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Line 1: Hex Colour is not red
Line 15: Font size doesn't use rem-calc mixin
Line 22: Height doesn't use rem-calc mixin
Line 24: Use of !important
Line 34: Not BEM syntax for class
Line 35: Padding needs to be shorthand
Line 42: font-weight isn't a variable
Line 46: ID used as a selector
Line 47: Colour should use the $c-red variable
Line 48: font-size should use rem-calc mixin and not pt size
Line 52: Don't need px on the end of the 0
Line 6: User scalable shouldn't be 0
Line 7: title tag missing >
Line 14: indentation issue
Line 15: no alt attribute on image
Line 15: doesn't need closing /
Line 20: Comment isn't a HTML one
Line 28: Missing closing anchor tag
JavaScript PR interview issues
Line 3: use of var when should be const
Line 3,4,5: inconsistent case of variable names
Line 7: typo in argument name and poor case naming
Line 8: Unused variable and use of var
Line 13: productSize redeclared even though it's a const
Line 20: selected using jQuery but jQuery is not included in the file
Line 22: addClass is a jQuery function
Line 31: missed closing bracket
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