This page is part of the App Framework Documentation
The structure of your application is defined in a Framework7-Vue component, so you should be familar with Vue.js single file components as well as Framework7-Vue.
The following content of the app/app.vue file is sufficient for a basic application:
<div id="app">
<f7-view main url="/home/" navbar-through :dynamic-navbar="$theme.ios" />
If you want to assign CSS declarations to your complete application, you should do it in the app component:
.navbar {
background-color: #5dade2;
And to add functionality, you use the script block:
export default {
methods: {
onF7Init: function () {
this.$f7.alert('App is mounted!')
In Framework7-Vue documentation, the app component is described as the #app div - you will find all details there.
Babel / ES2015 is supported in the app component.
You can pass custom Framework7 parameters to your application in the configuration file. Example:
"framework7parameters": {
"swipePanel": "left"