To expose full data set of a Geode region as a Spark
RDD, call gemfireRegion
method on the SparkContext object.
val rdd = sc.gemfireRegion("region path")
Or with specific GemfireConectionConf
object instance (see
Connecting to Geode for how to create GemfireConectionConf):
val rdd = sc.gemfireRegion("region path", connConf)
Geode has two region types: replicated, and partitioned region. Replicated region has full dataset on each server, while partitioned region has its dataset spanning upon multiple servers, and may have duplicates for high availability.
Since replicated region has its full dataset available on every
server, there is only one RDD partition for a GemFireRegionRDD
represents a replicated region.
For a GemFireRegionRDD
that represents a partitioned region, there are
many potential ways to create RDD partitions. So far, we have
implemented ServerSplitsPartitioner, which will split the bucket set
on each Geode server into two RDD partitions by default.
The number of splits is configurable, the following shows how to set
three partitions per Geode server:
import io.pivotal.gemfire.spark.connector._
val opConf = Map(PreferredPartitionerPropKey -> ServerSplitsPartitionerName,
NumberPartitionsPerServerPropKey -> "3")
val rdd1 = sc.gemfireRegion[String, Int]("str_int_region", opConf = opConf)
// or
val rdd2 = sc.gemfireRegion[String, Int]("str_int_region", connConf, opConf)
Server-side filtering allow exposing partial dataset of a Geode region as a RDD, this reduces the amount of data transferred from Geode to Spark to speed up processing.
val rdd = sc.gemfireRegion("<region path>").where("<where clause>")
The above call is translated to OQL query select key, value from /<region path>.entries where <where clause>
, then
the query is executed for each RDD partition. Note: the RDD partitions are created the same way as described in the
section above.
In the following demo, javabean class Emp
is used, it has 5 attributes: id
, lname
, fname
, age
, and loc
In order to make Emp
class available on Geode servers, we need to deploy a jar file that contains Emp
now build the emp.jar
, deploy it and create region emps
in gfsh
zip $CONNECTOR/gemfire-spark-demos/basic-demos/target/scala-2.10/basic-demos_2.10-0.5.0.jar \
-i "demo/Emp.class" --out $CONNECTOR/emp.jar
gfsh> deploy --jar=<path to connector project>/emp.jar
gfsh> create region --name=emps --type=PARTITION
Note: The Emp.class
is availble in basic-demos_2.10-0.5.0.jar
. But that jar file depends on many scala and spark
classes that are not available on Geode servers' classpath. So use the above zip
command to create a jar file that
only contains Emp.class
Now in Spark shell, generate some random Emp
records, and save them to region emps
(remember to add emp.jar
Spark shell classpath before starting Spark shell):
import io.pivotal.gemfire.spark.connector._
import scala.util.Random
import demo.Emp
val lnames = List("Smith", "Johnson", "Jones", "Miller", "Wilson", "Taylor", "Thomas", "Lee", "Green", "Parker", "Powell")
val fnames = List("John", "James", "Robert", "Paul", "George", "Kevin", "Jason", "Jerry", "Peter", "Joe", "Alice", "Sophia", "Emma", "Emily")
val locs = List("CA", "WA", "OR", "NY", "FL")
def rpick(xs: List[String]): String = xs(Random.nextInt(xs.size))
val d1 = (1 to 20).map(x => new Emp(x, rpick(lnames), rpick(fnames), 20+Random.nextInt(41), rpick(locs))).toArray
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(d1)
rdd1.saveToGemfire("emps", e => (e.getId, e))
Now create a RDD that contains all employees whose age is less than 40, and display its contents:
val rdd1s = sc.gemfireRegion("emps").where("value.getAge() < 40")
(5,Emp(5, Taylor, Robert, 32, FL))
(14,Emp(14, Smith, Jason, 28, FL))
(7,Emp(7, Jones, Robert, 26, WA))
(17,Emp(17, Parker, John, 20, WA))
(2,Emp(2, Thomas, Emily, 22, WA))
(10,Emp(10, Lee, Alice, 31, OR))
(4,Emp(4, Wilson, James, 37, CA))
(15,Emp(15, Powell, Jason, 34, NY))
(3,Emp(3, Lee, Sophia, 32, OR))
(9,Emp(9, Johnson, Sophia, 25, OR))
(6,Emp(6, Miller, Jerry, 30, NY))