R client for the OBIS API
# latest development version
Get occurrences by scientific name:
data <- occurrence("Abra alba")
Get occurrences by AphiaID:
data <- occurrence(aphiaid = 141433)
Restrict fields in result set:
data <- occurrence("Abra alba", fields = c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude"))
Filter occurrences by QC flags:
data <- occurrence("Abra nitida", qc = c(22, 23))
Get occurrences by geometry:
data <- occurrence("Abra alba", geometry = "POLYGON ((2.59689 51.16772, 2.62436 51.14059, 2.76066 51.19225, 2.73216 51.20946, 2.59689 51.16772))")
Plot occurrences on a Leaflet map:
Get a checklist for a specific group and year:
data <- checklist("Semelidae", year = 2005)
Get a checklist for a region:
data <- checklist(geometry = "POLYGON ((2.59689 51.16772, 2.62436 51.14059, 2.76066 51.19225, 2.73216 51.20946, 2.59689 51.16772))")
Get dataset information by dataset ID:
datasets <- dataset(seq(2500, 2520))