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Audius Data Contracts

This repository contains the smart contracts for account, user and content management. These are currently deployed to the POA network blockchain.

First Time Setup

Execute in repository root directory

npm install

Prepare local blockchain for development

Install docker from here (macOS, or your machine appropriate version)

run docker in your terminal application to confirm the installation

Ensure the docker daemon is running, it can be started from either the command line or through the docker macOS GUI -

Pull the trufflesuite/ganche-cli container to your local box:

docker pull trufflesuite/ganache-cli 

In a dedicated console window, execute the following command to bring up the container:

$ npm run ganache

> [email protected] ganache /Development/audius-contracts
> docker run --name audius_ganache_cli -d -p 8545:8545 trufflesuite/ganache-cli:latest -h -l 8000000


Execute the following command to kill the container:

$ npm run ganache-q

> [email protected] ganache-q /Development/audius-contracts
> docker rm -f audius_ganache_cli > /dev/null

Logs can be inspected with the following command - this is useful for debugging during contract development

$ docker logs audius_ganache_cli

Development Console

Migrate contracts and enter truffle console.

npm run truffle-migrate 
npm run truffle-console 

Sample commands:

> UserFactory.deployed().then(inst => cf = inst)
> TrackFactory.deployed().then(inst => tf = inst)
> cf.createUser('sid')
> tf.setUserFactoryContractAddress(cf.address)
> tf.createTrack(0, 'track_key_0')

Running Truffle Unit Tests

Execute the following from root directory to run all tests

npm run truffle-test 

Execute the following to run a specific test

npm run truffle-test <path to test file>
npm run truffle-test test/user.js

Add the '-v' flag to enable verbose output

npm run truffle-test-v

Code Formatting

Enable repo-level linting for contract files

Linting is performed prior to execution of the truffle-test commands. To just run the solium linter:

npm run lint

If a permissions update for the shell script is required, run the following command (appending "sudo" if necessary):

chmod +x scripts/

Note that the linter will not break any compilation due to errors, and is intended as a guideline at this time

Only applies to solidity (.sol) files


EIP-712 compliant signature generation and signature validation (