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.. |HCE| replace:: :abbr:`HCE (host card emulation)`

.. _acardemulator:

Android Smart Card Emulator

.. sidebar:: Summary

    Use an Android phone as contact-less smart card

        `Frank Morgner <[email protected]>`_
        GPL version 3
    :Tested Platform:
        Android, CyanogenMod

The Android Smart Card Emulator allows the emulation of a contact-less smart card.
The emulator uses Android's |HCE| to fetch APDUs from a contact-less reader.
The app allows to process the Command APDUs either by delegating them to a
remote virtual smart card or by a built-in Java Card simulator. The response
APDUs are then returned to the smart card reader.

With the built-in Java Card runtime of jCardSim_ the app includes the follwoing

- `Hello World Applet`_ (application identifier ``F000000001``)
- `OpenPGP Applet`_ (application identifier ``D2760001240102000000000000010000``)
- `OATH Applet`_ (application identifier ``A000000527210101``)
- `ISO Applet`_ (application identifier ``F276A288BCFBA69D34F31001``)
- `GIDS Applet`_ (application identifier ``A000000397425446590201``)

The remote interface can be used together with the :ref:`vicc`, which allows
emulating the following cards:

- Generic ISO-7816 smart card
- German electronic identity card (nPA)
- Electronic passport

You may also attach your own simulation to the remote interface by implementing
a simple interface through a socket communication.

.. tikz:: Simulate a contact-less Java Card with Android Smart Card Emulator
    :libs: arrows, calc, fit, patterns, plotmarks, shapes.geometric, shapes.misc, shapes.symbols, shapes.arrows, shapes.callouts, shapes.multipart, shapes.gates.logic.US, shapes.gates.logic.IEC, er, automata, backgrounds, chains, topaths, trees, petri, mindmap, matrix, calendar, folding, fadings, through, positioning, scopes, decorations.fractals, decorations.shapes, decorations.text, decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.pathreplacing, decorations.footprints, decorations.markings, shadows

    \node (reader) {\includegraphics[width=3cm]{%(wd)s/bilder/my_cardreader.pdf}};
    \node [below=0cm of reader, kleiner] {Contact-less Reader};
    \node (phone) [right=1cm of reader] {\includegraphics[width=3cm]{%(wd)s/bilder/smartphone.pdf}};
    \node (app) [at=(] {\includegraphics[width=2.8cm, height=4.9cm]{%(wd)s/bilder/ACardEmulator.png}};

        \draw [rfid] ( -- (phone.west) ;

.. tikz:: Simulate a contact-less smart card with a remote virtual smart card
    :libs: arrows, calc, fit, patterns, plotmarks, shapes.geometric, shapes.misc, shapes.symbols, shapes.arrows, shapes.callouts, shapes.multipart, shapes.gates.logic.US, shapes.gates.logic.IEC, er, automata, backgrounds, chains, topaths, trees, petri, mindmap, matrix, calendar, folding, fadings, through, positioning, scopes, decorations.fractals, decorations.shapes, decorations.text, decorations.pathmorphing, decorations.pathreplacing, decorations.footprints, decorations.markings, shadows

    \node (reader) {\includegraphics[width=3cm]{%(wd)s/bilder/my_cardreader.pdf}};
    \node [below=0cm of reader, kleiner] {Contact-less Reader};
    \node (phone) [right=1cm of reader] {\includegraphics[width=3cm]{%(wd)s/bilder/smartphone.pdf}};
    \node (app) [at=(] {\includegraphics[width=2.8cm, height=4.9cm]{%(wd)s/bilder/ACardEmulator.png}};
    \node (vicc) [aktivbox, right=2cm of phone, kleiner] {\texttt{vicc --reversed}};

        \draw [rfid] ( -- (phone.west) ;
        \path[linie] (phone) edge node {\includegraphics[width=1.5cm]{%(wd)s/bilder/simplecloud.pdf}} (vicc) ;

The Android Smart Card Emulator has the following dependencies:

- NFC hardware built into the smartphone for |HCE|
- Android 4.4 "KitKat" (or newer) or CyanogenMod 11 (or newer)
- permissions for a data connection (communication with Virtual Smart Card) and
  for using NFC (communication to the reader); scanning the configuration via
  QR code requires permission to access the camera
- Virtual Smart Card :ref:`installed on the host computer<vicc_install>` for
  using the remote interface

For emulating a contact-less smart card with a desktop or notebook, have a look at :ref:`pcsc-relay`.

Please note that the currently emulated applets are verifying the PIN by
transmitting it without any protection between card and terminal. You may want
to have a look at `Erik Nellesson's
`Virtual Keycard`_, which uses the PACE protocol for PIN verification.

.. _acardemulator_install:

Download and Install

The Android Smart Card Emulator is available on F-Droid_.

.. qr code generated via

.. icon generated via

.. image:: acardemu-qrcode.png
    :alt: Android Smart Card Emulator on F-Droid
    :width: 265px
    :height: 265px

To manually compile the app you need to fetch the sources and initialize the

    git clone
    cd vsmartcard
    # fetch the applets that are in the submodules
    git submodule init
    git submodule update

We use `Android Studio`_ to build and deploy the application. Use
:menuselection:`File --> Open` to select :file:`vsmartcard/ACardEmulator`.
Attach your smartphone and choose :menuselection:`Run --> Run 'app'`.

.. include:: questions.txt

Notes and References

.. target-notes::

.. _jCardSim:
.. _Hello World Applet:
.. _OpenPGP Applet:
.. _OATH Applet:
.. _ISO Applet:
.. _GIDS Applet:
.. _Virtual Keycard:
.. _F-Droid:
.. _Android Studio: