A user agent class for Laravel 4, based on the CodeIgniter user agent library.
Add the package to your composer.json
or install manually.
"require": {
"jenssegers/agent": "*"
Run composer update to download and install the package.
Add the service provider in app/config/app.php
And add an alias:
'Agent' => 'Jenssegers\Agent\Facades\Agent',
This documentation is taken from http://ellislab.com/codeigniter/user-guide/libraries/user_agent.html
When the User Agent class is initialized it will attempt to determine whether the user agent browsing your site is a web browser, a mobile device, or a robot. It will also gather the platform information if it is available.
if (Agent::isBrowser())
$agent = Agent::browser() . ' ' . Agent::version();
elseif (Agent::isRobot())
$agent = Agent::robot();
elseif (Agent::isMobile())
$agent = Agent::mobile();
$agent = 'Unidentified User Agent';
echo $agent;
echo Agent::platform(); // Platform info (Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.)
Returns TRUE/FALSE (boolean) if the user agent is a known web browser.
if (Agent::isBrowser('Safari'))
echo 'You are using Safari.';
else if (Agent::isBrowser())
echo 'You are using a browser.';
Returns TRUE/FALSE (boolean) if the user agent is a known mobile device.
if (Agent::isMobile('iphone'))
else if (Agent::isMobile())
Returns TRUE/FALSE (boolean) if the user agent is a known robot.
Returns a string containing the name of the web browser viewing your site.
Returns a string containing the version number of the web browser viewing your site.
Returns a string containing the name of the mobile device viewing your site.
Returns a string containing the name of the robot viewing your site.
Returns a string containing the platform viewing your site (Linux, Windows, OS X, etc.).
Returns a string containing the full user agent string. Typically it will be something like this:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060613 Camino/1.0.2
Lets you determine if the user agent accepts a particular language. Example:
if (Agent::acceptLang('en'))
echo 'You accept English!';
Lets you determine if the user agent accepts a particular character set. Example:
if (Agent::acceptCharset('utf-8'))
echo 'You browser supports UTF-8!';