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1103 lines (785 loc) · 59.3 KB

File metadata and controls

1103 lines (785 loc) · 59.3 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.0.3] - 15 December 2023


  • Added tracking for which VirusTotal scanners have flagged a domain as malicious to the health check task
  • Added a new entry_identifier field to activity log entries to make it easier to identify entries when using the GraphQL API
    • The field is an open-ended text field that you can use to track a job ID, UUID, or other identifier for the entry
    • The field has no unique constraints at this time, so you can use it to track multiple entries with the same identifier
    • Logging extensions like the cobalt_sync project use this field to avoid duplicate entries when re-syncing
    • The field is hidden by default in the Ghostwriter web UI when viewing log entries


  • Fixed client contacts missing from the dropdown menu after assigning a contact (Fixed #175)


  • Adjusted the wording of the reminder message sent for upcoming domain releases in Slack to make it clear the domain would remain checked out until the end of the project
  • Improved the Slack message sent when domain names go from "healthy" to "burned"
  • Expanded PowerPoint report generation to include new content with information about team members and objectives
  • Removed character limits on log entry fields to allow for longer entries
    • This change is most useful for fields that track IP addresses
    • This resolves an issue that could arise when using the mythic_sync extension to sync logs with Mythic from a server host with multiple NICs and IPv6 addresses
  • Updated the pre-built Ghostwriter CLI binaries to v0.2.17

[4.0.2] - 14 November 2023


  • Fixed a report rendering error when a report had no findings
  • Fixed an issue with search autocomplete and finding titles with single quotes
  • Fixed links for editing scope lists and targets accessed from the project dashboard's dropdown menus


  • The WYSIWYG editor will now automatically expand the height of the editor to fit the content as you type (up to the height of the browser window) (Closes #344)


  • Updated the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor to v5.10.8 to incorporate security fixes into Ghostwriter's self-hosted files

[4.0.1] - 27 September 2023


  • Added short_name and address fields to the company information for use in report templates (Closes #339)


  • Fixed the activity log export returning incorrect csv files (Fixes #341)


  • Removed the restriction on backup commands that prevented them from being run on if postgres was set as the username (Closes #340)

[4.0.0] - 20 September 2023


  • Added a "People" tab to the project dashboard that shows the project's assignments and client contacts
  • Added configuration options for managing browser sessions
    • SESSION_COOKIE_AGE sets the number of seconds a session cookie will last before expiring
    • SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE sets whether the session cookie will expire when the browser is closed
    • SESSION_SAVE_EVERY_REQUEST sets whether the session cookie will be saved on every request
  • Added support for two-factor authentication using TOTP
  • Added support for adding contacts to projects
    • Supports creating project-specific contacts and adding contacts from the client
    • Project contacts appear under the new contacts key in the report data
    • A project contact can be flagged as the primary contact and mark the contact as the report recipient
    • The primary contact appears under the new recipient key in the report data
  • Added autocomplete options to filter forms for the finding, domain, and server libraries
  • Added an option to copy an activity log entry to your clipboard as JSON for easier sharing
  • Added an option to the review_cloud_infrastructure() task to only report Digital Ocean droplets that are currently running


  • Separated the project form into two forms: one for the project details and assignments and one for project components (e.g., white cards, objectives)
    • This allows accounts with the user role to edit project components without permission to edit the project or its assignments
  • Moved project assignments to the new "People" tab on the project dashboard
  • Hid menus and buttons for features that are not available to the current user
  • Access to the admin console is now routed through the main login form to require 2FA (if enabled for the user)
  • The CVSS Vector and "added as blank" fields on report findings are now optional as they were meant to be


  • Removed the legacy REST API deprecated in Ghostwriter v3
  • Removed the unused restricted account role
    • This is a clean-up for the release candidate; the restricted role was experimental and never implemented in the access controls
  • Removed the user role's privileges to create, edit, and delete project assignments and client contacts to better adhere to the role's intended permissions
  • Removed permissions for updating report templates via the GraphQL API
    • This option will return in a future release when it is possible to upload a template file via the API

[3.2.12] - 18 September 2023


  • Added the option to configure a default paragraph style for when you do not want to use the built-in default Normal style (PR #307)
    • Thanks to @federicodotta for the submission!


  • The restore command will now revoke open database connections to prevent errors when restoring a database backup (PR #335)
    • Thanks to @marcioalm for the submission!

[3.2.11] - 5 September 2023


  • Added CVSS and tags to the finding rows in the Excel workbook report (xlsx)


  • Fixed the project_type keyword not working in report generation

[3.2.10] - 13 July 2023


  • Adjusted logic for marking a domain as expired when syncing with Namecheap
    • A domain marked as auto-renewable can expire, so Ghostwriter will now also mark a domain as expired and disable auto-renew if the API response has AutoRenew and IsExpired both set to true

[3.2.9] - 13 June 2023


  • Added CVSS and tags to the finding rows in the Excel workbook report (xlsx)


  • Added a linter error message to offer suggestions for the often confusing expected token 'end of print statement', got 'such' Jinja2 syntax error


  • The linter will now recognize the id value on findings as valid


[3.2.8] - 24 May 2023


  • Added a popover tooltip to the dashboard calendar's events to show the full title and additional details about the event
  • Added a get_item filter for use in report templates that allows you to retrieve a single item from a list of items
  • Added the Sugar parser to the JavaScript to improve international date parsing


  • Assignments displayed in the calendar and on the dashboard now show the project role for the assignment (Closes #311)
  • The server will now allow domains with expiration dates in the past to be checked out if auto-renew is enabled
  • Updated the pre-built Ghostwriter CLI binaries to v0.2.13


  • Fixed an issue with the domain expiration dates sorting as integers
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent releasing a domain if the domain's registrar was empty

[v3.2.7] - 1 May 2023


  • Added support for exporting and importing tags for the current import/export models (log entries, domains, servers, and findings)


  • The legacy REST API key notification for new activity logs now displays the log's ID to be used with the API and extensions like mythic_sync and cobalt_sync
  • When creating a new activity log from the project dashboard, that project will now be automatically selected for the new log


  • Fixed sidebar search boxes not working as intended following changes in v3.2.3 (Closes #294)

[v3.2.6] - 10 April 2023


  • Changed the project assignments list on the home dashboard to show the assignment's start and end dates instead of the project's start and end dates (Closes #302)


  • Fixed an issue that would cause a server error whe uploading or editing an evidence file to a blank finding (Fixes #303)

[v3.2.5] - 31 March 2023


  • A report's title can now be added to the report download filename template as a new title variable


  • The global report configuration can now be reviewed on the management page (/home/management/)


  • Fixed an issue that prevented saving an edited activity log entry when editing a timestamps seconds value

[v3.2.4] - 28 March 2023


  • Updated the pre-built Ghostwriter CLI binaries to v0.2.11


  • Fixed an issue that could result in an activity log's "latest activity" timestamp to be incorrect
  • Fixed a bug that toggled a reported finding's editing status from "Ready" to "Needs Editing" after saving that finding

[v3.2.3] - 22 March 2023


  • Added the option to filter the project list by the assessment type
  • Added NO_PROXY environment variables to production containers to prevent a proxy from being used for internal container connections
  • Added a tools key to the report template context data that contains a list of unique tools that appeared in activity log entries


  • The server will now update references to an evidence file inside the associated finding when you change that file's name
  • Changed the server search form under the project dashboard's Infrastructure tab to work like the adjacent domain search form
    • The form no longer requires an exact match for an IP address
    • It is now possible to search for partial matches against one of the server's IP addresses or its hostname
    • The form will now load a list of results for review rather than take you directly to the checkout page
  • Combined some fields for the domain and server filter forms on their respective library pages
    • The domain filter has combined the "Name" and "Categorization" fields
    • The server filter has combined the "Hostname" and "IP Address" fields
  • Simplified the client search to a single field that searches against the client's full name, short name, and codename (Closes #294)
    • Short names are now listed alongside the full name and codename on the client list page
  • Filtering by client name on the project filter page also searches against the client's full name, short name, and codename
  • Copied log entries now have their start and end dates set automatically to the current timestamp
  • Updated WYSIWYG editor skin to better match the rest of the interface
  • Merged PR #274 to allow the option for authenticating with social accounts


  • Fixed severity category ordering appearing reversed for new installations of v3.2.0 to v3.0.2 (Fixes #292)
  • Fixed hyperlinks not being distinguishable from the regular text in notes (Closes #295)

[v3.2.2] - 13 February 2023


  • Upgraded Ghostwriter CLI binaries to v0.2.9


  • Fixed situations where the webpage could fail to load after submitting a client and project form with a validation error (Fixes #290)
  • Fixed tags on log entries not appearing immediately in the table after adding them
  • Fixed issue that prevented updating a domain

[v3.2.1] - 7 February 2023


  • Added a warning to the report form about still needing to select a template if a global default is not configured
  • Added report tags to the report data as a new tags variable accessible in report templates


  • Fixed a server error that could occur when attempting to add a domain that already existed in the library
  • Fixed the report update form still requiring a template selection after the v3.2 changes
  • Fixed the report template linter not recognizing tags as a valid key for objects with tags

[v3.2.0] - 2 February 2023


  • Added support for applying tags to clients, projects, reports, findings, domains, servers, logs, and log entries
  • Added whitecards and deconflictions nodes to the GraphQL schema for projects
  • Added a notification to finding forms that warns you if another user has submitted changes to the same finding
  • Added a button to project scope forms to automatically split comma-delimited scope lists into separate lines


  • Fixed the wrong avatar appearing in the corner when viewing another user's profile
  • Fixed unnecessary scrolling animation that could occur when clicking a tab in certain browsers


  • All new log view page with improved editing functionality
    • Selections for showing/hiding a column are now persistent between page visits and refreshes
    • Editing table rows now use a modal and allows all fields to be edited and saved at once
  • The web UI now supports customizing the severity category titles
  • Changed project assignments to allow the same person to be assigned more than once as long as the date ranges do not overlap
  • You can clear the docx or pptx template selected for a report
    • If you clear the template, the default template will be used instead
    • If you do not have a default template configured, the report will not be able to be generated
  • A domain's "reset DNS" flag will now default to true when creating a new domain
  • Moved all CSS and JavaScript files to local hosting for instances where Ghostwriter is running on a system without any internet access
  • The IP address field for project targets now accepts individual IP addresses and CIDR ranges (Closes #211)
  • Report templates can now be flagged as landscape for tracking (Reference #281)
  • Various web UI and scripting improvements for better performance, usability, and accessibility


  • Proactively upgraded core dependencies and base OS images to their latest stable versions
  • Applied additional sanitization to user-editable strings that may appear in HTML to address potential XSS vulnerabilities
  • Updated TinyMCE to the latest v5 to address CVE-2022-23494 (Reference CVE-2022-23494)

[3.1.4] - 11 November 2022


  • Fixed an issue with lists that caused list items to be indented incorrectly in Word documents (Fixes #264)


[3.1.3] - 3 November 2022


  • Added a new configuration section with the ability to set a default timezone used for forms
  • Added a new option to Global Report Configuration to enable configuring default download filenames for report files

[3.1.2] - 31 October 2022


  • Fixed error that could cause project updates to fail when no Slack channel is set (Fixes #261)


  • Extended list of bad categories for domain health checks (Related to #236)

[3.1.1] - 18 October 2022


  • Fixed "added as blank" flag being cleared from a finding following an update
  • Fixed initial data for DeconflictionStatus model missing a status option


  • Increased size of the modal for previewing log entries related to deconfliction events
  • Adjusted the design of the domain and server dashboards to match the new design of the client and project dashboards

[3.1.0] - 14 October 2022


  • Fixed a bug that could cause content or styling to be lost inside nested text formatting


  • New deconfliction event tracking feature now available under the "Deconflictions" tab on project dashboards
  • New whitecard tracking feature now available under the "White Cards" tab on project dashboards


  • Findings added to a report via a blank template (i.e., not added from the library) will now appear with a flag icon for easy identification
  • All fields that use the WYSIWYG editor now have a RichText counterpart available in report templates (Closes #241)
  • Improved sample "tutorial" template to cover more advanced usage of filters, variables, and more

[3.0.7] - 10 October 2022


  • Fixed evidence files with uppercase extensions not being included in rendered reports (Closes #74)


  • Logs now have an option to mute notifications (available to users with the admin and manager roles)


  • Log activity monitor will now only check logs for projects inside the execution window
  • Tweaked report template permissions to allow users with the admin role that are not flagged as staff to edit or delete protected templates

[v3.0.6] - 3 October 2022


  • Added system health API endpoints and Docker health check commands (see wiki for details)
  • Added curl to container images to aid in troubleshooting and enable health checks


  • Calendar view selection will now persist across sessions and page refreshes
  • Upgraded Ghostwriter CLI binaries to v0.2.5
  • Cloning a report will now clone any evidence files associated with the findings (Thanks to @ly4k! Closes PR #234)

[v3.0.5] - 23 September 2022


  • Fixed finding guidance display when viewing a finding attached to a report
  • Fixed connection errors with an AWS region causing remaining regions to be skipped in the cloud monitoring task


  • Added an attachFinding mutation to the GraphQL API for easily attaching a copy of a finding from the library to a report
  • Added ability to copy/paste evidence into the upload form and view a preview (Thanks to @brandonscholet! Closes PR #228)

[3.0.4] - 12 September 2022


  • Fixed "No entries to display" reappearing during log syncs under some circumstances


  • Added Slack notification to confirm Slack configuration for a new project
  • Added Slack notification for project date changes and checkout adjustments
  • Added new scheduled task that checks for activity logs for active projects that have not been synced in the last 24 hours and sends a Slack notification to the project channel
  • Added a .dockeringore file to reduce size and build time of Docker images
  • Upgraded Ghostwriter CLI binaries to v0.2.4


  • Slack alert target can now be left blank if you do not want to target a person or channel
  • Completed projects will no longer appear in the list of projects for a domain checkout
  • Domain health checks will now flag a domain if VirusTotal has applied the dga tag to it
  • Slack message formatting has been improved and will no longer include very large task outputs
  • Updated Nginx image to 1.23.1 to enable building it on M1 macOS machines

[3.0.3] - 5 August 2022


  • Removed duplicate toast message displayed after the successful creation of a new oplog
  • Fixed GraphQL configuration that could cause webhook authentication to fail
  • Fixed server error when trying to view entries for an oplog that does not exist


  • Groups are now hidden on the user profile unless a user is part of a group
  • Adjusted client and project dashboards for better display of information and controls
  • Display of client's timezone has been changed to display the client's current date and time with the abbreviated timezone name
  • API keys now start with an initial expiry date that is +1 days from the current date
  • Project descriptions are now truncated after 35 words to make lengthy descriptions more readable in some sections of the UI
  • Infrastructure notes under the project dashboard are now inside collapsible sections for easier reading
  • Upgraded Ghostwriter CLI binaries to v0.2.3

[3.0.2] - 2 August 2022


  • Upgraded Pillow dependency to avoid issue between Pillow and setuptools v63.3.0

[3.0.1] - 1 August 2022


  • Added the CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS to the base configuration to make it easier to add trusted origins for accessing Ghostwriter via a web proxy
  • Oplog ID now appears at the top of the log entries view for easier identification
  • Committed Ghostwriter CLI binaries (v0.2.2) for Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • Added project notes to the serialized report data as a list under project.notes (Closes #210)


  • Set defaults on some fields to make it easier to insert new domains, objectives, and findings via GraphQL
    • New domains will now default to WHOIS enabled, healthy, and available
    • Objectives will now default to primary priority and position one (top of the list)
    • Reported findings will now insert into position one (top of the list for its severity category)
  • Log entry fields can now be null to make it easier to insert new entries via GraphQL
  • Improved log entry view to make it easier to view logs
  • Users with the manager role can now update and delete protected report templates
  • User accounts can now be filtered by role in the admin panel
  • Removed GraphQL operatorName field preset to allow this value to be set by the user


  • Fixed "Stand by" message appearing for all users viewing a report when one user generates a report
  • Fixed domain expiration dates not sorting properly in the domain table when date format is changed
  • Fixed operation log entries not loading if null values were present from GraphQL submissions
  • Fixed complete field being required for reported findings but unavailable in the GraphQL schema (Fixes #226)
  • Fixed oplog entries not being displayed if they contained null values from GraphQL submissions
  • Fixed log entry tables not showing "No entries to display" row when no entries are available
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an error when making a new activity log with a name longer than 50 characters
  • Fixed minor issue that could prevent PowerPoint generation if multiple evidence images were stacked on top of each other inside a list

[3.0.0] - 22 June 2022


  • Committed Ghostwriter CLI binaries (v0.2.1) for Windows, macOS, and Linux

[3.0.0-rc1] - 8 June 2022


  • Committed Ghostwriter CLI binaries (v0.1.1) for Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • Added support for CVSS scoring with a calculator for findings (big thanks to @therealtoastycat and PR #189)


  • Docker will now use one .env file with values for all environments
    • The file is generated by Ghostwriter CLI
  • Ghostwriter CLI will now be used for installation, configuration, and management of the Ghostwriter server


  • The individual .env files stored in .envs/ are no longer used and will be ignored by v3.x.x and later


  • Removed old environment variable templates from the project because they are no longer used for setup or management

[2.3.0-rc2] - 3 June 2022


  • New options to generate and revoke API tokens with a set expiry date
  • Added Hasura GraphQL engine to production environments
  • Usernames are now clickable and open the user's profile page for viewing
  • Added a generateReport mutation to the GraphQL API capable of returning the JSON report data as a base64 string
  • Added user controls for generating and revoking API tokens from the user profile page
  • Added checkoutDomain and checkoutServer actions to the GraphQL API that validate checkouts
  • Added deleteDomainCheckout, deleteServerCheckout, deleteTemplate, and deleteEvidence actions to the GraphQL schema that clean-up the filesystem and database after deletions


  • Updated the Nginx configuration to incorporate the Hasura container
  • Updated style of the finding preview pages for the finding library
  • Updated style of notes to make them cleaner and easier to manage
  • Project dashboard's "Objectives" tab will now show the current number of incomplete objectives and update when toggling objectives
  • Updated keyword reference panel displayed when editing findings
  • Subtask forms for objectives will now default to the objective's deadline date instead of "today"
  • Objective deadlines will now be automatically adjusted when the parent objective's deadline changes
  • Database migrations now set default values for timestamps (current time), timezones ("America/Los_Angeles"), and boolean values (False)
    • Enables easier creation of new entries via the GraphQL API


  • None


  • Removed unnecessary status badges on tabs in the project dashboard that were confusing and not very helpful
  • Revoked direct insert permissions for History and ServerHistory tables used for tracking domain and server checkouts


  • Upgraded django-bleach dependency to fix error with latest python-bleach (Fixes #208)
  • Fixed error that blocked creation of default BlockQuote style in the report template
  • Fixed domain age column not sorting correctly in domain library table
  • Checkbox in server form will no longer appear way bigger than intended
  • Fixed issue where <em> tags could cause report generation to fail


  • Upgraded pyjwt to v2.4.0 to address CVE-2022-29217

[2.3.0-rc1] - 2022-04-01


  • User profiles now have a role field for managing permissions in the upcoming GraphQL API
  • Added components for upcoming GraphQL API that are only available with local.yml for testing in development environments
    • New Docker container for Hasura GraphQL engine
    • Work-in-progress Hasura metadata for the GraphQL API
    • New HASURA_ACTION_SECRET environment variable in env templates
    • New utilities for generating and managing JSON Web Tokens for the GraphQL API
  • Added support for block quotes in report templates and WYSIWYG editor
  • Added ProjectInvite and ClientInvite models to support upcoming role-based access controls
  • Added a menu option to export a project scope to a text file from the project dashboard
    • Exports only the scope list for easy use with other tools–e.g., Nmap


  • Disabled L10N by default in favor of using DATE_FORMAT for managing the server's preferred date format (closes #193)
  • Updated env templates with a DATE_FORMAT configuration for managing your preferred format
    • See updated installation documentation on
  • User profiles now only show the user's role, groups, and Ghostwriter user status to the profile owner
  • Updated nginx.conf to align it with Mozilla's recommendations for nginx v1.21.1 and OpenSSL 1.1.1l
  • Toast messages for errors are no longer sticky, so they do not have to be manually dismissed when covering UI elements
  • Domain list table now shows an "Expiry" column and "Categories" column now parses the new categorization JSON field data
  • Domain list filtering now includes a "Filter Expired" toggle that on by default
    • Filters out domains with expiration dates in the past and auto_renew set to False even if status is set to "Available"
  • The table on the domain list page and the menu on the domain details page will no longer disable the check-out option if a domain's status is set to "Burned"
  • Simplified usage of the format_datetime filter
    • Filter now accepts only two arguments: the date and the new format string
    • Format string should use Django values (e.g., M d, Y) instead of values translated to Python's standard (e.g., %b %d, %Y)
  • Simplified usage of the add_says filter
    • Filter now accepts only two arguments: the date and an integer


  • v2.2.x usage of the format_datetime and add_days filters is deprecated in v2.3.0
    • Both filters will no longer accept Python-style strftime strings
    • Both filters no longer needs or accepts the current_format and format_str parameters
    • Templates using the old style will fail linting


  • Removed "WHOIS Privacy" column on domain list page to make room for more pertinent information


  • Bumped djangorestframework-api-key to v2.2.0 to fix REST API key creation (closes #197)
  • Overrode Django's get_full_name() method used for the admin site so the user's proper full name is displayed in history logs
  • Fixed project dashboard's "Import Oplog" button not pointing to the correct URL
  • Fixed URL conflicts with export links for domains, servers, and findings


  • Restricted edit and delete actions on notes to close possibility of other users editing or deleting notes they do not own

[2.2.3] - 2022-02-16


  • Expanded user profiles for project management and planning
    • Now visible to all users under /users/
    • Include timezone and phone number fields -Users can now edit their profiles to update their preferred name, phone, timezone, and email address


  • Fixed display of minutes for project working hours
  • Fixed "incomplete file" issue when attempting to download a report template
  • Fixed report archiving failing to write zip file
  • Fixed toast messages not showing up when swapping report templates
  • Fixed sidebar tab appearing below delete confirmations
  • Fixed cloud server forms requiring users to fill in all auxiliary IP addresses
  • Fixed project serialization issue that prevented project data from loading automatically for domain and server checkout forms
  • Fixed active project filtering for the list in the sidebar, so it will no longer contain some projects marked as completed
  • Fixed a rare reporting error that could occur if the WYSIWYG editor created a block of nested HTML tags with no content
  • Fixed ignore tags not working for Digital Ocean assets
  • Fixed an error caused by cascading deletes when deleting a report under some circumstances
  • Fixed template linter not recognizing phone numbers for project team members as valid (Fixes #190)
  • Fixed a rare reporting issue related to nested lists that could occur if a nested list existed below an otherwise blank list item


  • Updated project list filtering
    • Added client name as a filter field
    • Changed default display filter to only show active projects
    • Adjusted project status filter to have three options: all projects, active projects, and completed projects
  • Updated dashboard and calendar to show past and current events for browsing history within the calendar
    • Past events marked as completed will appear dimmed with a strike-through and : Complete added to the end
  • Upgraded dependencies to their latest versions (where possible)
    • Django v3.1.13 -> v3.2.11
    • Did not upgrade docxtpl
      • Awaiting to see how the developer wants to proceed with issue #114
      • Not upgrading from 0.12 to the latest 0.15.2 has no effect on Ghostwriter at this time
  • Collapsed the Domain model's various categorization fields into a single categorization field with PostgreSQL's JSONField type
    • An important milestone/change for the upcoming GraphQL API
    • Categorization is no longer limited to specific vendors
    • Going forward, the field can be manually updated with valid JSON
    • Ghostwriter will look for JSON formatted as a series of keys and values: {"COMPANY": "CATEGORY", "COMPANY": "CATEGORY",}
  • Converted the ReportTemplate model's lint_result field to a PostgreSQL JSONField
    • An important milestone/change for the upcoming GraphQL API
    • This change increases reliability and performance by removing any need to transform a string representation back into a dict
    • Little to no impact on users but templates may need to be linted again after the upgrade
    • If a template is affected, the status will change to "Unknown" with a single warning note: "Need to re-run linting following your Ghostwriter upgrade"
  • Converted the Domain model's dns_record field to a PostgreSQL JSONField and renamed it to dns for simplicity
    • An important milestone/change for the upcoming GraphQL API
    • This change increases reliability and performance by removing any need to transform a string representation back into a dict
    • This field was always intended to be edited only by the server, so this change should not require any actions before or after upgrading
    • If an existing record's DNS data cannot be converted to JSON it will be cleared and user's can re-run the DNS update task
  • Added a "sticky" sidebar tracker to user sessions so the sidebar will stay open or closed between visits and page changes
  • Removed the legacy health_dns field from the Domain model
    • This field was part of the original Shepherd project and was an interesting experiment in using passive DNS monitoring to try to determine if a domain was "burned"
    • It became mostly irrelevant when services that supported this feature (e.g., eSentire's Cymon) were retired
  • Changed some code that will be deprecated in future versions of Django v4.x and Python Faker
  • Made it possible to sort the report template list
    • Sorting on this table is reversed so clicking "Status" once will sort templates with passing linter checks first
  • Updated the admin panel to make it easier to manage domains for those who prefer the admin panel
  • Projects now sort in reverse so the most recent projects appear first
  • Updated the report selection section of the sidebar to make it easier to switch reports when working on multiple and navigate to your current report
  • The logging API key message now includes the project ID to make it easier to set up a tool like mythic_sync
  • Removed the "Upload Evidence" button from editors where it does not apply (e.g., in the Finding Library outside of a report) (Fixes #185)
  • Updated the Namecheap sync task to use paging so Namecheap libraries with more than 100 domains can be fully synced (Fixes #188)
  • Dashboard once again has a "Project Assignments" card to make it easier to see and click projects
    • The calendar remains on the dashboard and is still clickable, but some people found it less intuitive as a shortcut
  • Some general code clean-up for maintainability


  • Updated Django to v3.2.11 as v3.1 is no longer supported and considered "insecure" going forward
  • Fixed unauthenticated access to domain and server library exports
  • Updated TinyMCE to v5.10.1 to address several moderate security issues with <5.10

[2.2.3-rc2] - 2022-02-09


  • Fixed "incomplete file" issue when attempting to download a report template
  • Fixed report archiving failing to write zip file
  • Fixed toast messages not showing up when swapping report templates
  • Fixed sidebar tab appearing below delete confirmations


  • Upgraded dependencies to their latest versions (where possible)
    • Django v3.1.13 -> v3.2.11
    • Did not upgrade docxtpl
      • Awaiting to see how the developer wants to proceed with issue #114
      • Not upgrading from 0.12 to the latest 0.15.2 has no effect on Ghostwriter at this time
  • Collapsed the Domain model's various categorization fields into a single categorization field with PostgreSQL's JSONField type
    • An important milestone/change for the upcoming GraphQL API
    • Categorization is no longer limited to specific vendors
    • Going forward, the field can be manually updated with valid JSON
    • Ghostwriter will look for JSON formatted as a series of keys and values: {"COMPANY": "CATEGORY", "COMPANY": "CATEGORY",}
  • Converted the ReportTemplate model's lint_result field to a PostgreSQL JSONField
    • An important milestone/change for the upcoming GraphQL API
    • This change increases reliability and performance by removing any need to transform a string representation back into a dict
    • Little to no impact on users but templates may need to be linted again after the upgrade
    • If a template is affected, the status will change to "Unknown" with a single warning note: "Need to re-run linting following your Ghostwriter upgrade"
  • Converted the Domain model's dns_record field to a PostgreSQL JSONField and renamed it to dns for simplicity
    • An important milestone/change for the upcoming GraphQL API
    • This change increases reliability and performance by removing any need to transform a string representation back into a dict
    • This field was always intended to be edited only by the server, so this change should not require any actions before or after upgrading
    • If an existing record's DNS data cannot be converted to JSON it will be cleared and user's can re-run the DNS update task
  • Added a "sticky" sidebar tracker to user sessions so the sidebar will stay open or closed between visits and page changes
  • Removed the legacy health_dns field from the Domain model
    • This field was part of the original Shepherd project and was an interesting experiment in using passive DNS monitoring to try to determine if a domain was "burned"
    • It became mostly irrelevant when services that supported this feature (e.g., eSentire's Cymon) were retired
  • Changed some code that will be deprecated in future versions of Django v4.x and Python Faker
  • Made it possible to sort the report template list
    • Sorting on this table is reversed so clicking "Status" once will sort templates with passing linter checks first
  • Updated the admin panel to make it easier to manage domains for those who prefer the admin panel
  • Some general code clean-up for maintainability


  • Updated Django to v3.2.11 as v3.1 is no longer supported and considered "insecure" going forward
  • Fixed unauthenticated access to domain and server library exports

[2.2.3-rc1] - 2022-01-28


  • Expanded user profiles for project management and planning
    • Now visible to all users under /users/
    • Include timezone and phone number fields -Users can now edit their profiles to update their preferred name, phone, timezone, and email address


  • Fixed cloud server forms requiring users to fill in all auxiliary IP addresses
  • Fixed project serialization issue that prevented project data from loading automatically for domain and server checkout forms
  • Fixed active project filtering for the list in the sidebar, so it will no longer contain some projects marked as completed
  • Fixed a rare reporting error that could occur if the WYSIWYG editor created a block of nested HTML tags with no content
  • Fixed ignore tags not working for Digital Ocean assets
  • Fixed an error caused by cascading deletes when deleting a report under some circumstances
  • Fixed template linter not recognizing phone numbers for project team members as valid (Fixes #190)
  • Fixed a rare reporting issue related to nested lists that could occur if a nested list existed below an otherwise blank list item


  • Projects now sort in reverse so the most recent projects appear first
  • Updated the report selection section of the sidebar to make it easier to switch reports when working on multiple and navigate to your current report
  • The logging API key message now includes the project ID to make it easier to set up a tool like mythic_sync
  • Removed the "Upload Evidence" button from editors where it does not apply (e.g., in the Finding Library outside of a report) (Fixes #185)
  • Updated the Namecheap sync task to use paging so Namecheap libraries with more than 100 domains can be fully synced (Fixes #188)
  • Dashboard once again has a "Project Assignments" card to make it easier to see and click projects
    • The calendar remains on the dashboard and is still clickable, but some people found it less intuitive as a shortcut
  • Some general clean-up of CSS


  • Updated TinyMCE to v5.10.1 to address several moderate security issues with <5.10

[2.2.2] - 2021-10-22


  • Added new filters for report templates
    • add_days: Add some number of business days to a date
    • format_datetime: Change the format of the provided datetime string
  • The cloud monitoring task can now collect information about AWS Lightsail instances and S3 buckets
  • A new "Notification Delay" setting is available under the Cloud Configurations
    • This setting delays cloud infrastructure teardown notifications by X days
    • Useful if you want to run the cloud monitor task more frequently and not get teardown reminders for some period of time after a project ends
  • Projects now have fields for timezone, start time, and end time to track working hours
  • Client contacts now have a timezone field
  • You can now save up to three additional IP addresses for cloud servers (they are stored in an array for easy iteration)


  • Fixed the sorting of the domain age column in the domain table
  • Fixed issue with the JavaScript for deleting entries in a formset selecting other checkboxes
  • Fixed WhoisStatus model's count property
  • Fixed error handling that could suppress report generation error messages when generating all reports
  • Fixed error that could lead to WebSocket disconnections and errors when editing the timestamp values of a log entry
  • Fixed a typo in the emoji used by the default Slack message for an untracked server
  • Fixed a logic issue that could result in an "ignore tag" being missed when reporting on cloud infrastructure


  • Adjusted the report data to replace a blank short name with the client's full name (rather than a blank space in a report)
  • Moved some form validation logic to Django Signals in preparation for the API
  • Added a custom "division by zero" error message for times when a Jinja2 template attempts to divide a value (e.g., total num of completed objectives) that is zero without first checking the value
  • Bumped Toastr message opacity to .9 (up from .8) to improve readability
  • Bumped 50-character limit on certain OplogEntry values to 255 (the standard for other models)
  • Condensed Docker image layers and disabled caching for pip and apk to reduce image sizes by about 0.2 to 0.3GB
  • Optimized and improved code quality throughout the project based on recommendations from Code Factor (
  • Added Signals to release a checked-out server or domain if the current checkout is deleted (so it is released immediately rather than waiting for a scheduled task to run)
  • When updating a project's dates, Ghostwriter will no longer update the dates on domain and server checkouts if the checkout has already expired
  • If an in-use domain is flagged as "burned" by the health check task, a notification will now be sent to the project's Slack channel if a Slack channel is configured
  • All core libraries have been bumped up to their latest versions and Django has been upgraded to v3.1 from v3.0


  • Upgraded the Django image to Alpine v3.14 to address potential security vulnerabilities in the base image
  • Upgraded Postgres image to Postgres v11.12 to address potential security vulnerabilities in previously used version/base image
  • Pinned nginx image to v1.12.1 for security and stability
  • Upgraded TinyMCE to v5.8.2 to address potential XSS discovered in older TinyMCE versions

[2.2.2-rc3] - 2021-09-27


  • Projects now have fields for timezone, start time, and end time to track working hours
  • User profiles and client contacts now have a timezone field
  • You can now save up to three additional IP addresses for cloud servers (they are stored in an array for easy iteration)

[2.2.2-rc2] - 2021-09-22


  • The cloud monitoring task can now collect information about AWS Lightsail instances and S3 buckets
  • A new "Notification Delay" setting is available under the Cloud Configurations
    • This setting delays cloud infrastructure teardown notifications by X days
    • Useful if you want to run the cloud monitor task more frequently and not get teardown reminders for some period of time after a project ends


  • Added Signals to release a checked-out server or domain if the current checkout is deleted (so it is released immediately rather than waiting for a scheduled task to run)
  • If an in-use domain is flagged as "burned" by the health check task, a notification will now be sent to the project's Slack channel if a Slack channel is configured

[2.2.2-rc1] - 2021-09-15


  • Fixed issue with the JavaScript for deleting entries in a formset selecting other checkboxes
  • Fixed WhoisStatus model's count property
  • Fixed error handling that could suppress report generation error messages when generating all reports
  • Fixed error that could lead to WebSocket disconnections and errors when editing the timestamp values of a log entry
  • Fixed a typo in the emoji used by the default Slack message for an untracked server
  • Fixed a logic issue that could result in an "ignore tag" being missed when reporting on cloud infrastructure


  • Adjusted the report data to replace a blank short name with the client's full name (rather than a blank space in a report)
  • Moved some form validation logic to Django Signals in preparation for the API
  • Added a custom "division by zero" error message for times when a Jinja2 template attempts to divide a value (e.g., total num of completed objectives) that is zero without first checking the value
  • Bumped Toastr message opacity to .9 (up from .8) to improve readability
  • Bumped 50-character limit on certain OplogEntry values to 255 (the standard for other models)
  • Condensed Docker image layers and disabled caching for pip and apk to reduce image sizes by about 0.2 to 0.3GB
  • Optimized and improved code quality throughout the project based on recommendations from Code Factor (


  • Upgraded TinyMCE to v5.8.2 to address potential XSS discovered in older TinyMCE versions
  • Upgraded the Django image to Alpine v3.14 to address potential security vulnerabilities in the base image
  • Upgraded Postgres image to Postgres v11.12 to address potential security vulnerabilities in previously used version/base image
  • Pinned nginx image to v1.12.1 for security and stability

[2.2.1] - 2021-05-28


  • Every page now includes a footer at the bottom of the content that displays the version number of the Ghostwriter server.


  • Findings with no assigned editors will no longer prevent report generation.


  • Findings in a report now have an ordering value that represents their position in the report (starting at zero with the top finding in the most severe category).
  • Headings throughout the interface are no longer all caps by default (this could negatively affect readability).
  • Some form elements will no longer appear far apart when the interface is fullscreen on a very high-resolution or wide-screen display.

[2.2.0] - 2021-05-10


  • Added new filter_type filter to report templates (submitted by @5il with PR #152).
  • Introduced the new ReportData serializer. This is nearly invisible to users but is a huge efficiency and performance upgrade for the back-end. Changes to project data models will now automatically appear in the raw JSON reports and be accessible within DOCX reports.
  • The new serializer has modified some Jinja2 template expressions. View a JSON report to see everything available. For example, instead of writing {{ project_codename }}, you will access this project value with {{ project.codename }}.
  • Ghostwriter now handles dates differently to better support all international date formats. Dates displayed in the interface and dates within reports (e.g., report_date) will match the date locale set in your server settings (en-us by default).


  • Updated broken POC contact edit URL on the client details page
  • Project assignment dates will no longer be improperly adjusted on updates
  • Template linter context now has entries for new RichText objects
  • Adjusted HTML parser to account for the possibility for empty fields following an update from one of the older versions of Ghostwriter (submitted by @Abstract-9 with PR #158)
  • Adjusted Dockerfile files to fix potential filesystem issues with the latest Alpine Linux image (submitted by @studebacon with PR #143).
  • Added a missing field in the Report Template admin panel
  • "Add to Report" on the finding details page now works
  • Updated delete actions for operation logs to avoid an error that could prevent the deletion of entries when deleting an entire log
  • Domain age calculations are now accurate
  • An invalid value for domain purchase date no longer causes a server error during validation
  • Constrained Twisted library to v20.3.0 to fix a potential issue that could come up with Django Channels
  • Improved the reporting engine to handle even the wildest nested styling


  • Adjusted finding severity lists to sort by the severity's weight instead of alphabetically.
  • Re-enabled evidence uploads in all WYSIWYG editors (it was previously excluded from certain finding fields).
  • Adjusted sidebar organization to improve visibility of a few sections that could be difficult to locate.
  • Updated BootStrap and FontAwesome CSS versions.
  • Updated all Python libraries to their latest versions.
  • Animated the hamburger menus for fun.
  • Switched ASGI servers (from Daphne server to Uvicorn) for WebSockets and better performance.
  • Updated the sample template.docx to act as a walkthrough for the new report data and changes in Jinja2 expressions.

[2.2.0-rc2] - 2022-04-13


  • Introduced the new ReportData serializer. This is nearly invisible to users but is a huge efficiency and performance upgrade for the back-end. Changes to project data models will now automatically appear in the raw JSON reports and be accessible within DOCX reports.
  • The new serializer has modified some Jinja2 template expressions. View a JSON report to see everything available. For example, instead of writing {{ project_codename }}, you will access this project value with {{ project.codename }}.
  • Ghostwriter now handles dates differently to better support all international date formats. Dates displayed in the interface and dates within reports (e.g., report_date) will match the date locale set in your server settings (en-us by default).


  • Added a missing field in the Report Template admin panel.
  • "Add to Report" on the finding details page now works.
  • Updated delete actions for operation logs to avoid an error that could prevent the deletion of entries when deleting an entire log.
  • Domain age calculations are now accurate.
  • An invalid value for domain purchase date no longer causes a server error during validation.
  • Constrained Twisted library to v20.3.0 to fix a potential issue that could come up with Django Channels
  • Improved the reporting engine to handle even the wildest nested styling.


  • Adjusted finding severity lists to sort by the severity's weight instead of alphabetically.
  • Re-enabled evidence uploads in all WYSIWYG editors (it was previously excluded from certain finding fields).
  • Adjusted sidebar organization to improve visibility of a few sections that could be difficult to locate.
  • Updated BootStrap and FontAwesome CSS versions.
  • Updated all Python libraries to their latest versions.
  • Animated the hamburger menus for fun.
  • Switched ASGI servers (from Daphne server to Uvicorn) for WebSockets and better performance.
  • Updated the sample template.docx to act as a walkthrough for the new report data and changes in Jinja2 expressions.

[2.1.1] - 2021-03-05


  • Fixed server error when trying to create a new project with an assignment or objective
  • Fixed edge case that could cause a new task below an objective to be duplicated
  • Fixed edge case that would flag a project target form as invalid if it had a note and did not also have both an IP address and hostname
  • Fixed toggle arrow working in reverse when a user marks an objective complete while tasks are expanded


  • Made it so objective completion percentage updates when a new task is added or deleted
  • Made it possible to use @ targets for Slack channels instead of only # channels
  • The uploaded_by values are now set on report templates on the server-side

[2.1] - 2021-03-03


  • Implemented project scope tracking (closes #59)
    • Enabled tracking of one or more scope lists flagged as allowed/disallowed or requiring caution
  • Implemented project target tracking
    • Enabled tracking of specific hosts with notes
  • Committed redesigned project dashboards
    • Notable changes and adjustments:
      • Added a project calendar to track assignments, objectives, tasks, and project dates
      • Added new objective tracker with task management, prioritization, and sorting
  • Implemented a new server search in the sidebar (under Servers) that searches all static servers, cloud servers in projects, and alternate addresses tied to servers
  • Added template linting checks for additional styles that may not be present in a report (closes #139)
  • Added Clipboard.js to support better, more flexible "click to copy to clipboard" in the UI
  • Added several new Jinja2 expressions, statements, and filters for Word DOCX reports
    • Added project_codename and client_codename (closes #138)
    • Added expressions and filters for new objectives, targets, and scope lists
    • See wiki documentation
  • Implemented initial support for WebSocket channels for reports


  • Tagged release, v2.1
    • Release will require database migrations
    • New features will require reloading the seed_data file
      • e.g., docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django /seed_data
  • Improved page loading with certain large forms
    • WYSIWYG editor is now loaded much more selectively
    • Extra forms are no longer created by default when editing a project or client
      • Extra forms can still be added as needed
      • Extra forms still load automatically when creating a new project or client
  • Improved performance of operation log entry views with pagination
    • Very large logs could push browsers to their limits


  • Fixed downloads of document names that included periods and commas (closes #149)
  • Fixed evidence filenames with all uppercase extensions not appearing in reports (closes #74)
  • Fixed a recursive HTML/JavaScript escape in log entries (closes #133)
  • Fixed incorrect link in the menu for a point of contact under a client (closed #141 and #141)
  • Fixed docker-compose errors related to latest verison of the crytpography library (closes #147)
  • Fixed possible issue with assigning a name to an AWS asset in the cloud monitor task
  • Closed loophole that could allow a non-unique domain name


  • Updated TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor and related JavaScript to v5.7.0
    • Resolved potential Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability discovered in previous version

[2.0.2] - 2021-01-15


  • Added error handling for cases where an image file has a corrupted file header and can't be recognized for inserting into Word
  • Moved 99% of icons and style elements to the styles.css file


  • Fixed notifications going to the global Slack channel when project channels were available
  • Fixed uppercase file extensions blocking evidence files from appearing on pages
  • Fixed rare style exception with specific nested HTML elements

[2.0.2] - 2020-12-18


  • Updated styles and forms to make it clear what is placeholder text
  • Reverted the new finding form to a one-page form–i.e., no tabbed sections–to make it easier to use
  • Broke-up stylesheets for easier management of global variables


  • Fixed error in cloud monitor notification messages that caused messages to contain the same external IP addresses for all VPS instances
  • Fixed bug that caused delete actions on cloud server entries to not be committed
  • Fixed ref tags in findings that were ignored if they followed a ref tag with a different target
  • Fixed PowerPoint "Conclusion" slide's title
  • Fixed filtering for report template selection dropdowns that caused both document types to appear in all dropdown menus

[2.0.1] - 2020-12-03


  • Added project objectives to the report template variables
    • New template keywords: objectives (List), objectives_total (Int), objectives_complete (Int)


  • Modified project "complete" toggle and instructions for clarity
  • Set all domain names to lowercase and strip any spaces before creating or updating
    • Addressed cases where a user error could create a duplicate entry
  • Clicking prepended text (e.g., filter icon) on filter form fields will now submit the filter


  • Fixed error that could cause Oplog entries to not display
  • Oplog entries list now shows loading messages and properly displays "no entries" messages
  • Fixed incorrect filenames for CSV exports of Oplogs

[2.0.0] - 2020-11-20


  • Initial commit of CommandCenter application and related configuration options
    • VirusTotal Configuration
    • Global Report Configuration
    • Slack Configuration
    • Company information
    • Namecheap Configuration
  • Initial support for adding users to groups for Role-Based Access Controls
  • Automated Activity Logging (Oplog application) moved out of beta
  • Implemented initial "overwatch" notifications
    • Domain check-out: alert if domain will expire soon and is not set to auto-renew
    • Domain check-out: alert if domain is marked as burned
    • Domain check-out: alert if domain has been previously used with selected client


  • Upgraded to Django 3 and updated all dependencies
  • Updated user interface elements
    • New tabbed dashboards for clients, projects, and domains
    • New inline forms for creating and managing clients and projects and related items
    • New sidebar menu to improve legibility
    • Migrated buttons and background tasks to WebSockets and AJAX for a more seamless experience
  • Initial release of refactored reporting engine (closes #89)
    • New drag-and-drop report management interface
    • Added many more options to the WYSIWYG editor's formatting menus
    • Initial support for rich text objects for Word documents
    • Added new filter_severity filter for Word templates
  • Initial support for report template and management (closes #28 and #90)
    • Upload report template files for Word and PowerPoint
    • New template linter to check and verify templates
  • Removed web scraping from domain health checks (closed #50 and #84)
    • Checks now use VirusTotal and link to the results
  • Numerous bug fixes and enhancements to address reported issues (closes #54, #55, #69, #92, #93, and #98)


  • Resolved potential stored cross-site scripting in operational logs
  • Resolved unvalidated evidence file uploads and new note creation
    • Associated user account is now set server-side
  • Resolved issues with WebSocket authentication
  • Locked-down evidence uploads to close potential loopholes
    • Evidence form now only allows specific filetypes: md, txt, log, jpg, jpeg, png
    • Requesting an evidence file requires an active user session