Tier 3 Java application. We created a fully functional authentication and authorization solution. Students, instructors and secretaries have access to specific funtionalities based on their role. Some of the core functionalities are:
- Students are able to view their grades, semesters, courses, total score, gpa.
- Instructors are able to perform at least the following: view a list of grades per lesson (for already graduated courses), posting a grade per course (for non-graded courses), edit grades and more.
- Secretaries are able to perform at least the following: view course details (course title, semester, etc), assign courses to an instructor, add/edit/delete courses and more.
We have used the following languages, libraries and frameworks:
Java / Servlet API / JSP / JSTL 1.2 / Jasypt 1.9.2
Javascript / jQuery
Html / Bootstrap framework 4
MySQL / Tomcat v.9.0
Course: Object oriented application development
Lecturer: P. Kontzanikolaou
Group members involved in this project:
Ioannidis Panagiotis, Paravantis Athanasios, Nikas Dionisios