description | ms.assetid | title | ms.topic | | topic_type | api_name | api_type | api_location | |||||
Retrieves a specified number of random bytes from the user-mode per-processor random number generator. |
5226f843-b919-4a23-86c1-ff85cec7184c |
ProcessPrng function |
reference |
10/21/2022 |
The ProcessPrng function retrieves a specified number of random bytes from the user-mode per-processor random number generator.
BOOL ProcessPrng(
_Out_ PBYTE pbData,
SIZE_T cbData
pbData [out]
A pointer to a buffer that receives the retrieved bytes.
The number of bytes to retrieve.
Always returns TRUE.
Requirement | Value |
DLL | BCryptPrimitives.dll |
APISet | CngRngExt |