- What is cloud ?
- What is the difference between public, private and hybrid cloud ?
- What is cloud computing ?
- Vocabulary
- Virtualization
- Virtual Machine
- Regions
- Avalaibility Zones
- Scalability
- Elasticity
- Agility
- High Availability
- Fault Tolerance
- Disaster Recovery
- Load Balancing
- Understanding Geographies and Regions
- Importance of Availability Zones in Azure
- Resource Groups in Azure
- Azure Resource Manager Overview
- VM Deployment and Management
- Overview of Azure Networking
- Hands-on Practice - Virtual Network Setup
- Load Balancers in Azure
- Application Security Groups (ASG) and Network Security Groups (NSG)
- Understanding Route Tables
- Networking Best Practices
- Types of Azure Storage Services
- Use Cases and Demonstrations
- Monitoring Overview
- Setting Up Monitoring in Azure
- Authentication Services in Azure
- Identity Access Management (IAM)
- Implementing RBAC
- Best Practices for RBAC
- Secrets Management with Key Vault
- Security Best Practices
- Overview of Azure DevOps
- Setting Up Projects and Repositories
- Implementing Continuous Integration (CI)
- Implementing Continuous Deployment (CD)
- Setting up CI/CD for AKS
- Practical Exercises for AKS
- Optimization Techniques
- Scaling and Performance Optimization
- Advanced Cost Reduction Techniques
- Performance Optimization Strategies
- Cloud Monitoring and Optimization
- Effective Cloud Management Strategies
- Cost Reduction and Optimization Techniques
- Review of Key Concepts
- Mock Interviews and Practice Sessions