- Redmond, WA
- http://codepyre.com
idavis / ironfoundry
Forked from ademar/ironfoundryvcap modifications for ASP.NET
idavis / LinqToAwait
Forked from anaisbetts/LinqToAwaitA Task-based LINQ designed to work with async/await
idavis / psake
Forked from psake/psakeA build automation tool... now with less XML...
idavis / DreamNJasmine
Forked from fschwiet/DreamNJasmineA DSL for writing tests as Given/When/Then specifications, inspired by Jasmine.
idavis / psake-contrib
Forked from psake/psake-contribContrib project for psake extensions
idavis / DownmarkerWPF
Forked from Code52/DownmarkerWPFA WPF Port of Downmarker - a visual Markdown editor.
JavaScript Koans is an interactive learning environment that uses failing tests to introduce students to aspects of JavaScript in a logical sequence.
idavis / Giles
Forked from codereflection/Gilesa continuous testing tool for .NET applications
idavis / NSpec
Forked from nspec/NSpecNSpec is a BDD framework for .NET of the xSpec (context/specification) flavor. NSpec is intended to be used to drive development through specifying behavior at the unit level. NSpec is heavily insp…
continuoustests / AutoTest.Net
Forked from acken/AutoTest.NetAutoTest.NET is a tool for automatically running builds and test in the background when code changes. This practice gives you immediate feedback and helps facilitate real test driven development.
idavis / ruby_koans
Forked from spatten/ruby_koansA set of Koans to teach the Ruby language
idavis / main
Forked from IronLanguages/mainImplementations of Python and Ruby programming languages for .NET Framework that are built on top of the Dynamic Language Runtime.
idavis / Pester
Forked from pester/PesterPowershell BDD style testing framework
idavis / posh-git
Forked from dahlbyk/posh-gitA PowerShell environment for Git