IONDV. Framework application installer from the code repository.
It installs, build and run the app from the git repository, from the zip archive (including downloaded from the visual constructor IONDV. Studio) or from a folder with application files (the folder is copied, the files in the folder do not change).
By default, the build method in the docker container is used. Description of system preparation is given below in the Prepare environment section.
The Mongo DB must be running for the system to work. In the docker container, you can run it with the command:
docker run --name mongodb -v mongodb_data:/data/db -p 27017:27017 -d mongo
The assembly examples below imply that the DBMS is running in a container named mongodb.
The simpliest example is nutrition-tickets, the team downloads the installer from the github repository, which collects and runs the application in the docker container in the current directory.
- from the git repository
bash <(curl -sL \
-t docker -q -i -l mongodb develop-and-test
- from zip archive, for example received from github
curl -L > ./
or created in IONDV. Studio. Please note that inpackage.json
of the created app in the"ionModulesDependencies"
attribute you need to specify a module to display data - usually it's"registry"
bash <(curl -sL \
-t docker -q -i -l mongodb ./
- from a folder, while the original application folder is not modified. Please note that the name of the folder must correspond to the application namespace (if the folder is unpacked from the github archive, then the branch code is usually added in the name - you need to rename it).
bash <(curl -sL \
-t docker -q -i -l mongodb ./nutrition-tickets
Default assembled application address is http://localhost:8888, user - demo
, password ion-demo
The assembly examples below imply that the DBMS is running locally and is available at localhost:27017.
Installation in the local file system allows you to get the application ready for modification and revision by the developer’s tools,
for example, in the IDE - just open the application folder. The application folder is created in the launch folder, or in the specified folder by the parameter -p
- from the git repository in the
bash <(curl -sL \
-t git -p /workspace -m localhost:27017
- from zip archive, for example received from github
curl -L > ./
or created in
IONDV. Studio. Please note that inpackage.json
of the created app in the"ionModulesDependencies"
attribute you need to specify a module to display data - usually it's"registry"
bash <(curl -sL \
-t git -p /workspace -m localhost:27017 ./
- from a folder, while the original application folder is not modified. Please note that the name of the folder must correspond to the application namespace (if the folder is unpacked from the github archive, then the branch code is usually added in the name - you need to rename it).
bash <(curl -sL \
-t git -q -i -m localhost:27017 ./nutrition-tickets
Application build type:
-t [value] git: cloning repositories to the file system (requires git installed)
docker: assembly in docker containers, installation of the environment on the host machine is not required. Universal parameters for different types
-c [value] launching the application as a cluster with the number of instances [value]
-m [value] uri for Mongo DB, examples: mongodb:27017. localhost:27017 - by default (when building in
in docker it will give an error connecting to the database (!). For docker use the -l parameter
-r check and delete the folder with the application name in the assembly directory
-i data import during application initialization
-a Import roles and user accounts during application initialization
-y apply all default values (yes to all)
-q silent mode. Only basic information, warnings and errors are shown.
-l [value] MongoDB container name for linking to the assembled container (docker assembly type
or the -d option for git build type) also forms a configuration specifying
mongo uri values as [value]: 27017
-p [value] path to the directory where the folder with the name of the application will be created and
-s [value] full path to the script run in the application folder after assembly, but before the deploy of the
application. It can be used for additional processing of application files.
-n [value] parameters determining the change the application's namespace to a new one, before the deploy
-h skip switching to version of application dependencies, installation on latest versions
Method Parameters for git:
-d prepare a docker container based on the assembled version. Also stop and
remove container, image with that name
-k skip environment check
Method Parameters for docker:'
-v save intermediate versions of containers - allows to speed up subsequent assemblies. But
caching is not worked if there is a flag to ignore dependency versions
Environment variables:
IONDVUrlGitFramework URL to the repository with the framework, by default
You can set the login and password for your version in a private repository. For example:
https://login:[email protected]/iondv/framework.git
IONDVUrlGitModules URL to modules, by default
IONDVUrlGitApp URL to applications - used if only the application name is specified for the assembly,
by default
IONDVUrlGitExtApp URL to application-extension , by default
It is recommended not to do under root.
- Install latest version of docker for CentOS:
# Update the system
sudo yum update
# Install the necessary libraries
yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
# Register a repository
yum-config-manager --add-repo
# Install the latest version
yum -y install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
# Run docker
systemctl start docker
# Automatically launch docker
systemctl enable docker
- Install latest version of for Ubuntu:
# Add the GDP key
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
# Check the key
apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
# Add the repository
sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
# Update the repository
sudo apt-get update
# Install the latest version
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
Add the current user to the docker group:
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
You can check - docker run hello-world
Run with mapping on the local port:
docker run --name mongodb -v mongodb_data:/data/db -p 27017:27017 -d mongo
To speed up the assembly, it is recommended that you locally download the docker image node:10, because it's 900Mb.
docker pull node:10
You can check - docker images | grep node
- a list of local node images will be displayed