Only execute specific benchmark(s) (wildcards are added before and after):
../gradlew jmh --include="(BenchmarkPrimary|OtherBench)"
If you want to specify the wildcards yourself, you can pass the full regexp:
../gradlew jmh --fullInclude=.*MyBenchmark.*
Specify extra profilers:
../gradlew jmh --profilers="gc,stack"
Prominent profilers (for full list call jmhProfilers
- comp - JitCompilations, tune your iterations
- stack - which methods used most time
- gc - print garbage collection stats
- hs_thr - thread usage
Change report format from JSON to one of [CSV, JSON, NONE, SCSV, TEXT]:
./gradlew jmh --format=csv
Specify JVM arguments:
../gradlew jmh --jvmArgs="-Dtest.cluster=local"
Run in verification mode (execute benchmarks with minimum of fork/warmup-/benchmark-iterations):
../gradlew jmh --verify=true
If you wish you run two sets of benchmarks, one for the current change and another one for the "baseline",
there is an additional task jmhBaseline
that will use the latest release:
../gradlew jmh jmhBaseline --include=MyBenchmark