First of all thank you for taking the time or considering to contribute.
ezcu is a dynamic project since it is lying on top of CUDA
whose standard is in a continuous evolution. Therefor
we are actively looking for volunteers to receive feedbacks and feature
requests and more importantly to help us improve the library.
any help from the scientific community is more than welcome.
The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to ezcu. These
are not strict rules, use your best judgment and feel free to propose changes
in a pull request.
We are planning to improve the following features of the ezcu library:
- CUDA 8.0 compliance.
- The lookup performance of the ezcu descriptors (kernels, devices, objects).
- The Fortran calls to run and execute kernels.
- Coverage tests and functional tests.
- A C++ templated version of the library: ezcu-plusplus. This is a non-exhaustive list of features and it is subject to changes constantly.
You are invited to fork the develop branch into a feature/feature_name branch and put together your modifications, suggestions and bug fixes into pull requests (requests to merge your code from your own branch into the develop branch). The unit tests of all your modifications should be also provided. Each of your pull requests should pass the build on Travis CI, before getting merged into the develop branch. Once we believe that we reached a milestone a new release will be merged on the master branch from the develop branch.