
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2018 17:50:00 GMT
Authorization: authorization string
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-MD5: M625BaNwd/OytcM7O5gIaQ==
Content-Length: 305
{: codeblock} {: caption="Example 6. Request header samples for creating an object lifecycle configuration." caption-side="bottom"} {: http}
Using the {{}} SDKs only requires calling the appropriate functions with the correct parameters and proper configuration. {: javascript}
var aws = require('ibm-cos-sdk');
var ep = new aws.Endpoint('');
var config = {
endpoint: ep,
apiKeyId: 'ZRZDoNoUseOLL7bRO8SAMPLEHPUzUL_-fsampleyYE',
ibmAuthEndpoint: '',
serviceInstanceId: 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/<CREDENTIAL_ID_AS_GENERATED>:<SERVICE_ID_AS_GENERATED>::',
var s3 = new aws.S3(config);
var params = {
Bucket: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
s3.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
else console.log(data); // successful response
{: codeblock} {: javascript}
import sys
import ibm_boto3
from ibm_botocore.client import Config
api_key = "ZRZDoNoUseOLL7bRO8SAMPLEHPUzUL_-fsampleyYE"
service_instance_id = "85SAMPLE-eDOb-4NOT-bUSE-86nnnb31eaxx"
auth_endpoint = ""
service_endpoint = ""
cos = ibm_boto3.resource('s3',
response = cos.Bucket('<name-of-bucket>').get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration(
print("Bucket lifecyle: {0}".format(response))
{: codeblock} {: python}
Using the {{}} SDKs only requires calling the appropriate functions with the correct parameters and proper configuration.
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class App
private static AmazonS3 _cosClient;
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args)
SDKGlobalConfiguration.IAM_ENDPOINT = "";
String bucketName = "<sample-bucket-name>";
String api_key = "ZRZDoNoUseOLL7bRO8SAMPLEHPUzUL_-fsampleyYE";
String service_instance_id = "85SAMPLE-eDOb-4NOT-bUSE-86nnnb31eaxx"
String endpoint_url = "";
String storageClass = "us-south";
String location = "us";
_cosClient = createClient(api_key, service_instance_id, endpoint_url, location);
// Use the client to read the configuration
BucketLifecycleConfiguration config = _cosClient.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration(bucketName);
* @param bucketName
* @param clientNum
* @param api_key
* @param service_instance_id
* @param endpoint_url
* @param location
* @return AmazonS3
public static AmazonS3 createClient(String api_key, String service_instance_id, String endpoint_url, String location)
AWSCredentials credentials;
credentials = new BasicIBMOAuthCredentials(api_key, service_instance_id);
ClientConfiguration clientConfig = new ClientConfiguration().withRequestTimeout(5000);
AmazonS3 cosClient = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard().withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials))
.withEndpointConfiguration(new EndpointConfiguration(endpoint_url, location)).withPathStyleAccessEnabled(true)
return cosClient;
{: codeblock} {: java} {: caption="Example 2. Code samples showing inspection of lifecycle configuration." caption-side="bottom"}
{: #expiry-api-delete}
This implementation of the DELETE
operation uses the lifecycle
query parameter to examine lifecycle settings for the bucket. All lifecycle rules associated with the bucket will be deleted. Transitions defined by the rules will no longer take place for new objects. However, existing transition rules will be maintained for objects that were already written to the bucket before the rules were deleted. Expiration Rules will no longer exist. An HTTP 404
response will be returned if no lifecycle configuration is present.
{: http}
Cloud IAM users must have the Writer
role to remove a lifecycle policy from a bucket.
Classic Infrastructure Users must have Owner
permissions on the bucket to remove a lifecycle policy from a bucket.
Syntax {: http}
DELETE https://{endpoint}/{bucket}?lifecycle # path style
DELETE https://{bucket}.{endpoint}?lifecycle # virtual host style
{: caption="Example 7. Note the use of slashes and dots in this example of syntax." caption-side="bottom"} {: codeblock} {: http}
Example Header Request {: http}
DELETE /images?lifecycle HTTP/1.1
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2018 17:50:00 GMT
Authorization: authorization string
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 305
{: codeblock} {: caption="Example 8. Request header samples for creating an object lifecycle configuration." caption-side="bottom"} {: http}
Using the {{}} SDKs only requires calling the appropriate functions with the correct parameters and proper configuration. {: javascript}
var aws = require('ibm-cos-sdk');
var ep = new aws.Endpoint('');
var config = {
endpoint: ep,
apiKeyId: 'ZRZDoNoUseOLL7bRO8SAMPLEHPUzUL_-fsampleyYE',
ibmAuthEndpoint: '',
serviceInstanceId: 'crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/<CREDENTIAL_ID_AS_GENERATED>:<SERVICE_ID_AS_GENERATED>::',
var s3 = new aws.S3(config);
var params = {
Bucket: 'STRING_VALUE' /* required */
s3.deleteBucketLifecycleConfiguration(params, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.log(err, err.stack); // an error occurred
else console.log(data); // successful response
{: codeblock} {: javascript}
Using the {{}} SDKs only requires calling the appropriate functions with the correct parameters and proper configuration.
import sys
import ibm_boto3
from ibm_botocore.client import Config
api_key = "ZRZDoNoUseOLL7bRO8SAMPLEHPUzUL_-fsampleyYE"
service_instance_id = "85SAMPLE-eDOb-4NOT-bUSE-86nnnb31eaxx"
auth_endpoint = ""
service_endpoint = ""
cos = ibm_boto3.resource('s3',
response = cos.Bucket('<name-of-bucket>').delete_bucket_lifecycle_configuration(
print("Bucket lifecyle: {0}".format(response))
{: codeblock} {: python}
Using the {{}} SDKs only requires calling the appropriate functions with the correct parameters and proper configuration. {: java}
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class App
private static AmazonS3 _cosClient;
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args)
SDKGlobalConfiguration.IAM_ENDPOINT = "";
String bucketName = "<sample-bucket-name>";
String api_key = "ZRZDoNoUseOLL7bRO8SAMPLEHPUzUL_-fsampleyYE";
String service_instance_id = "85SAMPLE-eDOb-4NOT-bUSE-86nnnb31eaxx"
String endpoint_url = "";
String storageClass = "us-south";
String location = "us";
_cosClient = createClient(api_key, service_instance_id, endpoint_url, location);
// Delete the configuration.
// Verify that the configuration has been deleted by attempting to retrieve it.
config = _cosClient.getBucketLifecycleConfiguration(bucketName);
String s = (config == null) ? "Configuration has been deleted." : "Configuration still exists.";
* @param bucketName
* @param clientNum
* @param api_key
* @param service_instance_id
* @param endpoint_url
* @param location
* @return AmazonS3
public static AmazonS3 createClient(String api_key, String service_instance_id, String endpoint_url, String location)
AWSCredentials credentials;
credentials = new BasicIBMOAuthCredentials(api_key, service_instance_id);
ClientConfiguration clientConfig = new ClientConfiguration().withRequestTimeout(5000);
AmazonS3 cosClient = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard().withCredentials(new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials))
.withEndpointConfiguration(new EndpointConfiguration(endpoint_url, location)).withPathStyleAccessEnabled(true)
return cosClient;
{: codeblock} {: java} {: caption="Example 3. Code samples showing deletion of lifecycle configuration." caption-side="bottom"}
{: #expiry-next-steps}
Expiration is just one of many lifecycle concepts available for {{}}. Each of the concepts we've covered in this overview can be explored further at the {{}} Platform.