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🔨 Hands-on: Collaboration using Issues, Discussions, and Pages

In this hands-on lab you will practice to work with GitHub Issues, Discussions, and Pages. You will practice working with markdown, learn about issue templates and rendering markdown as a web page. The lab consists of the following parts:

Working with Issues and Templates

  1. Create and Issue and add markdown elements (get help here):

    1. Mention a person or team (using @)
    2. Add a syntax-highlighted code block
    3. Add a flow chart
    4. Add a pin to a location (geojson)
  2. Nesting issues:

    1. Apply a label Epic to the issue
    2. Add three tasks to the issue and convert them to issues
    3. Mark them with the label Feature
    4. Add two tasks to each feature and convert them to issues
    5. Mark them with the label Story (use bulk edit!)
  3. Issue templates

    1. Create a file .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
    2. Disable blank issues
    3. Add an additional URL that points to a new discussion
    blank_issues_enabled: false
      - name: 👥 Discussions
        about: Please use discussions for issues that are not a bug, enhancement or feature request
    1. Add a template for a bug report (.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
    2. Assign bugs to yourself and add labels bug and unplanned to bugs
    3. Prefix the title with [Bug]: and add some sample markdown.
    name: 🐞 Bug report
    about: Create a report to help us improve
    title: '[Bug]:'
    labels: [bug, unplanned]
      - wulfland
    **Describe the bug**
    A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
    **To Reproduce**
    Steps to reproduce the behavior:
    1. Go to '...'
    2. Click on '....'
    3. Scroll down to '....'
    4. See error
    1. Add a custom template file .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/custom.yml
    2. Add a required input with a placeholder text and a label, a textarea, a single select dropdown, a multi select dropdown, and a checkbox
    name: 💡 Custom Issue Form
    description: A custom form with different fields
      - type: input
        id: contact
          label: Contact Details
          description: How can we get in touch with you if we need more info?
          placeholder: ex. [email protected]
          required: false
      - type: textarea
        id: what-happened
          label: What happened?
          description: Also tell us, what did you expect to happen?
          placeholder: Tell us what you see!
          value: "Tell us what you think"
          required: true
      - type: dropdown
        id: version
          label: Version
          description: What version of our software are you running?
            - 1.0.2 (Default)
            - 1.0.3 (Edge)
            - 1.0.4 (Something)
          required: true
      - type: dropdown
        id: browsers
          label: What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
          multiple: true
            - Firefox
            - Chrome
            - Safari
            - Microsoft Edge
      - type: checkboxes
        id: terms
          label: Code of Conduct
          description: By submitting this issue, you agree to follow our [Code of Conduct](
            - label: I agree to follow this project's Code of Conduct
              required: true
    1. Verify your issue template and create a bug and an issue from the custom template

Participating in Discussions

  1. Ask a question in discussions and answer it (mark it as answered)
  2. Create a poll
  3. Create an announcement
  4. Pin the question and the announcement to discussion
  5. See here for ideas

Rendering markdonw as HTML with GitHub Pages

  1. Create a markdown file hand add metadata layout: home amd some sample markdown
layout: home

This is the the homepage ``
  1. Enbale Pages in your repository (main branch - folder /(root) and see your new homepage
Solution image
  1. Add a file _config.yml and configure pages to use the minima theme.
title: GitHub Bootcamp
description: >-
  This is is a sample Jekyll website that is hosted in GitHub Pages.
  It is used in the `GitHub Bootcamp` workshop from @wulfland
twitter_username: mike_kaufmann
github_username: wulfland
theme: minima
markdown: kramdown


In this hands-on lab you've practiced to work with GitHub Issues, Discussions, and Pages. Please continue with Portfolio and project management.