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Type Juggling

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PHP Juggling type and magic hashes

PHP provides two ways to compare two variables:

  • Loose comparison using == or != : both variables have "the same value".
  • Strict comparison using === or !== : both variables have "the same type and the same value".

Type Juggling

True statements

var_dump('0010e2'   == '1e3');           # true
var_dump('0xABCdef' == ' 0xABCdef');     # true PHP 5.0 / false PHP 7.0
var_dump('0xABCdef' == '     0xABCdef'); # true PHP 5.0 / false PHP 7.0
var_dump('0x01'     == 1)                # true PHP 5.0 / false PHP 7.0
var_dump('0x1234Ab' == '1193131');
'123'  == 123
'123a' == 123
'abc'  == 0
'' == 0 == false == NULL
'' == 0       # true
0  == false   # true
false == NULL # true
NULL == ''    # true

NULL statements

var_dump(sha1([])); # NULL
var_dump(md5([]));  # NULL

Magic Hashes - Exploit

If the hash computed starts with "0e" (or "0..0e") only followed by numbers, PHP will treat the hash as a float.

Hash “Magic” Number / String Magic Hash Found By / Description
MD5 240610708 0e462097431906509019562988736854 @spazef0rze
MD5 QNKCDZO 0e830400451993494058024219903391 @spazef0rze
MD5 0e1137126905 0e291659922323405260514745084877 @spazef0rze
MD5 0e215962017 0e291242476940776845150308577824 @spazef0rze
MD5 129581926211651571912466741651878684928 06da5430449f8f6f23dfc1276f722738 Raw: ?T0D??o#??'or'8.N=?
SHA1 10932435112 0e07766915004133176347055865026311692244 Independently found by Michael A. Cleverly & Michele Spagnuolo & Rogdham
SHA-224 10885164793773 0e281250946775200129471613219196999537878926740638594636 @TihanyiNorbert
SHA-256 34250003024812 0e46289032038065916139621039085883773413820991920706299695051332 @TihanyiNorbert
SHA-256 TyNOQHUS 0e66298694359207596086558843543959518835691168370379069085300385 @Chick3nman512
var_dump(md5('240610708') == md5('QNKCDZO')); # bool(true)
var_dump(md5('aabg7XSs')  == md5('aabC9RqS'));
var_dump(sha1('aaroZmOk') == sha1('aaK1STfY'));
var_dump(sha1('aaO8zKZF') == sha1('aa3OFF9m'));
