A REST/JSON API to the Burp Suite security tool.
- Maven 2
- Licensed version of Burp Suite Pro from: http://portswigger.net/burp/
Install Burp Suite pro into the local maven repo:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=burpsuite-pro.jar -DgroupId=net.portswigger -DartifactId=burpsuite-pro -Dversion=1.4.04 -Dpackaging=jar
Then install burp-client:
cd burp-client
mvn install -DskipTests
Then compile resty-burp:
cd ..
mvn compile
The URL to access the web service can be edited in the BurpService.java file, by default it's http://localhost:8181 with the WADL available from http://localhost:8181/application.wadl
Everytime the reset() method is called, the burp.blank.state state is loaded- so if you'd like to make changes to Burp's state, save the state to this file.
Before running for the first time, compile with:
mvn exec:java
It ships with a client written in Java which can be used from other Java programs. For example:
public void scan(String url) {
BurpClient burp = new BurpClient("http://localhost:8181/");
try {
int scanId = burp.scan(url);
while (burp.percentComplete(scanId) < 100) {
} catch (Exception e) {
To experiment, the client can be run in a Groovy console:
cd burp-client
mvn exec:java
The following groovy script will scan a target for Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities only:
import net.continuumsecurity.burpclient.ScanPolicy;
import net.continuumsecurity.restyburp.model.ScanIssueBean;
import net.continuumsecurity.restyburp.model.ScanIssueList;
def scanPolicy = new ScanPolicy()
def scanId = burp.scan("http://localhost:8081/ispatula");
while (burp.percentComplete(scanId) < 100) {
println("Completed: "+burp.percentComplete(scanId)+"%");
def issues = burp.getIssueList(scanId).getIssues();
println("Found "+issues.size()+" XSS vulnerabilities: ");
if (issues.size() != 0) {
for (ScanIssueBean issue : issues) {
println("URL: "+issue.getUrl());
println("Issue detail: "+issue.getIssueDetail());