Youtify is a web app that showcases a Spotify user's playlists and the songs in them. I made this app to learn how to use Spotify API within a full stack application.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Setup
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- Your music activity, all the time!
- Youtify is for all music lovers!
- I orginally designed this project to automate the process of creating playlists in Spotify
- React.js
- Express.js
- PostgreSQL
- Node.js
- Bootstap
- Spotify Web API
- oAuth
- About the App
- List of personal playlists from API
- User Login
- Youtify News
- Search Bar
- Contact Form
User must have a Spotify account to use the application. If user doesn't have an account here are the credentials to an example account:
username: 31glmt6phyq7matkdg35ymwfcy5y password: eXample01234
Project is: in progress
Room for improvement:
- Add sorting functionality to songs to sort them according to mood
- Add more data to database for news feature
To do:
- Complete contents of the footer
- About the App
Created by Presh Worthy