- Runs Test Cases (which are collectively formed into Use Cases) for Search, Batch Jobs, Build Server and Reports Tabs.
- Runs on browsers (Firefox, Chrome).
- Each Tab can launch a new browser and execute the steps. Methods in a Use Case denote a “Test Case”.
- Results are logged in report output with Green indicating 'Pass' and Red as 'Failed'.
- Tests run on Windows as well as Linux (RHEL).
- Use Cases can be run as a Test Suite.
Front End Testing -
- Automation covers tests for all the Functionalities of AutoPort tool from the GUI perspective.
Back End Testing -
- Server Side Testing i.e. testing for responses, or API testing is not covered as part of Automation.
- Java (1.7)
- Install Java (JDK + JRE). Java will be used as a programming language to write tests in Selenium.
- Eclipse (Luna 4.x) (in case you are using an IDE to run automation)
- Configure build path in Eclipse to include jars for Selenium. Eclipse is used as an IDE to automate and run test cases.
- Selenium WebDriver (2.47)
- Download latest Selenium driver from the link http://www.seleniumhq.org/download/. This readme document is created with Selenium driver version 2.47.0.
- Extract the contents from the zip folder for Selenium 2.47.0. Selenium is used as an automation tool.
- TestNG (6.8)
- Testing Framework is used to automate tests in Selenium. TestNG is available as a plugin in Eclipse.
To run Automation -
- Using IDE :
- Import project 'test_automation' to the IDE workspace.
- Copy folowing library files or jars into test_automation/library_files directory:
- all files from selenium2.47/libs directory
- selenium-java-2.47.1*.jar (2)files from selenium2.47 directory
- opencsv-3.6.jar is available on internet
- Reload Library Files : Right click 'test_automation' project, Build Path -> Configure Build Path -> Add External Jars.
- Navigate to the 'library_files' folder and select all files.
- On Package Explorer, edit 'test_automation'-> '.xml' file or 'AllSuites.xml' to run test cases.
- Right click above xml, select 'Run As' -> 'TestNG Suite'.
- Edit 'test_automation'-> 'config.properties' to configure data.
- Test cases listed in the selected xml will run for the browser selected.
- Using command prompt: -Ensure that folowing library files or jars are copied into test_automation/library_files directory.
- all files from selenium2.47/libs directory
- selenium-java-2.47.1*.jar (2)files from selenium2.47 directory
- opencsv-3.6.jar is available on internet
- Set CLASSPATH variable : export CLASSPATH= $CLASSPATH:/test_automation/bin/:/test_automation/library_files/*
- Run the relevant/combined TestNG suite file: java org.testng.TestNG batchJobs.xml (OR AllSuites.xml)
To view Results –
- Using IDE :
- Automation test results are stored in a result file.
- On the Package Explorer, open 'test-output' -> 'index.html' in Web Browser format OR
- On the console, click on the option 'Open TestNG Report'.
- Test Case wise results are available. Green indicates 'PASS' and Red indicates 'FAIL'.
- Using Command prompt:
- Navigate to test automation folder. /test_automation/test-output
- Open 'index.html' in Web Browser format.