- Minor fixes to adjust the plugin to the latest API
- Rollup and Million for bundling
- React Upgrade
- Double Click Focus Feature
- Focus now also activates the folder in the file pane
- Folder Note Rename Handle - Rename also the file name under folder
- Create a new note command
- Reveal Leaf during initial vault load fix
- Style settings plugin implementation
- Default Evernote View Change
- File sorting options enhancement
- Vertical and Horizontal Evernote Views
- #111 YAML Tags to be included in the tag search results
- #123 Additional File Sorting Options
- #122 Obsidian Internal Drag Manager usage
- #77 Delete Confirmation Modal
- Folder Count sort only if counts are enabled
- Ctrl/Cmd key press capture during hover on file name
- #124 Folders Expand fix in case Counts are not enabled
- Open a file in a new tab or open to right options
- Ctrl/Cmd + Click is to Open in a new tab
- Ctrl/Cmd + Shift/Alt + Click is to Open to right
- File delete issue solution if the file is in the view
- Removing box shadow from file/folder headers
- FIX: Moving file into the current folder view is captured now
- NEW: Sorting option by Z to A
- NEW: File names can be displayed by full path
- Style changes (Mostly inspired by Prism Theme)
- Option to open file tree view on vault start
- #101 Folder delete option respects the plugin settings
- #100 Folder Note Auto Creation
- #105 Location Check during Long Press for Mobile
- Reveal Active File reverted back to the original function
- Long Press Event is triggered only by the touch event
- Long press event for context menu on Mobile App
- Adoption of reveal active file to Obsidian 0.15.0
- New file button will not open the new file in the file tree leaf
- New file button for folder context menu
- Fix for opening a file from the file tree
- #86 Correction - Moved folder doesn't disappear from the view
- Mobile style optimization
- Active File & Folder Corrections
- Style Changes
- Remove event listeners after unload
- Vault Change Handlers performance optimization
- State Handler optimization without additional checks within the vault
- Small style and line corrections
- Folder count bug correction
- File name style
- File Icons
- Style Corrections
- Styling corrections (Removing Obsidian default classes from HTML Elements)
- Folder sorting options
- Files with names including hashtag will be correctly opening
- Preview on hover will requre Ctrl/Cmd
- Open file tree pane command correction
- Removal of react-spring dependency
- Style corrections
- Closed folders to not take place in DOM
- You can use now Mouse Wheel button to open file in a new pane
- There are now expand and collapse all buttons for folder view.
- There is an additional button to create a folder in the root folder
- Small style change for the line used for indenting children folders
- There is an option to select what should happen to the file deleted (system trash, obsidian trash etc.)
- File can be dragged to Editor and link to file will be inserted
- File can be dragged into Folder view and dropped to move
- Folder can be dragged into another Folder
- Known Issue: drag needs to be initiated firstly out of the side pane. It doesn't work if the drag happens only within the file tree pane.
- Count for open folders
- Fixed Header during search correction
- Removal of unnecessary space for mobile from the fixed header in file list
- Style correction for mobile fixed top file header buttons
- File sort options moved to file list pane
- New sorting option with file size
- Reveal active file is not turned on by default during installation
- Folder note button in context menu
- Files can be sorted by Created Date
- Folder Note indicator style correction
- Folder Note Functionality Implementation
- Open in a new pane for Desktop
- File view, file icon is not hidden behind fixed header solution
- Overflow issue solution for Folder Name in File List Pane
- Additional command for revealing the active file
- Window custom event listener to trigger revealing active file outside of plugin
let event = new CustomEvent('file-tree-alternative-reveal-file', {
detail: {
file: plugin.app.workspace.getActiveFile(),
- Scroll correction for reveal active file
- Reveal active file button
- Icon update
- #48 Bug Solution for Creating Folder
- File creation custom settings
- Mobile menu item correction
- Sorting for pinned files
- Open in a new pane button for mobile
- Tooltip for the file list pane
- Divider style change for easier grab
- Removal of unnecessary padding within folder view
- File Type correction within the file list
- Folder Note Count Flex Correction
- Folder Custom Nav File Tag
- Fix for error happening after settings change
- Custom Event for refreshing the file tree alternative. It solves blinking issue during settings change.
- After clicking "Add to Excluded Folders", the view is refreshed immediately to make them effective
- Excluded Folders are now taken into consideration within the file list
- Memory Usage Improvements
- Search Box Escape Listener
- File Tree Divider Style Change
- New File creation will automatically change the active file in file list pane
- Icon update issue solution (Once children folders are removed)
- Action removing all children folders will also remove the space reserved for the children folders
- Memory usage improvement
- Small Bug Fixes
- Fontawesome icons are used from react-icons library
- Reload File Tree button to make couple of settings effective without reloading the vault
- Make a copy option manually included to file tree
- Search files only under Focused Folder option
- Remember the last focused folder
- Custom Folder Icons
- Fixed Header and buttons mobile style issue solution
- Fixed Header and Buttons - Search Enabled Padding Solution
- Local Storage Improvement
- Consistent data is moved from Plugin Settings to Local Storage
- Focus in and out to a specific folder in folder pane
- Style Correction for Fixed Header and Buttons in the File Pane
- Settings reorganization
- Fixed Header and Buttons in the File Pane
- Consistent Active Folder after relaunch of Obsidian or plugin
- Leaf refresh after each settings change to make all changes effective
- Additional button for toggling Files under Sub-Folders
- The plugin allows to preview the files on hover within the file list
- The plugin remembers the last position of the
- Sort files by
Last Update
- Ribbon Icon Hover Name Correction
- Folder Name Color and Active Accent Corrections
- Folder Move Context Menu if Core File Explorer disabled
- Active Folder is highlighted in Folder Tree
- Single view can be now easily resized, divider works to resize the panes
- Style Changes, Smaller Workspace Tab Solution
- Root Folder Context Menu for creating a new sub-folder
- Active Folder Rename will correcly reflected in Single View
- Correction of broken link for folders within the last update
- Dropzone Height Correction for File Lists
- Folder View Correction
- Resizable Panes
- Divider for single view
- Default settings update
- Evernote Like View Feature
- Pinned Files and Open Folders states to be saved in Settings after each state change
- Component Height Issue
- Input focus issue
- New File focus issue in the active leaf
- Small style corrections
Move file to
option to be available when core pluginfile-explorer
is disabled incontext-menu
- Search
all files with certain tag
under the vault feature usingtag:
syntaxt in the input box. - Settings
Ribbon Icon
description correction.
- Search
files under the vault feature by usingall:
syntax in the input box
- Clear button for search input - Issue #17
- Search box
oninput box
during toggle
feature within the file list view
separated fromFile Tree Component
class for folder names - Issue #11
- Include files from the subfolders option in Settings
Root Folder
show/hide option in plugin settings
- folder note
class name change - add to
excluded folder
menu item is now available - folder component refactoring
- Start from scroll top in
component - Refactoring of
- Sorting algorithm correction
- Folder
event now responds to row, not only name span - Root
&open state
correction CSS
cleanup- Dragging
[+] [-]
Icon Color Adjustment for themesDrag and Drop
to the Folder TreeDrag and Drop
style correction in Files Listdata-path
addition for folder divpinned files
save after eachpin files list
change- Removal of unnecessary state refresh in files view
Drag & drop
external files into file list to add the files into the currently active folder path- Notes/Files Count Settings
your files
- Number of notes under a folder feature in the file tree
- Folder
by provided paths File Exclusion
by provided extensions
- Remember Last Expanded Folders Feature
Pinned Files
- File Tree Dotted Border Color Correction
- Folder, file sorting improvement
- New Interface for the File Explorer
- Corrections
- Initial Release