A mobile app running on Android and iOS to manage multiple Hornet Nodes on the go!
Try to execute the following cURL command. Make sure to replace NODE_URL and JWT_TOKEN with the correct values
curl --location --request GET 'https://NODE_URL/api/v1/peers' --header 'Authorization: Bearer JTW_TOKEN'
The following responses can be expected:
- HTTP 200, with a JSON object containing all existing peers
- HTTP 401 Not authorized - The JWT Token is not valid. Make sure it was generated correctly.
In case of 2. it could also be a problem with the reverse proxy configuration on your server. Due to security concerns when not using JWT_AUTH on your node some setup guides blocked crucial API endpoints within the reverse proxy.
Here is an example of a NGINX conf that is blocking the peer endpoint:
upstream hornet_api {
# hornet api
location ~ ^/api/v1/(info|tips|messages|treasury|transactions|milestones|outputs|addresses) {
limit_req zone=hornet_api burst=25;
default_type application/json;
auth_basic off;
proxy_pass http://hornet_api;
If that is the case make sure to adjust it accordingly. One simple example would be the following which is totally fine if JWT_AUTH is enabled for the node.
upstream hornet_api {
location /api/v1 {
limit_req zone=hornet_api burst=25;
default_type application/json;
auth_basic off;
proxy_pass http://hornet_api;
To make sure you redirect to the correct internal address verify the bindAddress in the node main config (see below one example configuration of the restApi block.
"restAPI": {
"jwtAuth": {
"enabled": true,
"salt": "HORNET"
"excludeHealthCheckFromAuth": false,
"permittedRoutes": [
"whitelistedAddresses": [
"bindAddress": "",
"powEnabled": true,
"powWorkerCount": 1,
"limits": {
"bodyLength": "1M",
"maxResults": 1000
It depends on how you installed the node.
- (A) APT: run the following command
./hornet tool jwt-api
- (B) Nuriel Playbook: https://github.com/nuriel77/hornet-playbook#get-jwt-token
Unfortunately this requires you to temporary shutdown the node before generating it.
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