By default, Asterisk exposes a number of ways to interact with a channel, all of which are described below.
All of the following objects should be accessed as part of the agi.core namespace, regardless of the modules in which they are defined.
.. data:: CHANNEL_DOWN_AVAILABLE Channel is down and available
.. data:: CHANNEL_DOWN_RESERVED Channel is down and reserved
.. data:: CHANNEL_OFFHOOK Channel is off-hook
.. data:: CHANNEL_DIALED A destination address has been specified
.. data:: CHANNEL_ALERTING The channel is locally ringing
.. data:: CHANNEL_REMOTE_ALERTING The channel is remotely ringing
.. data:: CHANNEL_UP The channel is connected
.. data:: CHANNEL_BUSY The channel is in a busy, non-conductive state
.. data:: FORMAT_SLN :noindex: Selects the `sln` audio format
.. data:: FORMAT_G723 :noindex: Selects the `g723` audio format
.. data:: FORMAT_G729 :noindex: Selects the `g729` audio format
.. data:: FORMAT_GSM :noindex: Selects the `gsm` audio format
.. data:: FORMAT_ALAW :noindex: Selects the `alaw` audio format
.. data:: FORMAT_ULAW :noindex: Selects the `ulaw` audio format
.. data:: FORMAT_VOX :noindex: Selects the `vox` audio format
.. data:: FORMAT_WAV :noindex: Selects the `wav` audio format
.. data:: LOG_DEBUG The Asterisk logging level equivalent to 'debug'
.. data:: LOG_INFO The Asterisk logging level equivalent to 'info'
.. data:: LOG_WARN The Asterisk logging level equivalent to 'warn'
.. data:: LOG_ERROR The Asterisk logging level equivalent to 'error'
.. data:: LOG_CRITICAL The Asterisk logging level equivalent to 'critical'
.. data:: TDD_ON Sets TDD to on
.. data:: TDD_OFF Sets TDD to off
.. data:: TDD_MATE Sets TDD to mate
.. autoclass:: agi.core.Answer
.. autoclass:: agi.core.ChannelStatus
.. autoclass:: agi.core.ControlStreamFile
.. autoclass:: agi.core.DatabaseDel
.. autoclass:: agi.core.DatabaseDeltree
.. autoclass:: agi.core.DatabaseGet
.. autoclass:: agi.core.DatabasePut
.. autoclass:: agi.core.Exec
.. autoclass:: agi.core.GetData
.. autoclass:: agi.core.GetFullVariable
.. autoclass:: agi.core.GetOption
.. autoclass:: agi.core.GetVariable
.. autoclass:: agi.core.Hangup
.. autoclass:: agi.core.Noop
.. autoclass:: agi.core.ReceiveChar
.. autoclass:: agi.core.ReceiveText
.. autoclass:: agi.core.RecordFile
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SayAlpha
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SayDate
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SayDatetime
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SayDigits
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SayNumber
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SayPhonetic
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SayTime
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SendImage
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SendText
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SetAutohangup
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SetCallerid
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SetContext
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SetExtension
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SetMusic
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SetPriority
.. autoclass:: agi.core.SetVariable
.. autoclass:: agi.core.StreamFile
.. autoclass:: agi.core.TDDMode
.. autoclass:: agi.core.Verbose
.. autoclass:: agi.core.WaitForDigit
.. autoexception:: agi.core.AGIDBError :show-inheritance: