Starred repositories
dnSpyEx / dnSpy
Forked from dnSpy/dnSpyUnofficial revival of the well known .NET debugger and assembly editor, dnSpy
🌱🚀一个基于Spring Boot & MyBatis的种子项目,用于快速构建中小型API、RESTful API项目
xindongbook / ledge
Forked from phodal/ledgeLedge —— DevOps knowledge learning platform. DevOps、研发效能知识和工具平台,是我们基于在 ThoughtWorks 进行的一系列 DevOps 实践、敏捷实践、软件开发与测试、精益实践提炼出来的知识体系。它包含了各种最佳实践、操作手册、原则与模式、度量、工具,用于帮助您的企业在数字化时代更好地前进,还有 DevOps 转型。
CHINA-JD / presto
Forked from prestodb/presto分布式大数据SQL查询引擎,适用于交互式分析查询
Netty In Action 中文版
alex2wong / vudio.js
Forked from margox/vudio.jsvisualization audio using AudioContext and Canvas, transferred to https://github.com/alex2wong/vudio
各种学习资料,包括一些百度云视频链接还有pdf资料 --搬运工
ELK Training
dangdangdotcom / dubbox
Forked from apache/dubboDubbox now means Dubbo eXtensions, and it adds features like RESTful remoting, Kyro/FST serialization, etc to the Dubbo service framework.
bleskes / sense
Forked from elastic/senseA JSON aware developer's interface to Elasticsearch. Comes with handy machinery such as syntax highlighting, autocomplete, formatting and code folding.
elasticsearch-cn / elasticsearch-definitive-guide
Forked from elastic/elasticsearch-definitive-guide欢迎加QQ群:109764489,贡献力量!