Unofficial Sphero JS API for V2 Robots. This API will work with V2 robots like mini, mcqueen, r2d2, bolt. Basic movements operations are working. Sensor reading is experimental as we still need to interpret the data.
- Mini
- R2D2
- Bolt
- Lighting McQueen
- BB9e
const { Scanner, Utils } = require('spherov2.js');
const makeItBlink = async () => {
const sphero = await Scanner.findSpheroMini();
if (!sphero) return console.log('sphero mini not available!');
while (true) {
await sphero.setMainLedColor(255, 0, 0);
await Utils.wait(200);
await sphero.setMainLedColor(255, 255, 0);
await Utils.wait(200);
await sphero.setMainLedColor(0, 255, 0);
await Utils.wait(200);
await sphero.setMainLedColor(0, 255, 255);
await Utils.wait(200);
await sphero.setMainLedColor(0, 0, 255);
await Utils.wait(200);
await sphero.setMainLedColor(255, 0, 255);
await Utils.wait(200);
const { Scanner, Utils } = require('spherov2.js');
const makeItRoll = async () => {
const sphero = await Scanner.findSpheroMini();
if (!sphero) return console.log('sphero mini not available!');
const speed = 100;
const headingInDegrees = 0;
const timeToRollInMilliseconds = 2000;
const flags = [];
await sphero.rollTime(speed, headingInDegrees, timeToRollInMilliseconds, flags);