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The most powerful IO monad implementation in JS, possibly in any language!


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Monio (mĹŤ'ne-yo) is an async-capable IO Monad (including "do" style) for JS, with several companion monads thrown in.

Monio's IO/IOx is the most powerful IO monad implementation in JS, possibly in any language!

Note: This is obviously a marketing claim, not a provable mathematical/scientific assertion. Nevertheless, it's true!

See Monio In Action

To see how writing Monio-based code looks and feels, especially the use of IO/IOx and all its variations, check out these live demos. There's a variety of different approaches/styles demonstrated, which illustrate the flexibility Monio's monads offer.


Monio balances the power of monads -- often dismissed by the non-FP programmer as academic and convoluted -- while pragmatically embracing the reality of the vast majority of JS programs: paradigm mixture (some OO, some FP, and probably a lot of imperative procedural code).

The driving inspiration behind Monio is the IO monad -- useful for managing side-effects -- that additionally supports "do-style" syntax with JS-ergonomic asynchrony (based on promises) in the style of familiar async..await code. IOs are lazy, so their operations are not triggered until the run(..) method is called.

Monio's IO is a transformer over promises, which means that when promises are produced in an IO, they are automatically unwrapped; of course, that means subsequent IO operations are deferred. If any IO in a chain produces a promise, run(..)'s result will be "lifted" to a promise that resolves when the entire IO chain is complete. Otherwise, the IO instance and its run(..) call will operate synchronously and immediately produce the result.

Monio intentionally chooses to model asynchrony over promises instead of Task monads, because of its goal of balancing FP with pragmatic and idomatic non-FP JS. However, there's nothing that should prevent you from using a Task monad with Monio if you prefer.

IO's "do-style" syntax is specified with the do(..) method (automatically lifts the IO to promise-producing asynchrony), which accepts JS generators (including "async generators": async function *whatever(){ .. }). yield is used for chaining IOs (which can produce promises to defer), whereas await is for explicitly deferring on a promise that's not already wrapped in an IO. The resulting style of code should be more broadly approachable for JS developers, while still benefitting from monads.

IO's do(..) is JS-ergonomic for exception handling. Uncaught JS exceptions become promise rejections, and IO-produced promise rejections are try..catch'able. IO also supports modeling exception handling through Either monads: doEither(..) transforms uncaught exceptions into Either:Left values, and recognizes IO-produced Either:Left values as try..catch'able exceptions.

Monio's IO is also a Reader monad, which carries side-effect read environments alongside IO operations.

For the FP savvy

Monio's IO models a function e => IO a (Promise b c), which is strong enough to capture (optional) environment passing, side effects, async, and error handling without the pain of composing each type separately.

Typically IO does not take an argument, but given one, it acts like an effectful Reader. In addition, it can model sync or async functions so the inner Promise becomes optional.

In that way, you can think of it as ReaderT (IOT (Promise|Identity a b)) where Promise gets swapped for Identity if you're not doing async.

Monio's IO is like a JS-style ZIO/RIO where we have all the functionality we need wrapped up in a single monad type.

Monio's Monads

Using an identity (Just) monad:

var twentyOne = Just(21);

.chain(v => Just(v * 2))
// Just(42)

Using a Maybe monad, which can either represent a Just or a Nothing depending on if the value is "empty" -- by default, JS primitives null and undefined are defined as "empty", but this can be configured.

For example:

// `responseData` is an object (from somewhere!)


// this step is "safe" in that it's skipped
// if the `responseData.message` property
// is missing/empty and thus results in a
// Maybe:Nothing monad
.map(msg => msg.toUpperCase())

// using "foldable" behavior mixed in with
// the Maybe monad
    () => console.log("Message missing!"),
    msg => console.log(`Message: ${msg}`)

The Either monad type is similar to Maybe, in that it has two possible representations: Left and Right. Either is typically used for modeling exception handling, where the Left representation is an exception, and Right represents a succesful operation/value. This sort of exception/success duality may be familiar to those who understand JS promises.

For example:

// note: like Maybe, the Either monad is also "foldable"
var msg = Either.fromFoldable(

    emptyVal => console.log("Error: ")

In addition to Either, Monio provides AsyncEither, which is basically, a Future monad, with the same opaque promise-transforming behavior as IO.

IO Monad ("one monad to rule them all")

IO represents monadic side effects wrapped in/as functions. The IO(..) constructor takes a single function (aka "effect"), which it will apply when the IO is evaluated. This effect function can optionally be passed an argument (see discussion of "reader environment" below).

var log = msg => IO(() => console.log(msg));
var uppercase = str => str.toUpperCase();
var greeting = msg => IO.of(msg);

// setup:
var HELLO = greeting("Hello!").map(uppercase);

// later:
.run();       // HELLO!

Note: The IO-wrapped log(..) function shown above is an commonly-needed utility in JS development. As such, it's provided in the IOHelpers module of this package, as IOHelpers.log. You can put log = IOHelpers.log in your app, and then use log(..) anywhere in your IO code that you would normally use console.log(..). Just remember, log(..) returns an IO, it doesn't automatically produce the logging (side effects!). You have to chain(..) (or yield in a do-routine) the IO-wrapped log(..) to actually cause the effect to happen!

Instead of manually chaining IOs together, you can opt for a friendlier, more familiar, more imperative "do-style" -- which resembles what JS developers will recognize as async..await style code -- by using and a generator:

var getData = url => IO(() => fetch(url).then(r => r.json()));
var renderMessage = msg => IO(() => (
    document.body.innerText = msg

// `` accepts a generator to express "do-style"
// IO chains *main(){
    // `yield` of an IO instance (like `await` with
    // promises in an `async..await` function) will
    // chain/unwrap the IO, asynchronously if neccessary
    var resp = yield getData("/some/data");

    yield renderMessage(resp.msg);

    // ..

IO automatically and opaquely unwraps/transforms JS promises. That means the yield getData(..) expression above acts like a familiar await promiseVal expression, in that it locally pauses to resolve the eventual value (from the fetch(..) call in this case).

The same promise-transforming behavior shown above in the do-routine (via yield) also applies in regular IO chain(..) calls. The outcome is that any IO chain which encounters a promise ends up lifting the return value from the run(..) call to a promise for the eventual resolution of the IO evaluation.

Asynchrony is the ultimate (most complex) side effect in any program. As such, all asynchrony in your programs -- Ajax calls, timers, animations, etc -- can and should be modeled as IO expressions, so that asynchrony as a side effect is managed along with any other side effects.

IO also has Reader monad capability rolles in, meaning it supports carrying a reader environment through all IO chains (or do-blocks) by passing an argument to run(..). This value is passed as the first argument to the effect function, as well as the do-routine generator.

Passing a reader-env into an IO chain via the run(..) argument is key to how IO is lazy, and runs in an isolated "universe" rather than relying on implicit side effects such as accessing the DOM in a browser application. Think of the reader-env value (whatever it is) you pass in as the "global" object that an IO will run in the context of.

For example:

// NOTE: the `readerEnv` here is automatically carried
// through to this IO
var renderMessage = msg => IO(readerEnv => (
    readerEnv.messageEl.innerText = msg
)); *main(readerEnv){
    // NOTE: we don't have to pass the `readerEnv` manually,
    // since it's automatically carried through all chained
    // IOs
    yield renderMessage("Hello, friend!");

    // ..
    messageEl: document.getElementById("welcome-message")

Notice how readerEnv was automatically carried through from main(..) to the renderMessage(..) IO because of the yield expression (essentially an IO chain(..) call under the covers), without needing to be manually passed.

The outermost run(..) call will carry the same reader-env value through any and all of its chained IOs. However, there are helpers provided in IOHelpers, like applyIO(..) and doBindIO(..), that can alter/narrow the reader-env by manually applying a specific reader-env to a specific IO.

For example:

const applyIO = IOHelpers.applyIO;

var getElementById = id => IO(doc => doc.getElementById(id));
var renderMessage = msg => IO(({ messageEl }) => (
    messageEl.innerText = msg
)); *main(doc){
    // `doc` here is the DOM `document` object

    var altReaderEnv = {
        messageEl: yield getElementById("welcome-message")

    yield applyIO(
        renderMessage("Hello, friend!"),

    // ..

Carefully managing the reader-env values passed to your program's various IOs is key to unlocking the real power of IO monads!

The IO.doEither(..) constructor is very similar to The difference is that do-routines processed by IO.doEither(..) will treat Either:Left values as throwing/catchable exceptions, and it will lift any uncaught standard JS exceptions into Either:Left values.

This do-routine variant is particularly helpful if you prefer to use Either for custom exception handling in your app logic rather than JS exceptions, while still wanting to take advantage of the try..catch exception-flow-control constructs in your imperative do-style code.

IOx (aka Reactive IO) (aka Observable IO)

IOx is a "reactive IO" monad variant, which is both a conforming IO and also similar to a basic observable (or event stream). If an IOx (B) instance is subscribed to (i.e., observing/listening to) another IOx instance (A), and A updates its value, B is automatically notified and re-applied.

The IOx(..) constructor is like the IO(..) constructor -- both expect an effect function as the first argument -- except that IOx(..) also expects a second argument: an array of dependencies -- typically, one or more IOx instances, but can also be regular IO instances, or even non-IO values like 42 or Just("ok").

The effect function (for both IO(..) and IOx(..)) always receives the reader-env value (the value passed to run(..)) as its first argument. For IOx instances, the effect function will then also receive, as additional positional arguments, the resolved value(s) of its listed dependencies.

For example:

var number = IOx.of(3);
var doubled = => v * 2);
var tripled = => v * 3);

// `print(..)` here is an effect function to pass to the
// `IOx(..)` constructor; it receives both the
// reader-env argument and the `v`, which will be the
// subscribed-to value of the IOx instance's dependency
var print = (readerEnv,v) => console.log(`v: ${v}`);

// the `IO(..)` constructor here also takes an effect
// function, which receives only the reader-env argument
var printIO = v => IO(readerEnv => print(readerEnv,v));

// subscribe to the `doubled` IOx
var printDoubled = IOx(print,[ doubled ]);

// an alternate way to "subscribe" is to `chain(..)`:
var printTripled = tripled.chain(printIO);

// activate only the `printDoubled` IOx;
// v: 6

// assign a different value into the `number` IOx
// v: 14

// now activate the `printTripled` IOx;
// v: 21

// assign another value into the `number` IOx
// v: 20
// v: 30

As shown, successive calls to the IOx instance (itself a function), like number(7) above, will "update" the value in the IOx instance, which has the effect of pushing that value out through the stream to any subscribed IOx instances.

Generally, IO and IOx instances are interchangeable in that most places which expect an IO can receive an IOx, and vice versa. However, there are times when you will need to explicitly convert (aka, lift) from one to the other. These conversions are natural transformations in FP-speak.

For example, you can chain(..) an IOx instance from an IO (since IOx is a valid IO), but even though this is possible, it probably won't have the desired outcome; the outer resulting chain will still be a single-value IO instance (i.e., whatever the first value eventually is from the IOx). To explicitly convert an IO to an IOx, use IOx.fromIO(..):

var getElementById = id => IO(() => document.getElementById(id));

var thisIsAnIONotAnIOx =

var butThisIsAnIOx =
    IOx.fromIO( getElementById("my-btn") )

Less often, you need to explicitly convert in the other direction (IOx to IO); use IO.fromIOx(..) in those specific cases.

IOx streams can also be constructed from (i.e., filled with values from) both sync and async iterables, using IOx.fromIter(..). Iterable-based IOx streams are one-time sources of values; once they've been iterated, they won't produce those values again.

By default, iterable-based IOx streams will close once they've produced their values. However, fromIter(..) takes an optional second boolean argument: pass false to keep the stream open after its initial iteration is complete. This allows the stream to be updated with additional values later.

For example:

const log = IOHelpers.log;

var range = IOx.fromIter( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ], /*closeOnComplete=*/false );

// 1 2 3 4 5

// send another value through the IOx stream
// 6

var asyncOdds = IOx.fromIter(async function *asyncOdds(){
    for (let i = 1; i < 1000; i += 2) {
        yield i;
        await (new Promise(r => setTimeout(r,500)));

// 1 .. 3 .. 5 ..... 999

Note: Generators or async-generators passed as iterable sources to fromIter(..) are not treated as do-routines the way / operate. Standard generators are synchronously iterated as sources of yielded values, and async generators are asynchronously iterated as sources of yielded values.

You can construct an async-iterable (suitable to consume with a for await..of loop) from any IOx stream using toIter(..). Note that regardless of what type of IOx instance is provided, the returned iterable is always async-iterable, not a normal synchronous iterable; a standard for..of loop will fail.

toIter(..) takes any IOx instance as its first argument, and the second (optional) argument should be the reader-env (if any) to run the IOx with (if it hasn't already run):

var counter = 0;
var numbers = IOx.of.empty();

var intv = setInterval(function(){

    // be careful not to run forever, unless
    // that's intentional!
    if (counter === 100) {

// will run as long as the `numbers` IOx is still
// open
for await (let num of IOx.toIter(numbers,/*readerEnv=*/undefined)) {
    console.log(`num: ${num}`);
// num: 1
// num: 2
// ...
// num: 100

Be aware that if the IOx stays open, the for await..of loop that's consuming the async-iterator will keep waiting forever. To stop the iteration, you'll need to either directly close() the subscribed-to IOx instance (as shown above), manually break / return out of the for await..of loop, or forcibly close the async-iterator instance itself by calling return(..) on it.

Timer-based IOx streams can be created with IOx.onTimer(..), such as:

const log = IOHelpers.log;
const waitFor = IOxHelpers.waitFor;

var onlyOneSecond = IOx.onTimer( /*timeDelayMs=*/1000, /*countLimint=*/1 );
// note: if you omit the second argument, the
// timer will keep running at the specified
// time-delay interval indefinitely, until
// the IOx instance is closed

.chain(timerTick => log("one second passed!"))

Note: Timer-based IOx instances don't default to waiting for the timer to fire once initiating it, because you may just want to start a timer in the background and not actually wait for it in that same expression (e.g., As such, this example additionally illustrates the helpfulness of the IOx-Helper waitFor(..), which wraps the onlyOneSecond in another IOx instance that will indeed wait for the timer to fire.

And for handling typical event streams, manually (from a standard DOM event listener):

var clicksIOx = IOx.of.empty();

// standard DOM event listener

clicksIOx.chain(evt => {
    // .. click event! ..

Note: Unlike the previous onTimer(..) example, because clicksIOx here is initially an empty IOx, the chain(..) call will wait for the first value to be pushed through the IOx stream (when the "click" event occurs on the button).

But more preferably/canonically, events can be subscribed as IOx streams using the included IOx.onEvent(..) / IOx.onceEvent(..) helpers:

const waitFor = IOxHelpers.waitFor;

var clicksIOx = IOx.onEvent(btn,"click",false);
// or use `IOx.onceEvent(..)` for single-fire event handling

waitFor(clicksIOx).chain(evt => {
    // .. click event! ..

Note: As with timer-based IOx instances (described earlier), event-based IOx instances (from IOx.onEvent(..) or IOx.onceEvent(..)) don't default to waiting for the event they've just subscribed to. The waitFor(..) helper is again helpful to wait for the actual event.

IOx instances are conforming IO instances (with extensions for reactivity). As such, they can be chain(..)ed from IOs, or yielded inside do-blocks:

const waitFor = IOxHelpers.waitFor; *main({ doc, }){
    // IOx event stream that represents the one-time
    // DOM-ready event
    var DOMReadyIOx = IOx.onceEvent(doc,"DOMContentLoaded",false);

    // listen (and wait!) for this one-time event to fire
    yield waitFor(DOMReadyIOx);

    // ..
.run({ doc: document });

Note: yield DOMReadyIOx above would be a valid expression in the do-routine, as would yielding any IOx instance. But as previously described, such an expression wouldn't actually wait for the event. Again, the waitFor(..) helper waits for the "DOMContentLoaded" event to actually fire. is like IO's, except that -- just like the IOx(..) constructor -- it expects a second argument: an array of other IOx instances to subscribe to. Since creates an IOx instance, its do-block will be re-invoked with each value update from any of the subscribed-to IOx instances:

var delay = ms => IO(() => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r,ms)));
var toggleEl = el => IO(() => el.disabled = !el.disabled);
var renderMessage = msg => IO(({ messageEl }) => (
    messageEl.innerText = msg

function *onClick({ btn, },evt) {
    // disable button
    yield toggleEl(btn);

    // render a message
    yield renderMessage("Button clicked!");

    // wait a second
    yield delay(1000);

    // clear the message
    yield renderMessage("");

    // re-enable button
    yield toggleEl(btn);
} *main({ btn, }){
    // lazily prepare to subscribe to click events
    // (this IOx instance is not yet active unti`l
    // it's manually run, or subscribed to by another
    // IOx instance that *is* activated)
    var clicksIOx = IOx.onEvent(btn,"click",false);

    // for each click, re-evaluate the reactive do-block,
    // and pass along the received DOM event object as an
    // argument to the do-block
    // (still not activated yet!)
    var handleClicksIOx =,[ clicksIOx ]);
    // or:
    //    var handleClicksIOx = clicksIOx.chain(
    //       evt =>,evt)
    //    );

    // actually activates the click handling and the DOM
    // event subscription
    yield handleClicksIOx;
    messageEl: document.getElementById("my-message"),
    btn: document.getElementById("my-button")

Similar to RxJS observables, some basic stream operators/combinators are provided with IOx. Operators (filterIn(..), filterOut(..), distinct(..), and distinctUntilChanged(..)) are passed to an IOx's chain(..) method. Combinators (merge(..) and zip(..)) are called standalone with an array of IOx instances to combine.

For example:

var { log } = IOHelpers;
var { distinct, distinctUntilChained, filterIn, zip, merge } = IOxHelpers;
var log = msg => IO(() => console.log(msg)); *main({ btn, input }){
    // setup some event streams
    var clicksIOx = IOx.onEvent(btn,"click",false);
    var keypressesIOx = IOx.onEvent(input,"keypress",false);

    // use various stream operators
    var lettersIOx = => evt.key)
            filterIn(key => /[a-z]/i.test(key))
    var uniqueLettersIOx = lettersIOx.chain( distinct() );
    var nonRepeatLettersIOx =
        lettersIOx.chain( distinctUntilChanged() );

    // zip two streams together
    var clickAndKeyIOx = zip([ clicksIOx, uniqueLettersIOx ]);

    // NOTE:
    // it's important to realize that everything up to this
    // point has just been lazily defined, with nothing
    // yet executed. the following statement actually
    // `yield`s to activate the ultimate IOx, which has the
    // cascading effect of activating all the above defined
    // IOx instances.

    // merge two streams together, and print whatever comes
    // through to the console
    yield (
        merge([ clickAndKeyIOx, nonRepeatLettersIOx ])
    btn: document.getElementById("my-button"),
    input: document.getElementById("my-input"),

IOx reactive instances can temporarily be paused (using stop()), or permanently closed and cleaned up (using close()). They can also be "frozen" (still open, but no more values allowed) with freeze(). isClosed() and isFrozen() indicate the current status of the IOx stream.

Other Helpful IO-Variants

Monio includes several other supporting monads/helpers in addition to IO:

  • AllIO and AnyIO are IO monad variants -- specifically, concatable monoids -- whose concat(..) method makes them suitable to perform (short-circuited) && and || operations, respectively, over the eventually-resolved values in the IO instances. For additional convenience, common FP utilities like fold(..) and foldMap(..) (included in Monio's Util module) abstract the concat(..) calls across such concatable moniod instances.

    For example:

    var a = AllIO(() => true);
    var b = AllIO(() => true);
    var c = AllIO(() => false);
    a.concat(b).run();                    // true
    fold(a,b).run();                      // true
    a.concat(b).concat(c).run();          // false
    foldMap(v => v,[ a, b, c ]).run();    // false
    var d = AnyIO(() => true);
    var e = AnyIO(() => true);
    var f = AnyIO(() => false);
    d.concat(e).run();                    // true
    d.concat(e).concat(f).run();          // true
  • IOEventStream(..): creates an IO instance that produces an "event stream" -- an async-iterable that's consumable with a for await..of loop -- from an event emitter (ie, a DOM element, or a Node EventEmitter instance)

    For example:

    var clicksIO = IOEventStream(btn,"click");
    clicksIO.chain(clicks => function *main(){
        // `clicks` is a lazily-subscribed ES2018
        // async-iterator that will produce event
        // objects for each DOM click event on the
        // the button
        for await (let evt of clicks) {
            // ..

Using Monio

To use monads/helpers from Monio, require(..) or import .. them by name:

  • CJS programs/modules in Node (requires Node v12+):

    var { Maybe, IO } = require("monio");
    // or:
    var Just = require("monio/just");
  • ESM in Node (requires Node v14+):

    import { Maybe, IO } from "monio";
    // or:
    import Just from "monio/just";

    Note: As of v0.32.0, the previously deprecated ESM import specifier segment /esm in Monio import paths has been removed, in favor of unified import specifier paths via Node Conditional Exports. For ESM import statements, use the specifier style "monio" or "monio/just".

  • ESM in browser (requires browser with ES6+ support):

    import { Maybe, IO } from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/index.mjs";
    // or:
    import Just from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/just.mjs";

    It's clearly unfortunate/inconvenient to have to specify URL paths (including filename extensions!) to import Monio entities when using ESM-format in the browser. This is an artifact of how browsers currently support ESM.

    The current best-option work-around is to use an Import-Map (if your target browser environment supports them) on your site to create friendlier import-path names that the browser then maps to the required URL paths.

    To use an Import-Map, include an inline <script type="importmap">..</script> block in each HTML page of your site, with the Import-Map JSON contents inside the block.

    If you'd like to use Monio ESM-format in the browser with the same friendly import names that are available for Node import / require, and if Import-Maps are supported in your target browser environment, you can start with the contents of the provided dist/esm/import-map-template.json file

    <!-- your HTML page -->
    <script type="importmap">
      "imports": {
        "monio": "/monio/index.mjs",
        "monio/just": "/monio/just.mjs",
        "monio/nothing": "/monio/nothing.mjs",
        // ..
        "monio/util": "/monio/lib/util.mjs"
    <!-- your HTML page -->

    As you can see in the above snippet, the assumed paths in this template file all expect Monio's dist/esm directory to be deployed at the root of your site as /monio/*. Adjust those paths as necessary to match your site's deployment structure.

    • Important Note:

      Whether you use an Import-Map (as just described) or not, since ESM-format files are not bundled together, but loaded separately, the dist/esm files internally use relative import paths that reference each other. This directory/filename structure must be preserved for ESM-format Monio to operate in the browser as distributed. As such, make sure the entire contents of the dist/esm directory are deployed to your site exactly as provided.

      If that is not possible, you may use an Import-Map (if your target browser environment supports them) to adapt the original relative ESM import paths to a different deployment structure and/or file-naming. You could also use Import-Remap to force-rewrite the import paths to different values.

  • UMD in browser (requires browser with ES5+ support):

    <script src="/path/to/monio/dist/umd/bundle.js"></script>
    <!-- or -->
    <script src="/path/to/monio/dist/umd/just.js"></script>

    The UMD bundle.js file alone is sufficient for Monio deployment if using the UMD format. Rename that bundle.js file (e.g., monio.js) and deploy wherever is appropriate in your site. You could deploy and load the individual UMD files if you prefer, but it's generally easier and more efficient to use the single bundle file.

Once Monio monads are imported into your module/program, instances are created from functions (no new constructors necessary):

var helloWorld = Just("Hello World");

// Just("Hello World");
// true

Monio's monads can of course be used together in various expected ways:

var helloWorld = Just("Hello World");
var greeting = Maybe(helloWorld);
var log = str => IO(() => console.log(str));

var main = *main(){
    var msg = => `${ m }!!`);

    // Uncomment this line to swap in an empty maybe
    // msg = Maybe.from(null);

    yield msg.fold(IO.of,log);
// Hello World!!

Import/Require Paths For Monio Entities

Note: For ESM-format usage in the browser, URL paths (with filename extensions!) or Import-Maps are required. To use the friendlier ESM-Node/CJS names while in the browser, an Import-Map is required. See above for explanation.

Here are the individual import / require named-entity paths:

  • Monio Index/Namespace (includes all named top-level entities): "monio"

    ESM (Node): import * as Monio from "monio"

    ESM (Node): import { Just, Maybe, IO } from "monio"

    ESM (Browser): import * as Monio from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/index.mjs"

    ESM (Browser): import { Just, Maybe, IO } from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/index.mjs"

    CJS: const Monio = require("monio")

    CJS: const { Just, Maybe, IO } = require("monio")

  • Just: "monio/just"

    ESM (Node): import Just from "monio/just"

    ESM (Browser): import Just from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/just.mjs"

    CJS: const Just = require("monio/just")

  • Nothing: "monio/nothing"

    ESM (Node): import Nothing from "monio/nothing"

    ESM (Browser): import Nothing from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/nothing.mjs"

    CJS: const Nothing = require("monio/nothing")

  • Maybe: "monio/maybe"

    ESM (Node): import Maybe from "monio/maybe"

    ESM (Node): import Maybe from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/maybe.mjs"

    CJS: const Maybe = require("monio/maybe")

  • Either: "monio/either"

    ESM (Node): import Either from "monio/either"

    ESM (Node): import Either from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/either.mjs"

    CJS: const Either = require("monio/either")

  • AsyncEither: "monio/async-either"

    ESM (Node): import AsyncEither from "monio/async-either"

    ESM (Browser): import AsyncEither from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/async-either.mjs"

    CJS: const AsyncEither = require("monio/async-either")

  • IO: "monio/io"

    ESM (Node): import IO from "monio/io"

    ESM (Browser): import IO from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/io/io.mjs"

    CJS: const IO = require("monio/io")

  • IOx: "monio/iox" or "monio/io/x"

    ESM (Node): import IOx from "monio/iox"

    ESM (Browser): import IOx from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/io/iox.mjs"

    CJS: const IOx = require("monio/iox")

  • AnyIO: "monio/io/any"

    ESM (Node): import AnyIO from "monio/io/any"

    ESM (Browser): import AnyIO from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/io/any.mjs"

    CJS: const AnyIO = require("monio/io/any")

  • AllIO: "monio/io/all"

    ESM (Node): import AllIO from "monio/io/all"

    ESM (Browser): import AllIO from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/io/all.mjs"

    CJS: const AllIO = require("monio/io/ll")

  • IOHelpers (named helpers for IO): "monio/io/helpers"

    ESM (Node): import * as IOHelpers from "monio/io/helpers"

    ESM (Node): import { waitAll, match, applyIO } from "monio/io/helpers"

    ESM (Browser): import * as IOHelpers from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/io/helpers.mjs"

    ESM (Browser): import { waitAll, match, applyIO } from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/io/helpers.mjs"

    CJS: const IOHelpers = require("monio/io/helpers")

    CJS: const { waitAll, match, applyIO } = require("monio/io/helpers")

  • IOxHelpers (named helpers for IOx): "monio/iox/helpers" or "monio/io/x-helpers"

    ESM (Node): import * as IOxHelpers from "monio/iox/helpers"

    ESM (Node): import { filterIn, distinct, waitFor } from "monio/iox/helpers"

    ESM (Node): import * as IOxHelpers from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/io/x-helpers.mjs"

    ESM (Node): import { filterIn, distinct, waitFor } from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/io/x-helpers.mjs"

    CJS: const IOHelpers = require("monio/iox/helpers")

    CJS: const { filterIn, distinct, waitFor } = require("monio/iox/helpers")

  • MonioUtil (helper utils for Monio): "monio/util"

    ESM (Node): import * as MonioUtil from "monio/util"

    ESM (Node): import { curry, fold } from "monio/util"

    ESM (Browser): import * as MonioUtil from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/lib/util.mjs"

    ESM (Browser): import { curry, fold } from "/path/to/monio/dist/esm/lib/util.mjs"

    CJS: const MonioUtil = require("monio/util")

    CJS: const { curry, fold } = require("monio/util")


A test suite is included in this repository, as well as the npm package distribution. The default test behavior runs the test suite using the files in src/.

  1. The tests are run with QUnit.

  2. To run the test utility with npm:

    npm test

Test Coverage

Coverage Status

If you have NYC (Istanbul) already installed on your system (requires v14.1+), you can use it to check the test coverage:

npm run coverage

Then open up coverage/lcov-report/index.html in a browser to view the report.

Note: The npm script coverage:report is only intended for use by project maintainers. It sends coverage reports to Coveralls.


All code and documentation are (c) 2022 Kyle Simpson and released under the MIT License. A copy of the MIT License is also included.


The most powerful IO monad implementation in JS, possibly in any language!







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