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The solution to Algebra : Chapter 0 by Paolo Aluffi.
This course is designed to teach non-engineers (e.g., self-taught/bootcamp coders) Haskell from zero to productive in an interactive, easy-to-follow way.
A Flock of Functions: Combinators, Lambda Calculus, & Church Encodings in JS
An introduction to programming language theory in Agda
Tutorials on Julia topics
My answers to Raymond Smullyan's "To Mock a Mockingbird" combinator puzzles, including a solver in Haskell
On-Target and Off-Target Scoring Algorithms for CRISPR gRNAs
List of Computer Science courses with video lectures.
A simple notebook demonstrating prompt-based music generation via Mubert API
Common Lisp editor/IDE with high expansibility
Doug Hoyte's "Production" version of macros from Let Over Lambda, ready for ASDF and Quicklisp.
List of JavaScript methods which you can use natively + ESLint Plugin
Public repository for Machine Learning II course
TeSS HTML page scrapers in Ruby looking for training resources and events metadata.
A metadata commons to store research software metadata
ELIXIR glossary - a collection of abbreviation and their meaning
Frege is a Haskell for the JVM. It brings purely functional programing to the Java platform.
Minimal implementations for dependent type checking and elaboration
A curated collection of awesome OCaml tools, frameworks, libraries and articles.
Bartosz Milewski's 'Category Theory for Programmers' unofficial PDF and LaTeX source
Basics of the dependently-typed functional language Agda ^_^
Cassowary/JS, better, faster, future-ready
An open source Prolog interpreter in JavaScript