envied Public
Forked from eval/enviedEnsures presence and type of your app's ENV-variables
sage Public
Minimal authorization library
recipes Public
Forked from amberframework/recipesCode recipes for Amber Framework
asu_git_5125 Public
Forked from sampletextuser/asu_git_5125Лабка
minimagick Public
Forked from minimagick/minimagickmini replacement for RMagick
minitest.cr Public
Forked from ysbaddaden/minitest.crTest Unit for the Crystal programming language
glushkov Public
Extended mathematical shard
cells Public
Forked from trailblazer/cellsView components for Ruby and Rails.
Ruby UpdatedApr 20, 2017 -
awesome-crystal Public
Forked from veelenga/awesome-crystal💎 A collection of awesome Crystal libraries, tools, frameworks and software
spec2.cr Public
Forked from waterlink/spec2.crEnhanced `spec` testing library for [Crystal](http://crystal-lang.org/).
Crystal MIT License UpdatedFeb 13, 2017 -
hydrogel Public
Ruby Elasticsearch query builder
aasm.cr Public
Forked from veelenga/aasm.cr🔃 Easy to use finite state machine for Crystal classes
change-api Public
Just simple rails-api application for change coins and bancnotes
amoeba Public
Forked from amoeba-rb/amoebaA ruby gem to allow the copying of ActiveRecord objects and their associated children, configurable with a DSL on the model