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Workout action detection and recognition. Using computer vision and deep learning techniques.

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Workout Detector

This project uses the MMAction2

  • Clean and process datasets
  • Action recognition
  • Train on more datasets
  • Action detection
  • Use pose estimation
  • Repetition counting
  • Action accessment


git clone --recursive
cd WorkoutDetector

conda env create -f conda_env.yml
pip install openmim
mim install mmcv
pip install -r requirements.txt


Build image for dev environment example:

docker built -t workout/dev docker
docker run -it \
    --gpus=all \
    --shm-size=16gb \
    --volume="$PWD:/work" \
    --volume="/home/$USER/data:/home/user/data:ro" \
    -w /work \
    --entrypoint zsh \
    --name devbox \

sudo apt install vim tree -y
pip install wandb pytest
sudo pip install -e .
export $PROJ_ROOT=$PWD

Run docker example

docker run --rm -it \
  --gpus=all \
  --shm-size=16gb \
  --volume="$PWD:/work" \
  --volume="/home/$USER/data:/home/user/data:ro" \
  workout/dev:latest python3 workoutdetector/

React demo

  1. Download onnx model. OneDrive
  2. cd app && uvicorn server:app --port 8000
  3. open http://localhost:8000/

React demo

Kown issue: After stopping streaming, WebSocket will disconnect. You need to refresh to restart streaming.

Going to fix the frontend React code.

Run Gradio demo

  1. Download onnx model. Same as the React demo. OneDrive
  2. Copy to checkpoints
  3. python WorkoutDetector/
  4. open http://localhost:7860/


Repetition counting

Two model types, image and video, can be used.

Method is naive. The transition of states is counted as one repetition. It's online counting.

  1. Prepare onnx model trained using
  2. Run script
    python utils/ \
         --onnx ../checkpoints/tsm_video_binary_jump_jack.onnx \
         --video path/to/input/video.mp4 \
         -o path/to/output/video.mp4

Train an action recognition model


Check WorkoutDetector/ in Google Colab


Be sure to modify config WorkoutDetector/settings/ to your project root. E.g. PROJ_ROOT = '/home/your_name/WorkoutDetector/' Or set environment variable PROJ_ROOT to your project root. E.g. export PROJ_ROOT=$PWD

Build dataset

Workouts are subsets taking from Countix and RepCount. For now, I am using 11 classes.

Use soft links to avoid copying files.

See WorkoutDetector/scripts/ for details.

├── rawframes
│   ├── Countix
│   │   ├── train -> countix/rawframes/train
│   │   └── val -> countix/rawframes/val
│   ├── RepCount
│   │   ├── test -> RepCount/rawframes/test
│   │   ├── train -> RepCount/rawframes/train
│   │   └── val -> RepCount/rawframes/val
│   ├── test.txt
│   ├── test_repcount.txt
│   ├── train.txt
│   ├── train_countix.txt
│   ├── train_repcount.txt
│   ├── val.txt
│   ├── val_countix.txt
│   └── val_repcount.txt
├── test.txt
├── train.txt
└── val.txt

Train video with mmaction2

python workoutdetector/ config: configs/

Train an exercise state recognition model

Train video with tsm

  1. Build label files scripts/

     anno_file = 'datasets/RepCount/annotation.csv'
     data_root = os.path.join(PROJ_ROOT, 'data')
     dst_dir = os.path.join(data_root, 'Binary')
     build_with_start(data_root, anno_file, dst_dir)
  2. Download weights pretrained on SSV2:

  3. Modify config file configs/repcount_12_tsm.yaml

  4. Train python workoutdetector/ --cfg workoutdetector/configs/tsm.yaml

  • Configs Best weigths are saved in directory {cfg.trainer.default_root_dir}/checkpoints, in format best-val-acc={val/acc:.2f}-epoch={epoch:02d}" + f"-{timenow}.ckpt. Modify callbacks.modelcheckpoint.dirpath to save weights in a different directory.

    Tensorboard logs are in {cfg.log.output_dir}/{}/version_{num}.

    Wandb logs are in {cfg.log.output_dir}/wandb.

Train rep with mmaction2

python workoutdetector/ \
 --action=pull_up \
 --data-prefix=data/RepCount/rawframes/ \
 --ann-dir=data/relabeled/pull_up \

Classification of action states, e.g. for action push_up, up and down are two states. Also supports multiple actions and multiple states.

Training code is in workoutdetector/ Uses mmaction2 to train the time shift module. Configs are in workoutdetector/configs.

  1. Prepare label files. The row in the label file is of format: path/to/rawframe_dir start_frame num_frames label. Frames of indices start_frame to start_frame + num_frames will be used. Don't need to move and rename frames in this way. Just need to modify the label file.

Train an image recognition model

python workoutdetector/ --cfg workoutdetector/configs/pull_up.yaml

Uses PyTorch Lightning to train a model.

Count repetitions


It does not work.

  • Inference every frames in a video using image model. Will write count to the --output file. And save predicted scores to a JSON file in --output directory.
    python workoutdetector/utils/ \
    -ckpt checkpoints/pull-up-image-swin-1x3x224x224.onnx \
    --model-type image \
    -i path/to/input/video.mp4 \
    --output out/video.mp4 \
    --action pull_up



  • Before I create or find a video segment tool, I'll use this script to annotate videos. How to use:

    1. The mpv screenshot filename template config is screenshot-template=~/Desktop/%f_%P
    2. Will get files like stu2_48.mp4_00_00_09.943.png
    3. If saved in train, val, test folders, use label_from_split(root_dir)
    4. If screenshots are saved in a single folder, I need to write a new script.
    5. And screenshots_to_csv can save filenames with timestamp to csv for future usage.

    • relabeled_csv_to_rawframe_list Use this with together. Generates label files for mmaction rawframe datasets.


Workout action detection and recognition. Using computer vision and deep learning techniques.






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