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+# Kubernetes Scalability thresholds
+## Background
+Since 1.6 release Kubernetes officially supports 5000-node clusters. However,
+the question is what that actually means. As of early Q3 2017 we are in the
+process of defining set of performance-related SLIs ([Service Level Indicators])
+and SLOs ([Service Level Objectives]).
+However, no matter what SLIs and SLOs we have, there will always be some users
+coming and saying that their cluster is not meeting the SLOs. And in most cases
+it appears that the reason behind is that we (as developers) have silently
+assumed something (e.g. there will be no more than 10000 services in the
+cluster) and users were not aware of that.
+This document is trying to explicitly summarize limits for the number of objects
+in the system that we are aware of and state if we will try to relax them in the
+future or not.
+## Kubernetes thresholds
+We start with explicit definition of quantities and thresholds we assume are
+satisfied in the cluster. This is followed by an explanations for some of those.
+Important notes about the numbers:
+1. In most cases, exceeding these thresholds doesn’t mean that the cluster
+ fails over - it just means that its overall performance degrades.
+1. **Some thresholds below (e.g. total number of all objects, or total number of
+ pods or namespaces) are given for the largest possible cluster. For smaller
+ clusters, the limits are proportionally lower.**
+1. The thresholds obviously differ between different Kubernetes releases
+ (hopefully each of them is non-decreasing). The numbers we present are for
+ the current release (Kubernetes 1.7 release).
+1. There are a lot of factors that influence the thresholds, e.g. etcd version
+ or storage data format. For each of those we assume the default from the
+ release to avoid providing numbers for huge number of combinations of those.
+1. The “Head threshold” is representing the status of Kubernetes head. This
+ column should be snapshotted at every release to produce per-release
+ thresholds (and dedicated column for each release should then be added).
+| Quantity | Head threshold | 1.8 release | Long term goal |
+| Total number of all objects | 250000 | | 1000000 |
+| Number of nodes | 5000 | | 5000 |
+| Number of pods | 150000 | | 500000 |
+| Number of pods per node1 | 100 | | 100 |
+| Number of pods per core1 | 10 | | 10 |
+| Number of namespaces (ns) | 10000 | | 100000 |
+| Number of pods per ns | 15000 | | 50000 |
+| Number of services | 10000 | | 100000 |
+| Number of all services backends | TBD | | 500000 |
+| Number of backends per service | 5000 | | 5000 |
+| Number of deployments per ns | 20000 | | 10000 |
+| Number of pods per deployment | TBD | | 10000 |
+| Number of jobs per ns | TBD | | 1000 |
+| Number of daemon sets per ns | TBD | | 100 |
+| Number of stateful sets per ns | TBD | | 100 |
+| Number of secrets per ns | TBD | | TBD |
+| Number of secrets per pod | TBD | | TBD |
+| Number of config maps per ns | TBD | | TBD |
+| Number of config maps per pod | TBD | | TBD |
+| Number of storageclasses | TBD | | TBD |
+| Number of roles and rolebindings | TBD | | TBD |
+There are also thresholds for other types, but for those the numbers depend
+also on the environment (bare metal or which cloud provider) the cluster is
+running in. These include:
+| Quantity | Head threshold | 1.8 release | Long term goal |
+| Number of ingresses | TBD | | TBD |
+| Number of PersistentVolumes | TBD | | TBD |
+| Number of PersistentVolumeClaims per ns | TBD | | TBD |
+| Number of PersistentVolumeClaims per node | TBD | | TBD |
+The rationale for some of those numbers:
+1. Total number of objects
+There is a limitation on the total number of objects on the system, as this
+affects among others etcd and its resource consumption.
+1. Number of nodes
+We believe that having clusters with more than 5000 nodes is not the best
+option and users should consider splitting into multiple clusters. However,
+we may consider bumping the long term goal at some time in the future.
+1. Number of services and endpoints
+Each service port and each service backend has a corresponding entry in
+iptables. Number of backends of a given service impact the size of the
+`Endpoints` objects, which impacts size of data that is being sent all over
+the system.
+1. Number of objects of a given type per namespace
+This holds for different objects (pods, secrets, deployments, ...). There are
+a number of control loops in the system that need to iterate over all objects
+in a given namespace as a reaction to some changes in state. Having large
+number of objects of a given type in a single namespace can make those loops
+expensive and slow down processing given state changes.
+1 The limit for number of pods on a given node is in fact minimum from the “pod per node” and “pods per core times number of cores of a node”.
+[Service Level Indicators]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_level_indicator
+[Service Level Objectives]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_level_objective