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Building DIPlib, DIPimage and PyDIP

Linux, MacOS, Cygwin and other Unix-like systems

To build the library you will need a C++14 compliant compiler and CMake. See below under "Dependencies" for optional dependencies that you can install to improve your DIPlib experience.

Use the following commands to build:

mkdir target
cd target
cmake /path/to/dip/root/directory
make -j install

The -j option to make enables a multi-threaded build. Limit the number of concurrent jobs to, for example, 4 with -j4. On system with limited memory, reduce the number of concurrent jobs if compilation stalls and the system thrashes.

See below under "CMake configuration" for other make targets and CMake configuration options.

For step-by-step instructions for Linux, see

For step-by-step instructions for MacOS, see


Unless you want to use Cygwin or MinGW (see above), we recommend Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (version 16) or newer. You'll also need CMake.

Using CMake-gui, choose where the source directory is and where to build the binaries. Then press "Configure" and select Visual Studio. Finally, press "Generate". You should now have a Visual Studio solution file that you can open in Visual Studio and build as usual.

See below under "CMake configuration" for generated targets, and CMake configuration options.

For step-by-step instructions, see

See below for optional dependencies that you can install to improve your DIPlib experience.

CMake configuration

Available make targets:

all (default) # builds all configured targets (see below)
install       # builds 'all' and installs everything except PyDIP
check         # builds the unit_tests program and runs it
check_memory  # ...and runs it under valgrind
apidoc        # builds all the HTML documentation
examples      # builds the examples
package       # creates a distributable package for 'install'
bdist_wheel   # builds a Python wheel for PyDIP
pip_install   # builds and installs a Python wheel for PyDIP
pip_uninstall # uninstalls PyDIP

The following make targets are part of the all target:

DIP           # builds the DIPlib library
DIPviewer     # builds the DIPviewer module (plus the DIPlib library)
DIPjavaio     # builds the DIPjavaio module (plus the DIPlib library)
PyDIP         # builds the PyDIP Python module (includes DIP, DIPviewer and
              #    DIPjavaio targets)
dipview       # builds the standalone DIP image viewer
dipviewjava   # builds the java-enabled standalone DIP image viewer

The apidoc target requires that dox++ is available, the target will not be available if it is not; this target will fail to build if additional tools are not installed. See for details.

Important cmake command-line arguments controlling the build of DIPlib:

-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/dip   # choose an instal location for DIPlib, DIPimage and the docs
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug           # by default it is release
-DDIP_SHARED_LIBRARY=Off           # build a static DIPlib library
-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-6           # specify a C compiler (for libics, LibTIFF, libjpeg and zlib)
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-6         # specify a C++ compiler (for everything else)
-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-march=native"  # specify additional C++ compiler flags

-DDIP_ENABLE_STACK_TRACE=Off       # disable stack trace generation on exception
-DDIP_ENABLE_ASSERT=On             # enable asserts
-DDIP_ENABLE_DOCTEST=Off           # disable doctest within DIPlib
-DDIP_ENABLE_MULTITHREADING=Off    # disable OpenMP multithreading
-DDIP_ENABLE_ICS=Off               # disable ICS file format support
-DDIP_ENABLE_TIFF=Off              # disable TIFF file format support
-DDIP_ENABLE_JPEG=Off              # disable JPEG file format support, also affects TIFF
-DDIP_ENABLE_ZLIB=Off              # disable zlib compression support in ICS and TIFF
-DDIP_ENABLE_FFTW=On               # enable the use of FFTW3
-DDIP_ENABLE_UNICODE=Off           # disable UFT-8 strings within DIPlib
-DDIP_ALWAYS_128_PRNG=On           # use the 128-bit PRNG code where 128-bit
                                   #    integers are not natively supported

Controlling the build of DIPviewer:

-DDIP_BUILD_DIPVIEWER=Off          # don't build/install the DIPviewer module

Controlling the build of DIPjavaio:

-DDIP_BUILD_JAVAIO=Off             # don't build/install the DIPjavaio module
-DJAVA_HOME=<path>                 # use the JDK in <path>
                                   # specify location of the Bio-Formats JAR file

Controlling the build of DIPimage:

-DDIP_BUILD_DIPIMAGE=Off           # don't build/install the DIPimage MATLAB toolbox
-DMatlab_ROOT_DIR=<path>           # compile DIPimage against MATLAB in <path>

Controlling the build of PyDIP:

-DDIP_BUILD_PYDIP=Off              # don't build the PyDIP Python module
-DPYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION=3.6      # compile PyDIP against Python 3.6
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=<path>         # in case the Python binary is not on the path
                                   # and Pybind11 can't find it.
-DDIP_PYDIP_WHEEL_INCLUDE_LIBS=On  # include libraries in PyDIP wheel (turn on for
                                   # binary distribution, keep off for personal builds)

Some of these options might not be available on your system. For example, if you don't have MATLAB installed, the DIP_BUILD_DIPIMAGE option will not be defined. In this case, setting it to Off will yield a warning message when running CMake.

Note that on some platforms, the Python module requires the DIPlib library to build as a dynamic load library (-DDIP_SHARED_LIBRARY=On, which is the default).


Here we list all external dependencies needed to compile the various parts of the project. DIPlib also depends on a few other external projects, whose sources are included in this repository (see under "License" for more information). Note that, with the exception of dynamic linking to a few external libraries, none of these dependencies are required when using the DIPlib library (that is, DIPlib's public header files do not import headers from other projects).

If you have FFTW3 installed, you can set the DIP_ENABLE_FFTW CMake variable to have DIPlib use FFTW3 instead of the built-in FFT algorithm. FFTW3 is more efficient, especially for image sizes that do not factor into small numbers, but it has a copyleft license.

DIPviewer requires that OpenGL be available on your system (should come with the OS), as well as one of FreeGLUT or GLFW.

DIPjavaio requires that the Java 8 SDK (JDK 8) or later be installed. This module is intended as a bridge to OME Bio-Formats, which you will need to download separately. Bio-Formats has a copyleft license.

DIPimage requires that MATLAB be installed for compilation and (of course) execution. Optionally, you can install OME Bio-Formats to enable DIPimage to read many microscopy image file formats (type help readim in MATLAB, after installing DIPimage, to learn more).

PyDIP requires that Python 3 be installed.