- The machine will boot from the .iso disk
- Select Install to start the Debian installation process.
- Choose language: English.
- Choose localization: other/Europe/Spain.
- Choose locale: en_US.UTF-8
- Choose Keyboard layout: Spanish.
- Select hostname: isojo-go42.
- Leave the domain name blank.
- Introduce the root password. Write down this password for the evaluation!
- Create the first user, which is the isojo-go: first full name, then username and then password. Write everything down for evaluation!
- Select clock: Madrid
For further background on the Linux Filesystem and why the partitioning, see partitions_info.
The bonus partition table will be followed.
- Select Manual
- Choose the hard disk (sda)
- Create new partition table
- Choose free space
- Create new partition
- Define Size (500MB)
- Partition type: Primary
- Locate the partition at the beginning of the drive
- Mount point: /boot
- Bootable flag: on (this is not mandatory)
- Locate the partition at the beginning of the drive
- Partition type: Primary
- Define Size (500MB)
- Create new partition
- Choose free space
- Create new partition
- Define Size (max)
- Partition type: logic
- Mount point: DO NOT MOUNT
- Partition type: logic
- Define Size (max)
- Create new partition
- Select Configure Encrypted Volumes
- Save changes: YES
- Select sda5 (using space bar to actually “select” the partition)
- Select Finish / Select Done / Wait for the encryption to take place
- Select sda5 (using space bar to actually “select” the partition)
- Save changes: YES
- Enter encryption password (twice)
- Select Configure LVM
- Save changes: YES
- Create volume group
- Introduce group name: LVMGroup
- Select /dev/mapper/sda5_crypt
- Introduce group name: LVMGroup
- Create volume group
- Save changes: YES
- Create logic volume
sda5_crypt 30G:
- root: 10G
- swap: 2.3G
- home: 5G
- var: 3G
- srv: 3G
- tmp: 3G
- var-log: 4G
- Check volumes
- Configure Volumes (each /xxxx):
- Ext4 journaling file system (except for SWAP)
- Mount point: /xxxx
- Finish partition
- Finish partitioning
- Write changes to disk (overwrite)
- Select country: Spain
- Select mirror: deb.debian.org
- Left blank HTTP proxy
- Select not to take part on survey
- Software selection: Uncheck all items (using space bar)
- Agree to install grub in sda
- Finish and reboot
- Introduce encryption password
- Login as “root”
- Update package list and Upgrade system
apt update
apt upgrade
- Reboot