cabbagepatchsaloon Public
The Cabbage Patch Saloon application for valance.
CSS UpdatedMar 17, 2017 -
typeview Public
A production capable TypeScript view engine for Express.
TypeScript UpdatedJan 22, 2017 -
fuse Public
A simple, fast, and complete interface to PBS Pro.
aperture Public
Easily manage Amazon, Microsoft and Google compute resources.
HTML UpdatedAug 22, 2016 -
index Public
Easily manage storage objects between Amazon, Microsoft and Google services.
Perl UpdatedAug 6, 2016 -
operator Public
A unified abstraction of the Amazon, Microsoft and Google cloud APIs.
Perl UpdatedAug 6, 2016 -
azure-migration-service Public
Easily Migrate ASM Subscriptions to ARM Subscriptions on Microsoft's Cloud Platform
PowerShell UpdatedJul 6, 2016 -
cp437 Public
Forked from keaston/cp437Emulates an old-style "code page 437" / "IBM-PC" character set terminal on a modern UTF-8 terminal emulator.
C Other UpdatedOct 26, 2015 -
HashSet Public
Forked from liushuping/HashSetA simple has set in JavaScript
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 20, 2015 -
modern_perl_book Public
Forked from chromatic/modern_perl_bookModern Perl: the book
Perl UpdatedMay 2, 2014 -
bootylite Public
Forked from memowe/bootyliteA simple file system based blog
Perl MIT License UpdatedJul 29, 2013 -