Set terminal window to the size of 104x14 characters (834x240px). Disable KDE
effects and make sure Peek is installed and
configured to start recording after 1 second by pressing CTRL+ALT+E
and using
20 FPS.
Then get the window ID where the typing will happen:
WIN_ID=$(printf '%d' $(xwininfo | grep -Po '(?<=xwininfo: Window id: )(0x[a-f0-9]+)'))
Automatically start recording and typing and then stop recording:
xdotool \
windowactivate $WIN_ID \
key ctrl+alt+e \
sleep 2 \
type --file demo.input --delay 100 && \
xdotool \
sleep 2 \
key ctrl+alt+e
Optimize final GIF by using, compression level 35.