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PRISM backend

This is the server side of PRISM.

Install all necessary dependencies

Install coursier

Coursier is a package manager through which we will install all java/scala related dependencies. Follow the instructions for your operating system

Install JDK 11

cs java --jvm adopt:1.11.0-11 --setup

after that java -version should yield

openjdk version "11.0.11" 2021-04-20
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.11+9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.11+9, mixed mode)

Install sbt

cs install sbt

Github Packages and Personal Access Token (PAT)

Your sbt will look for a ATALA_GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to use to authenticate on Github Packages and download all private dependencies from the IOHK packages archive. It may also look for a github.token git property. It's recommended to set both to make sure it works in all cases you may need.

To properly set your PAT to use with packages, refer to the links below:

Run services

You need to run connector, node and optionally management-console services.

NOTE: If it is the first time you are running sbt, it will take a couple of minutes to start. the reason being is that sbt is actually an "sbt launcher", it has to download the appropriate version of sbt, (defined in project/ first time it is used. all the subsequent runs should take a couple of seconds.

sbt "connector/run"

In a different terminal tab/window, run node service

sbt "node/run"

If you are setting up backend for prism-management-console-web app, you need to run the management-console service in a separate terminal too

sbt "management-console/run"


The node can run against the Cardano Testnet by providing these environment variables before running it:

export NODE_CARDANO_DB_SYNC_DATABASE="prism-test-cardano"
export NODE_CARDANO_DB_SYNC_USERNAME="prism-test-cardano"


export NODE_CARDANO_PAYMENT_ADDRESS="addr_test1qppsn57kv28v0qzju4k8ru0zslzzagwglqn048s44aacfqnlx6jsrz9qkca6h7mj4mkhq7j5zyh067fj7mk935eqsmfqxwxqzj"
export NODE_CARDANO_WALLET_ID="3b5d0baba0ca44573647614800818edd56d9b8e4"

export NODE_LEDGER="cardano"

Pushing Docker images

To build and push a Docker image for a backend module run the following command in your terminal:

sbt <module>/dockerBuildAndPush

By default, sbt pushes to AWS Elastic Container Registry. Alternatively, you can push to GitHub Packages Container registry. First, you need to set up your login details for GitHub. Assuming that your GitHub personal access token with write rights for packages is stored in ATALA_GITHUB_TOKEN, run this:

 echo $ATALA_GITHUB_TOKEN | docker login -u <USERNAME> --password-stdin

Next, by setting GITHUB environment variable to 1, you can tell sbt that you want the images to be pushed to GitHub. For example, to push connector in such fashion run this:

GITHUB=1 sbt connector/dockerBuildAndPush

You can also use TAG environment variable to specify a custom Docker container tag:

TAG=test-container sbt connector/dockerBuildAndPush

IDE / Editor support

If you intend to work on scala code, you should set up build server

first, generate bsp config

sbt -bsp

You can exit sbt as soon as you see sbt:prism> greeter.

This will generate .bsp/sbt.json, it will look similar to this

  "name": "sbt",
  "version": "1.4.2",
  "bspVersion": "2.0.0-M5",
  "languages": [
  "argv": [
    "/Users/shota/Library/Caches/Coursier/jvm/[email protected]/Contents/Home/bin/java",
    "/Users/shota/Library/Application Support/Coursier/bin/sbt:/Users/shota/Library/Caches/Coursier/v1/https/",

Once the file has been generated, edit .bsp/sbt.json and increase -Xmx setting to 4096m so it looks like this

  "name": "sbt",
  "version": "1.4.2",
  "bspVersion": "2.0.0-M5",
  "languages": [
  "argv": [
    "/Users/shota/Library/Caches/Coursier/jvm/[email protected]/Contents/Home/bin/java",
    "/Users/shota/Library/Application Support/Coursier/bin/sbt:/Users/shota/Library/Caches/Coursier/v1/https/",

IntelliJ IDEA

You can open the project with IntelliJ IDEA.

When IntelliJ IDEA asks you what project configuration to use, pick "Open as BSP project". Once the project has been imported, make sure your project SDK is set to JDK 11.


If you get errors while the project gets imported by IntelliJ IDEA, try running IntelliJ from the terminal:

  • ./bin/ from the IntelliJ directory, for Linux.
  • open -a "IntelliJ IDEA" or open -a "IntelliJ IDEA CE" for Mac.

This occurs commonly when dealing with scalajs, because npm is required, and, sometimes IntelliJ fails to get the proper PATH, example error log:

[error] (ProjectRef(uri("file:/home/dell/iohk/repo/cardano-enterprise/prism-sdk/"), "sdkJS") / ssExtractDependencies) Cannot run program "npm" (in directory "/home/dell/iohk/repo/cardano-enterprise/prism-sdk/js/target/scala-2.13/scalajs-bundler/main"): error=2, No such file or directory


If you use VSCode, you need to first install metals extension.

Metals by default uses bloop as its build server, sometimes bloop has a problem importing this projects build. if you encounter the problem with that, you can switch to bsp.

  1. Open the project with vscode (build.sbt has to be in the root of the project)
  2. Run "Metals: import build", this might take a minute or two, depending on your machine.


If you encounter an error while importing the build, run "Metals: switch build server", you will be given an option to choose between multiply build servers. choose bsp, then re-import the build.

run "Metals: run doctor" to see if all sub-project builds have been imported

run "Metals: restart build server" to restart the build server, if editor is acting weird.

Running the whole project

See our main README for instructions on how to run the whole project, including the frontend management console and the chrome extension (which is necessary to log into the management console).