title | description | ms.assetid | ms.topic | ms.date |
Adapter Workflow |
This section describes the enrollment workflow from the perspective of the adapter plugins. |
0392124A-78CF-49E3-A52A-1E2E3A100E2E |
article |
05/31/2018 |
This section describes the enrollment workflow from the perspective of the adapter plugins.
In Windows 10, we ve implemented a V4 engine interface that provides 2 new engine adapter functions, EngineAdapterCreateKey and EngineAdapterIdentifyFeatureSetSecure. These new functions allow support for secure biometrics using TPM 2.0. The following table shows the adapter-side enrollment workflow.
Client API | Adapter Methods |
WinBioGetProperty(EXTENDED_ENGINE_INFO) | EngineAdapterQueryExtendedInfo |
WinBioEnrollBegin | |
WinBioEnrollCapture |
WinBioGetProperty (EXTENDED_ENROLLMENT_STATUS) | EngineAdapterQueryExtendedEnrollmentStatus |
WinBioEnrollCommit | |
WinBioEnrollDiscard |