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CMake Utils

This directory holds scripts to help the porting process from qmake to cmake for Qt6.


  • Python 3.7,
  • pipenv or pip to manage the modules.

Python modules

Since Python has many ways of handling projects, you have a couple of options to install the dependencies of the scripts:

Using pipenv

The dependencies are specified on the Pipfile, so you just need to run pipenv install and that will automatically create a virtual environment that you can activate with a pipenv shell.

Using pip

It's highly recommended to use a virtualenvironment to avoid conflict with other packages that are already installed: pip install virtualenv.

  • Create an environment: virtualenv env,
  • Activate the environment: source env/bin/activate (on Windows: source env\Scripts\activate.bat)
  • Install the requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

If the pip install command above doesn't work, try:

python3.7 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Contributing to the scripts

You can verify if the styling of a script complaint with PEP8, with a couple of exceptions:

Install flake8 (pip install flake8) and run it on the script you want to test:

flake8 <file>.py --ignore=E501,E266,W503
  • E501: Line too long (82>79 characters),
  • E266: Too many leading '#' for block comment,
  • W503: Line break occurred before a binary operator)

You can also modify the file with an automatic formatter, like black (pip install black), and execute it:

black -l 100 <file>.py

Using Qt's maximum line length, 100.