- Move code from /Users/issnoe/Matersoft/chat-o-matic/server/package-lock.json
- Graphql setup
- Apply this
- Use Typescript vs flow
- jest and other
- contextapi or redux
- redux hooks or redux standar
- deploy on next dotnet nodejs
- electron
- ´****´ UI
- Timer
- List design https://dribbble.com/shots/14440819-KosmoTime-Task-Manager
- TypeScript Handbook https://www.typescriptlang.org/
- TypeScript Example on React https://www.typescriptlang.org/play?jsx=2&esModuleInterop=true&e=196#example/typescript-with-react
- React + TypeScript Cheatsheets has a good overview on how to use React with TypeScript https://github.com/typescript-cheatsheets/react#reacttypescript-cheatsheets
- Browser technology: The Web Animations API
- react-spring
- Framer Motion
- react-motion
- react-flip-toolkit
- react-transition-group
- GSAP/Greensock
- Browser technology: CSS animations and transitions
- Other (please specify)
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