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Faroe Plateau

ICES. 2018. Report of the North Western Working Group (NWWG). ICES CM 2018/ACOM:09.

csv unit table info
catage 000s 4.2.6 Catch in numbers at age
fatage yr-1 4.6.2 Fishing mortality at age
maturity prop 4.2.8 Proportion mature at age
natage 000s 4.6.3 Stock number at age
natmort yr-1 -
wcatch kg 4.2.7 Stock weights are set equal to catch weights
wstock kg 4.2.7 Stock weights are set equal to catch weights

Georges Bank

NEFSC. 2013. 55th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (55th SAW). NEFSC Ref Doc 13-11.

csv unit table info
catage 000s B12a Catch at age
fatage yr-1 B23b1 Fishing mortality at age
maturity prop B16 Maturity ogives
natage 000s B23b2 Stock numbers at age
natmort yr-1 p675 Natural mortality was assumed to be 0.2
wcatch kg B12c Catch mean weight at age
wstock kg B17a Stock weights at age


ICES. 2018. Report of the North Western Working Group (NWWG). ICES CM 2018/ACOM:09.

csv unit table info
catage 000s 15.2.4 Commercial landings in numbers
fatage yr-1 15.7.1 Fishing mortality-at-age
maturity prop -
natage 000s -
natmort yr-1 -
wcatch kg -
wstock kg -

Gulf of Maine

NEFSC. 2017. Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod 2017 assessment update report supplemental information. Draft working paper.

csv unit table info
catage 000s 21 Catch-at-age
fatage yr-1 33 Fishing mortality-at-age from the M=0.2 model
maturity prop 37 Inputs to the YPR calculations for the M=0.2 model
natage 000s 35 Numbers-at-age from the M=0.2 model
natmort yr-1 37 Inputs to the YPR calculations for the M=0.2 model
wcatch kg 22 Weights-at-age of the total catch
wstock kg 23 Spawning stock weights-at-age

Gulf of Maine 2013

NEFSC. 2013. 55th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop (55th SAW). NEFSC Ref Doc 13-11.

csv unit table info
catage 000s A.48 Catch-at-age
fatage yr-1 A.87 Fishing mortality-at-age from the M=0.2 model
maturity prop A.93 Inputs to the YPR analysis for the M=0.2 model
natage 000s A.88 Numbers-at-age from the M=0.2 model
natmort yr-1 A.93 Inputs to the YPR analysis for the M=0.2 model
wcatch kg A.49 Weights-at-age of the total catch
wstock kg A.50 Spawning stock weights-at-age


ICES. 2018. Report of the North Western Working Group (NWWG). ICES CM 2018/ACOM:09.

csv unit table info
catage 000s 9.1 Catch in numbers (converted from millions)
fatage yr-1 9.11 Fishing mortality
maturity prop 9.5 Maturity at age
natage 000s 9.12 Numbers at age
natmort yr-1 -
wcatch kg 9.2 Weight at age in the landings
wstock kg 9.4 Weight at age in the spawning stock

NAFO 2J3KL (Northern cod)

Brattey et al. 2018. Assessment of the Northern cod (Gadus morhua) stock in NAFO Divisions 2J3KL in 2016. CSAS Res Doc 2018/018.

csv unit table info
catage 000s 10 Catch numbers-at-age
fatage yr-1 A2-5 F-at-age from the M-shift formulation of NCAM
maturity prop 18 Proportions mature
natage 000s A2-2 Abundance-at-age from the M-shift formulation of NCAM
natmort yr-1 A2-6 M-at-age from the M-shift formulation of NCAM
wcatch kg 11 Weights-at-age from commercial fisheries
wstock kg 15b Weight-at-age from bottom-trawl surveys

NAFO 3M (Flemish Cap)

González-Troncoso. 2018. Assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Division 3M. NAFO SCR Doc 18/042.

csv unit table info
catage 000s 2 Catch-at-age
fatage yr-1 8 F-at-age
maturity prop 6 Maturity at age
natage 000s 9 N at age
natmort yr-1 10 Posterior median for M
wcatch kg 3 Weight-at-age in catch
wstock kg 5 Weight-at-age in stock

NAFO 3M (Flemish Cap) 2015

González-Troncoso. 2015. Assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Division 3M. NAFO SCR Doc 15/033.

csv unit table info
catage 000s 2 Catch-at-age
fatage yr-1 9 F at age
maturity prop 7 Maturity at age
natage 000s 10 N at age
natmort yr-1 p6 Prior over natural mortality, M: median=0.218
wcatch kg 3 Weight-at-age in catch
wstock kg 6 Weight-at-age in stock

NAFO 3NO (Southern Grand Bank)

Rideout et al. 2018. An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Divisions 3NO. NAFO SCR Doc 18/028.

csv unit table info
catage 000s 4 Catch at age
fatage yr-1 22 Fishing mortality
maturity prop 19 Proportions mature
natage 000s 21 Population numbers
natmort yr-1 p4 Natural mortality was assumed to be 0.2
wcatch kg 5 Catch weight at age
wstock kg 23 Beginning of year weights at age from commercial catches

NAFO 3Ps (St Pierre Bank)

Rideout et al. 2017. Assessing the status of the cod (Gadus morhua) stock in NAFO Subdivision 3Ps in 2016. CSAS Res Doc 2017/063.

csv unit table info
catage 000s 5 Numbers-at-age (000s) for the commercial cod fishery
maturity prop 14 Proportions mature
wcatch kg 6a Weights-at-age from commercial fisheries
wstock kg 6b Beginning of year weights-at-age calculated from commercial weights-at-age

NE Arctic

ICES. 2018. Report of the Arctic Fisheries Working Group (AFWG). ICES CM 2018/ACOM:06.

csv unit table info
catage kg 3.6 Catch numbers-at-age
fatage yr-1 3.15 Fishing mortality
maturity prop 3.11 Proportion mature-at-age
natage 000s 3.16 Stock number-at-age
natmort yr-1 3.17 Natural mortality
wcatch kg 3.8 Catch weights at age
wstock kg 3.9 Stock weights at age

North Sea

ICES. 2018. Provisional report of the Working Group on Assessment of Demersal Stocks in the North Sea and Skagerrak (WGNSSK). Draft report.

csv unit table info
catage 000s 4.2c Catch numbers at age
fatage yr-1 4.8 Estimated fishing mortality at age
maturity prop 4.5a Proportion mature by age
natage 000s 4.9 Numbers at age
natmort yr-1 4.5b Natural mortality by age
wcatch yr-1 4.3c Catch weights at age, also assumed to represent stock weights at age
wcatch yr-1 4.3c Catch weights at age, also assumed to represent stock weights at age

Norwegian coastal

ICES. 2018. Report of the Arctic Fisheries Working Group (AFWG). ICES CM 2018/ACOM:06.

csv unit table info
catage kg 2.1c Catch number at age
fatage yr-1 2.14a Fishing mortalities from XSA trial run
maturity prop 2.13c Proportion mature
natage 000s 2.14b Population numbers from XSA trial run
natmort yr-1 p65 Natural mortality of 0.2 has been assumed in the assessment
wcatch kg 2.13b Catch weights
wstock kg 2.13a Stock weight

Western Baltic

ICES. 2018. Report of the Baltic Fisheries Assessment Working Group (WGBFAS). ICES CM 2018/ACOM:11.

csv unit table info
catage 000s 2.3.14 Catch at age
fatage yr-1 2.3.24 Fishing mortality at age
maturity prop 2.3.19 Proportion mature at age
natage 000s 2.3.23 Stock numbers at age
natmort yr-1 2.3.20 Natural mortality at age
wcatch kg 2.3.17 Weight at age in catch
wstock kg 2.3.18 Weight at age in stock


series url
CSAS Res Doc