A client library for the Marlowe Runtime
module Main where
import Language.Marlowe.Runtime.Client
main :: IO ()
main = connectToMarloweRuntime "localhost" 3700 do
-- Stay in sync with a contract
runMarloweSyncClient mySyncClient
-- Stay in sync with contract creations
runMarloweHeaderSyncClient myHeaderSyncClient
-- Query the state of on-chain contracts
_ <- runMarloweQueryClient $ getContractHeaders Nothing
-- Interact with contracts
contractCreated <- createContract Nothing MarloweV1 wallet roleTokens mempty Nothing myContract
-- Sign with method of choice
submitAndWait $ signTx $ case contractCreated of ContractCreated{..} -> txBody
inputsApplied <- applyInputs MarloweV1 wallet contractId mempty [IDeposit account fromParty token quantity]
submitAndWait $ signTx $ case inputsApplied of InputsApplied{..} -> txBody
txBody <- withdraw MarloweV1 wallet contractId role
submitAndWait $ signTx txBody
The library provides a typeclass MonadMarlowe
in which a client peer of the
Marlowe protocol can be launched at any time. The underlying monad is
responsible for handling the connection to the underlying runtime instance. A
concrete monad transformer MarloweT
offers an implementation of this
typeclass, which can be executed via the main entrypoint function