- Ansible : dropping this image.
- AWS : adding terraform, tfenv and associated tools. Removing boto3. Bumping misc tools' verions
- Azure : adding terraform, tfenv and associated tools. Bumping misc tools' verions
- Terraform : dropping this image. Terraform tooling is now included directly in AWS & Azure images
- Golang : Bump Golang-ci-lint version
- Golang : Creating golang version 1.20
- PHP: update some packages versions
- AWS: switching from python 3.10 to 3.11
- Azure: switching from python 3.10 to 3.11
- Java: upgrade Java images
- Platform: switching from python 3.8 to 3.11
- Ansible: bumping from 5.x.x to 7.x.x
- Ansible: switching base image from debian buster to bullseye
- AWS: bumping kubectl, kustomize, helm, trivy versions
- AWS: switching base image from debian buster to bullseye
- Azure: bumping kubectl, kustomize, helm, trivy versions
- Azure: switching base image from debian buster to bullseye
- Cloudsploit: switching base image from debian buster to bullseye
- Dind: bumping kubectl, kustomize, helm, trivy versions
- PHP: adding support for php 8.2 and removing for 7.4. Php-cs-fixer isn't officially supported in 8.2 as of now, use it with care.
- Platform: switching to the new 4.x.x Golang CLI
- Platform: build arm64 docker image
- Pynode: switching base image from debian buster to bullseye
- Python: switching base image from debian buster to bullseye
- Terraform: switching base image from debian buster to bullseye
- Terraform: bumping to TF 1.3.x. Updating terragrunt & infracost
- Tezosqa: switching base image from debian buster to bullseye
- Node: Adding jq command
- Python : adding support for python 3.11
- AWS : Adding kubectl & associated tools
- AWS : removing taskfile, kube-no-trouble and kube-score
- Azure : Adding kubectl & associated tools
- Azure : always install the latest CLI
- Azure : removing taskfile, kube-no-trouble and kube-score
- Kubectl : removing this image, the tools are now included in AWS & Azure images
- PHP : build arm64 docker image
- Ruby : dropping support for this flavor
- Golang : Updating golangci-lint to 1.49.0 to handle go1.19 & go1.18
- Ansible : Build arm64 docker image
- Azure : build arm64 azure docker image
- Chrome : build arm64 docker image
- Cloudsploit : build arm64 docker image
- Golang : build arm64 docker image
- Golang : Remove testfixtures test. Binary does not exist for arch arm64
- Golang : Remove version 1.17. Image does not exist for arch arm64
- Golang : Updating Gitleaks to 8.11.2
- Golang : Updating Go-testfixtures to 3.8.0
- Golang : Updating Mockgen to 1.6
- Java : build arm64 docker image
- Node : build arm64 docker image
- Percy : build arm64 docker image
- AWS : Build arm64 docker image
- AWS : Fix tagging issue preventing the push of multiple architectures to docker hub
- Bitcoind : Build arm64 image
- Bitcoind : Updating to bitcoind to 23.0
- Golang: adding new 1.19 flavor
- Java: upgrade Java 11 to 11.0.16 and 17 to 17.0.4
- Platformsh: updating base image, and CLI to the latest 3.81.x
- PHP: updating tools
- Terraform: bump terraform to 1.2.5, along with associated tools
- Python SRC : Change python docker module from docker to python-on-whales
- Python SRC : Build amd64 images with docker buildx
- Python SRC Config : Add linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 as values for the new config property base_platforms
- CI : use docker/setup-qemu-action@v2 and docker/setup-buildx-action@v2 as gitflows step actions
- Images : Only OCI images for amd64 architecture are built
No specific change this month, just standard dependencies updates. Happy summer !
- Chrome: removing ci-helper binary
- Dind: removing ci-helper binary
- Dind: changing docker-compose installation method to apk.
- Dind: bumping Trivy's version
- Golang: removing ci-helper binary
- Golang: golang 1.16 is now EOL, removing this image's flavor
- Java: removing ci-helper binary
- Node: removing ci-helper binary
- Node: adding new 18.x flavor
- PHP: removing ci-helper binary
- Ruby: removing ci-helper binary
- Sonar: removing ci-helper binary
- Sonar: updating to sonar-scanner-cli 4.7.x
- Kubectl: updating to 1.24, along with associated tools
- Kubectl: adding Trivy, which now supports scanning kubernetes resources
- Platformsh: updating to the latest 3.79.x CLI
- Terraform: bump terraform to 1.2.1, along with associated tools
- Terraform: adding Google Cloud CLI
- Tezosqa: Version 1.0 that use version 0.9.0 of smartpy
- expose docker variables in image building workflow
- Java: upgrade Java 11 to 11.0.15 and 17 to 17.0.3
- Ansible: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Ansible: dropping support for 4.x.x
- AWS: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Dind: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Node: dropping support for NodeJs 12
- Node: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Golang: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Golang: adding new 1.18 flavor
- Cloudsploit: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Python: dropping support for 3.6, adding support for 3.10
- Python: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Kubectl: Bumping kubectl to 1.23.x. Updating Helm & misc tools. Removing kubectx & kubens
- Kubectl: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- PyNode: switching from node 12.x to 14.x
- PyNode: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Terraform: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- Java: switch from AWScli v1 to v2
- PHP: installing xsl extension
- PHP: workaround for installing sockets and zip extensions
- Ansible: dropping support for 2.x & 3.x, adding a new 5.x.X image
- Terraform: updating TF to 1.1.x, along with associated tools
- PHP: bump to PHP 7.4.28, PHP 8.0.16 and PHP 8.1.3 (security update)
- Java: upgrade Java 11 to 11.0.14 and 17 to 17.0.2
- Golang: add gocover-cobertura
- React-native: dropping support
- PHP: remove support for PHP 7.3, update 7.4 and 8.0, create 8.1
- Percy: Switch to percy-cli instead of percy-agent
- Scoutsuite: removing this image, as we're now using cloudsploit instead.
- Kubectl: updating kubectl & associated tools. Removing eksctl & helmfile. Adding Kubent
- Platformsh: bumping client to 3.71.0
- Terraform: bumping to 1.0.11, along with associated tools
- Dind: updating docker-compose to 2.1.1, trivy to 0.21.0
- Java: remove Java 8 image
- Nodejs: add nodejs 16 image
- Nodejs: remove nodejs 10 image
- Nodejs: upgrade images to Debian 11
- AWS: updating base image to python 3.10.x
- Scoutsuite: updating base image to python 3.10.x
- Terraform: updating base image to python 3.10.x
- Terraform: updating to TF 1.0.x, terragrunt & infracost latest versions. Also dropping support for TF 0.13, 0.14, 0.15
- Nodejs: upgrade images to Debian 11.1
- PHP: remove support for PHP 7.2
- PHP: bump to 7.3.31, 7.4.24 and 8.0.11 and use Alpine 3.13 as base image
- PHP: update tools
- Ansible: adding new ansible 2.10.x, 3.x.x & 4.x.x flavors
- Kubectl : bumping client to 1.22.x, along with associated tools updates
- azure : bumping azure-cli version to 2.28.1
- nodejs: update version to use the latest from 10, 12, and 14 series.
- Removing jinja from build dependencies
- Removing Dockerfile templating to enforce single version Dockerfile for dependabot
- Pynode: adding python 3.9 image, dropping version 3.7
- Java: remove Modd, Maven and http call to mime types
- Java: add new Java 17 image
- Java: migrate to temurin images
- Adding a new container flavour for Aquasecurity's Cloudsploit
- Dind : removing libc6-compat to avoid name clashing, updating glibc version.
- Golang : adding a 1.17.x image version
- Golang : switching from python-pip to python3-pip
- bumping image version for bitcoind to 0.21.1
- adding postgresql-client to PHP images
- platformSh : bumping client to 3.67.x
- ansible : bumping to latest 2.9.x release
- azure : bumping azure-cli version
- kubectl : bumping kubectl, kuztomize & other tools' versions
- python : bumping base images minor versions
- terraform : bumping terraform minor versions, along with terragrunt & associated tools
- bumping base images for php, platformsh, ruby, azure, awslnx-systemd, scoutsuite, terraform, ansible, aws, golang
- bumping base image versions for Ruby, Ansible, AWS, Scoutsuite, Awslnx-systemd, Azure, Golang, Terraform, dind, sonar, kubectl, node
- Dropping terraform 12 support
- Python : misc dependencies updates
- Upgrade PHP musl-dev version to 1.2.2-r1 (not for PHP 7.2)
- Creating terraform 1.0.1 image
- Updating azure-cli to 2.24.0
- Bumping sonar to 4.6.2
- Bumping python base images to their latest versions
- Updating kubectl to 1.21, along with all associated tools
- Adding terraform 15.x image. Bumping other minor versions to the latest tag
- Adding infracost CI script
- Upgrade Composer version to 2.0.12 (not for PHP 7.2)
- Upgrade php-cs-fixer version to 2.18.5 (not for PHP 7.2)
- Added a new Percy image
- add pcov in PHP images
- add helmfile and helm diff plugin to kubectl images
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.16.1
- Upgrade Golang gitleaks version: 7.3.0
- Upgrade Golang go-mod-upgrade version: 0.4.0
- Upgrade Golang goswagger version: 0.26.1
- Upgrade Golang ci-lint version: 1.38.0
- Upgrade Golang migrate version: 4.14.1
- Upgrade Golang testfixtures version: 3.5.0
- Removing terraform from the azure image. Adding azure cli to the terraform image
- Bumping Scoutsuite to 5.10.2
- Bumping trivy to 0.16.0
- Upgrade Infracost to 0.8.2
- Add jq and bc to terraform image
- Bumping kubectl to 1.20.5 along with misc kubernetes tools
- Updating terraform 0.14.x image to 0.14.9
- Upgrade PHP versions to 7.3.27, 7.4.15 and 8.0.2
- Upgrade Composer version to 2.0.10 (not for PHP 7.2)
- Upgrade Iconv version to 1.15-r3 (not for PHP 7.2)
- Upgrade musl-dev version to 1.2.2-r0 (not for PHP 7.2)
- Upgrade php-cs-fixer version to 2.18.2 (not for PHP 7.2)
- Upgrade Xdebug version to version 3.0.3 (not for PHP 7.2)
- Update node base image to debian:10.7-slim
- Update kubectl base image to alpine:3.13
- Update dind base image to docker:20.10.2-dind
- Adding trivy to the dind image
- Upgrade Java 8 to 8u282 and 11 to 11.0.10
- Update platformsh base image to php:7.4-cli-alpine3.13
- Update platformsh client to 3.64.x
- Python : update base image versions
- Chrome : update puppeteer to 1.13 to fix CVE
- React-native : update base image to openjdk:8u282-jdk-slim (CVE fix)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Upgrade Taskfile to v3.2.2 (drop compatibility with v1.x.x definition files)
- Add PHP image version 8.0.0 and bump composer, php_cs_fixer, xdebug & redis versions
- Switch from sensiolabs/security-checker to Local PHP Security Checker (keep compatibility with existing binary name)
- Removed IBM image & associated tools
- Remove python 2.7 image (now EOL)
- Add a terraform 0.14.x image, remove multiple 13.x versions, updated associated tools
- Upgrade Kubectl to 1.20, along with associated k8s tools
- Update Sonar client to 4.6.x
- Add a python 3.9 image
- Add Infracost to the Terraform images
- Upgrade PHP versions to 7.2.34, 7.3.24 and 7.4.12
- Upgrade Composer version to 2.0.4
- Upgrade APCU version to 5.1.19
- Upgrade php-cs-fixer version to 2.16.7
- Upgrade Xdebug version to version 2.9.8
- Upgrade musl-dev version to 1.1.24-r10 to fix php image build
- Delete Composer plugin hirak/prestissimo
- Fix missing awscli missing from Node and React Native
- Upgrade Java 8 to 8u272 and 11 to 11.0.9
- Update SmartPy version in tezosqa image
- Upgrade terraform to 0.13.4 and terragrunt to 0.25.3 and add jq to image
- fix aws image dependencies with new pip resolver feature
- fix smartpy version in tezosqa image
- Upgrade Kubectl to 1.18.10
- Upgrade Eksctl to 0.30.0
- Upgrade Kubescore to 1.9.0
- Upgrade Kustomize to 3.8.5
- Upgrade Helm to 3.3.4
- Upgrading Scoutsuite to 5.10.1
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.15.2
- Upgrade Golang gitleaks version: 6.1.2
- Upgrade Golang ci-lint version: 1.31.0
- Upgrade Golang go-mod-upgrade version: 0.2.1
- Upgrade Golang migrate version: 4.12.2
- Upgrade Golang testfixtures version: 3.4.0
- Add rsync to Golang image
- Add terraform version 0.13.1
- Add rsync to aws image
- Upgrade PHP composer version to 1.10.10
- Upgrade PHP versions to 7.2.32, 7.3.20 and 7.4.8
- Add musl-dev==1.1.24-r9 to fix php image build
- Add jq in PHP image
- Add terraform-compliance v1.2.11 to terraform image
- Upgrade terraform to 0.12.29 in terraform and ibm images
- Change terraform versionning to add patch version value
- Upgrade IBM Cloud terraform provider to 1.10.0
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.14.7
- Update Kubectl to 1.18.6 + associated tools
- Update Scoutsuite to 5.9.1
- Add a new Terraform 0.13 image
- Update Ansible to 2.9.10
- Update Azure CLI to 2.10.1
- Update Terraform complaince CLI to 1.3.2
- Install awscli in kubectl image
- Add terragrunt v0.23.31 and git to terraform image
- Add zip and make to the AWS image
- Upgrade IBM Terraform provider to v1.8.1
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.14.6
- Upgrade Golang ci-lint version: 1.28.3
- Upgrade Golang goswagger version: 0.25.0
- Upgrade Golang go-mod-upgrade version: 0.2.0
- Upgrade Golang testfixtures version: 3.3.0
- Add go-bindata to golang image
- Upgrade Java 8 to 8u262 and 11 to 11.0.8
- Add Taskfile to the Node.js, Chrome, AWS and DinD images
- Upgrade bitcoind image to 0.20.0
- Upgrade Java 8 to 8u252 and 11 to 11.0.7
- Install IBM CLI plugin for IBM Functions
- Upgrade Node 10 to 10.21.0 and 12 to 12.18.1
- Add Node 14 image
- Upgrade npm to 6.14.5 and nvm to 0.35.3 in Node images
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.14.4
- Upgrade Golang gitleaks version: 4.3.1
- Upgrade Golang goswagger version: 0.24.0
- Upgrade PHP composer version: 1.10.7
- Upgrade PHP xdebug version: 2.9.6
- Add tezosqa image with ligo, SmartPy and Pytezos
- Install helm on IBM image
- Upgrade PHP version: 7.2.31, 7.3.18 and 7.4.6
- Upgrade PHP composer version: 1.10.6
- Upgrade PHP memcached extension version: 3.1.5
- Upgrade PHP php-cs-fixer version: 2.16.3
- Upgrade PHP redis extension version: 5.2.2
- Upgrade PHP xdebug extension version: 2.9.5
- Restore ssh2 extension in PHP images
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.14.3
- Add Gitleaks, GolangCI-Lint, go-mod-upgrade, go-swagger, go-mock, goimports, migrate, modd and testfixtures to Golang image
- Add bitcoind image, version: 0.19.1
- Add the following libraries into the php image: libcrypto1.1, libssl1.1
- Add kubeval and kustomize to IBM image
- Add AWS Terraform provider in IBM image
- Add ibmcloud CLI cloud-databases plugin in IBM image
- Upgrade IBM Terraform Provider to 1.5.3
- Upgrade terraform to 0.12.26 in IBM Image
- Removing ansible 2.8 image
- Upgrade Node images to debian 10.3
- Move ibm image to Golang base image and build Null provider
- Upgrade ibm provider to 1.2.4
- Upgrade eksctl to 0.14.0
- Migrate the CI to GitHub Actions
- Increase DockerClient's timeout to 10 minutes
- Rename dind-aws to dind and add all provider cli (aws, ibm, azure)
- Add Helm cli to kubectl image
- Add a workflow dedicated to checking PR mergeability
- Install kubectl and kubernetes provider in IBM image
- Upgrade IBM cli to 1.0.0
- Upgrade IBM provider to 1.4.0
- Upgrade scoutsuite to 5.8.1
- Upgrade Azure cli to 2.4.0
- Removing Arachni image
- Upgrade misc Kubectl image components
- Upgrade Terraform to 0.12.24
- Add mysql-client in PHP images
- Add postgresql-client in java image
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.14
- Remove Glide, Gin and Modd from the golang image
- Upgrade Java 8 to 8u242 and 11 to 11.0.6
- Remove support for Node 8
- Switch every python related images to debian buster slim base
- Rename variable use for base image version in templated Dockerfile to
- Upgrade Node 10 to 10.19.0, Node 12 to 12.16.1 and NPM to 6.13.7
- Update Kubectl version (and associated tools) : 1.17
- Upgrade ScoutSuite: 5.7
- Adding Ansible to 2.9 in addition to 2.8
- Upgrade Azure CLI to 2.1.0 and Terraform to 0.12.21
- Create IBM image with terraform, ibm provider and ibmcloud cli
- Rename serverless image into pynode to manage serverless and cdk use cases
- Upgrade the React Native image to Node 12.13 and NPM to 6.12.0
- Remove Watchman, some exposed ports and the custom user from the React Native image
- Fix a typo in the
tag name - Upgrade Java 8 to 8u232 and 11 to 11.0.5
- Upgrade Serverless base image to use node:10-alpine3.10 (python 3.7 support)
- Add PHP image version 7.4.0
- Upgrade PHP version: 7.2.25 and 7.3.12
- Upgrade APCu version: 5.1.18
- Upgrade Composer version: 1.9.1
- Upgrade php-cs-fixer version: 2.16.1
- Upgrade Redis version: 5.1.1
- Upgrade Security Checker version: 6.0.3
- Upgrade XDEBUG version: 2.8.0
- Add mysqli in PHP images
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.13.5
- Remove Subversion and Mercurial from the Java images
- Upgrade Docker Compose: 1.25.0
- Upgrade platform.sh CLI: 3.50.1
- Upgrade Terraform: 0.12.18
- Upgrade ScoutSuite: 5.5
- Upgrade Serverless: 1.59.3
- Add eksctl to the kubectl image
- Update Kubectl version (and associated tools) : 1.16
- Fix Chrome image build
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.13.4
- Upgrade Serverless version: 1.57
- Upgrade PHP version: 7.2.23 / 7.3.10
- Upgrade memcached version: 3.1.4
- Upgrade ssh2 version: 1.2
- Upgrade Debian to 10.1 for Node images
- Upgrade Node 12 image to 12.13 and NPM to 6.12.0
- Upgrade Scoutsuite version: 5.4.0
- Add Node & Npm to AWS image, in order to build & deploy AWS CDK
- CI: lock Python version to 2.7
- Add gettext in dind-aws and PHP images
- Fix build error in Chrome
- Upgrade Java versions: 8u222, 11.0.4
- Lock scss_lint version to fix issue with Ruby version
- Upgrade Node version: 6.17.1, 8.16.0
- Upgrade NVM version: 0.34.0
- Add a new image PHP version 7.3
- Add patch in PHP images
- Upgrade PHP version: 7.2.22
- Upgrade redis version extension: 5.0.2
- Upgrade security checker version: 6.0.2
- Upgrade PHP CS Fixer: 2.15.3
- Upgrade Composer version: 1.9.0
- Upgrade Xdebug version: 2.7.2
- Upgrade Ruby version: 2.6.3
- Remove support for PHP 7.1
- Fix Java 8/11 image issues from debian:stretch-slim
- Drop JDK 10 support
- Migrate Java buildboxes to adoptopenjdk
- AWS image now uses python3
- Add new dockerfile "terraform" version 0.12.0
- Fix Golang version for accurate image tag
- Add a new image integrating NCC Scoutsuite
- Change Ansible base image for python:2.7-alpine3.8
- Refacto travis.py script, setup image definitions within a single configuration file
- Upgrade Jinja to 2.10.1
- Add a new image integrating node Serverless and python3
- Add AmazonLinux image with Systemd
- Add a new image with kubectl & other k8s tools
- Add Platform.sh CLI image
- Upgrade Python: 2.7.16, 3.7.4
- Use only major Node version to name node images
- Add Node 12
- Upgrade ScoutSuite to 5.3.3
- Create image with azure CLI and terraform
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.13
- Upgrade Serverless version: 1.51
- Add aws-cli in serverless image
- Core: change config file structure to allow volume mounting for local test scripts
- Core: fix docker login & push in debug mode
- Core: upgrade docker-py lib from 3.5.0 to 4.0.2
- Remove support for Node 6
- Add Kubeval to Kubectl images
- Remove support for JDK 6
- Force PyYAML version to 3.13 in aws image
- Added jq in aws image
- Lock rb-inotify version to fix issue with Ruby version
- Upgrade Java versions: 8u181, 10.0.2, 11.0.1
- Downgrade Maven version to 3.2.1 for Java 6 buildbox (Maven 3.2.3+ uses HTTPS by default)
- Upgrade Golang version: 1.11
- Added awsebcli to AWS buildbox
- Remove support for PHP 5.6
- Upgrade PHP version: 7.1.27, 7.2.16
- Upgrade APCu version: 5.1.17
- Upgrade Composer version: 1.8.4
- Upgrade memcached version: 3.1.3
- Upgrade Redis version: 4.3.0
- Upgrade Sensiolabs' security-checker version: 5.0.3
- Upgrade Xdebug version: 2.7.0
- Fix repository of gnu-libiconv for PHP images
- Remove php7-intl
- Added graphviz and jq to Java buildbox
- Fix debian sources list for Node buildbox
- Upgrade Docker version to 18.06.3 and Docker Compose to 1.24.0 in dind-aws image
- Upgrade Node version: 6.17.0, 8.15.1, 10.15.3
- Upgrade Python version: 3.7.3
- Upgrade Sonar version:
- Add anchorecli in Python 2
- Remove support for PHP 5.3
- Add Java version 11
- Add Arachni image version 1.5.1
- Update Sonar download URL
- Upgrade ci-helper: 0.0.6
- Add Blackfire probe & client in PHP images
- Use openjdk slim as base Java image
- Add Java version 10.0.1
- Add Java version 6 (with only JDK and Maven 3.2.1)
- Use openjdk slim as base React Native image
- Remove Maven and Gradle from React Native image
- Add bash to Python images
- Add an up to date mime types definition file for the images that use AWS CLI
- Install PEAR in the PHP 5.3 image
- Update Alpine Version for ansible, aws and sonar image: 3.8
- Add
packages in Python images - Upgrade Pip version in Python images
- Update dind-aws to use 18.06.1-ce-dind
- Fix ansible build (move from python 2.7.14-r0 to 2.7.15-r1)
- Java image : fix aws failed when removing pip
- Upgrade Maven version : 3.2.5
- Upgrade APCu version for PHP 7.1 and 7.2: 5.1.12
- Upgrade Composer version for PHP 7.1 and 7.2: 1.7.2
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.38, 7.1.23, 7.2.11
- Upgrade Redis version for PHP 7.1 and 7.2: 4.1.1
- Upgrade Xdebug version for PHP 7.1 and 7.2: 2.6.1
- Fix install of intl extension in PHP images
- Upgrade Node version: 8.12, 10.12
- Upgrade NPM version for Node 8.12 and 10.10: 6.4.1
- Upgrade NVM version: 0.33.11
- Upgrade Python version: 3.7
- Add a Chrome image (based on Alpine Node, with NPM, Yarn and Puppeteer)
- Fix pip version to 18 and pipenv to 2018.7.1 to avoid recent conflict between these tools
- Add dependencies for cpython libs in dind-aws image
- Add
extensions in PHP images
- Add rsync in PHP images
- Add exif extension in PHP images
- Add PHP 7.2.6
- Upgrade PHP version: 7.1.18
- Upgrade Node version: 6.14.3, 8.11.3, 10.4.1
- Upgrade Sonar Scanner:
- Upgrade ci-helper: 0.0.5
- Upgrade Docker version to 18.05.0 and Docker Compose to 1.21.2 in dind-aws image
- Upgrade Node version: 6.14.2, 8.11.2, 9.11.1
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.36, 7.1.17
- Upgrade Composer version: 1.6.5
- Upgrade PHP Redis version: 4.0.2
- Upgrade Ruby version: 2.5.1
- Add Python images: versions 2.7 and 3.6
- Add tests on PHP images
- Add React Native image
- Upgrade Java version: 8u171-1~webupd8~0
- Fix intl in PHP images
- Upgrade Python version in Ansible image: 2.7.14-r0
- Upgrade Docker version to 18.03.0 and Docker Compose to 1.20.1 in dind-aws image
- Upgrade Node version: 6.14.1, 8.11.1, 9.10.1
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.35, 7.1.16
- Upgrade APCu version for PHP 7.1: 5.1.11
- Upgrade Composer version: 1.6.3
- Upgrade PHP Redis version: 4.0.0
- Upgrade Sensiolabs' security-checker version for PHP 7: 4.1.8
- Upgrade Xdebug version for PHP 7: 2.6.0
- Use Alpine binary of ci-helper for Ansible, AWS, DIND-AWS, PHP >= 5.6, Ruby and Sonar images
- Fix deprecated MAINTAINER instruction
- BC break: PHP image is now based on Alpine
- intl for PHP 7.2 is not released yet, so image 7.2 is not available anymore
- Upgrade modd version: 0.5
- Upgrade NPM version in Node image (fix node@9 incompatibility):
- node v8.9.4 -> npm v5.6.0
- node v9.4.0 -> npm v5.6.0
- Upgrade ci-helper version: 0.0.4
- Upgrade Docker version to 18.01.0 and Docker Compose to 1.18.0 in dind-aws image
- Upgrade Java version: 8u161-1~webupd8~0
- Upgrade Node version: 6.12.3, 8.9.4, 9.4.0
- Upgrade APCu version: 5.1.9
- Upgrade Composer version: 1.6.2
- Upgrade PHP Redis version: 3.1.6
- Upgrade Sensiolabs' security-checker version for PHP 7: 4.1.7
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.33, 7.2.1
- Upgrade Ruby version: 2.5.0
- Add rsync to aws image
- Add zip to aws image
- Add postgresql-client to PHP image
- Add tzdata into sonar image
- Upgrade Ruby version: 2.4.2
- Upgrade Glide version: 0.13.1
- Upgrade Docker Compose version: 1.17.1
- Upgrade Composer version: 1.5.5
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.32, 7.1.12
- Upgrade Node version: 6.12.2, 8.9.3, 9.2.1
- Allow specifying NPM version in Node image :
- node v6.11.3 -> npm v3.10.10
- node v8.9.1 -> npm v5.5.1
- node v9.2.0 -> npm v5.5.1
- Add rsync and tzdata into dind-aws image
- Add Sensiolabs' security-checker to PHP images
- Add make to aws image
- BC break: dind-aws image is now based on Alpine
- Upgrade Docker version to 17.09 and Docker Compose to 1.16.1 in dind-aws image
- Upgrade Java version: 8u151-1~webupd8~0
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.31, 7.1.9
- Upgrade PHP Redis: 3.1.4
- Add Node 8.6
- Upgrade node 6.11.3
- Remove Node 4.8
- Upgrade golang: 1.9 (edit: wrong information, still version 1.8)
- Upgrade Glide: 0.13.0
- Add Ansible:
- Add Sonar Scanner:
- Upgrade PhpRedis: 3.1.3
- Add a "new" PHP image (5.3) for legacy support
- Upgrade Node version: 4.8.4, 6.11.1, 7.10.1
- Upgrade PHP version: 7.1.7
- Upgrade composer version: 1.4.2
- Upgrade the base Debian image: 8.7
- Upgrade Java version: 8u131
- Add imagemagick, gcc and g++ into Node image
- Add a new Ruby image
- Add composer hirak/prestissimo plugin
- Upgrade go version: 1.8
- Upgrade Java version: 8u121-1~webupd8~2
- Add PHP extension: intl
- Add bzip2 into Node, Java and PHP images
- Upgrade ci-helper to version 0.0.3 to support gitlab 9.x
- Update PHP version: 7.1.3
- Update Node version: 4.8.1, 6.10.1, 7.8.0
- Add PHP extension for Redis
- Add PHP version: 7.1.1
- Remove PHP version: 7.0.14
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.30
- Upgrade APCu version: 5.1.8
- Upgrade composer version: 1.3.2
- Upgrade Java version: 8u121
- Upgrade Maven version: 3.3.9
- Upgrade Node version: 4.7.3, 6.9.5, 7.5.0
- Add a new Golang image
- Add a new AWS image with awscli and python libs
- Add CI-Helper 0.0.2 into base image
- Add a new DIND AWS image with AWS Cli
- Add Modd 0.0.4 into base image
- Upgrade Node version: 4.7.2, 6.9.4, 7.4.0
- Upgrade PHP version: 5.6.29, 7.0.14
- Upgrade composer version: 1.3.0
- Slightly reduce the size of the Java image
- Add the AWS CLI to all images
- Add packages ocaml & libelf-dev for FlowType (Node) checking
- Upgrade Node versions: 4.7.0, 7.2.1
- Upgrade PHP: 7.0.14
- Fix Java Version to 8u111+8u111arm-1
webupd80 - Fix composer version to 1.2.4
- Migrate builds and tests to TravisCI, add support for nightly build
- Tweak PHP build configuration
- Fix maven install on Java
- Fix clean commands
- Update Yarn 0.18
- Use Debian 8.6 as base image
- Upgrade PHP versions: 5.6.28, 7.0.13
- Add driver pdo_pgsql in PHP images
- Add cache APCu in PHP images
- Upgrade Node versions: 4.6.2, 6.9.1 (LTS)
- Add Node 7.0.0
- Add maven to java8
- Remove global packages install from node: gulp, bower, grunt-cli, webpack, browserify, babel, eslint, eslint-plugin-react, eslint-plugin-angular, eslint-config-standard, eslint-plugin-promise, eslint-plugin-standard.
- Add Yarn to node
- Update nvm to 0.32.1
- Use Debian 8.5 as base image
- Upgrade PHP versions: 5.6.22, 7.0.10
- Remove node versions: 4.3, 6.0, 5.7
- Add node version: 6.5
- Upgrade node version: 4.5.0
- Updrade node tools: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected].
- Bump versions 2016.05.03
- Node: 4.3.2, 4.4.3, 5.7.1, 6.0.0
- PHP: 5.6.20, 7.0.5
- Add NodeJS 4.4 and 6.0.0, remove 0.12 image.
- Upgrade NodeJS versions: 4.3.2. 4.4.3, 5.7.1, 6.0.0
- Upgrade PHP versions: 5.6.20, 7.0.5
- Remove bashrc sourcing for NodeJS and PHP images.
- Use Debian 8.4 as base image
- 7.0.3
- 5.6.18
- composer / php-cs-fixer
GitlabCi can handle an image per job. So there is no need to have an all-in-one image.
PHP Images:
- php5.6
- php7.0
NodeJs Images:
- node0.12
- node4.3
- node5.7