Table of Contents: Getting Started | Tutorials | Example Usage | Documentation | Citation | Thanks
Install the string2string library by running the following command in your terminal:
pip install string2string
Once the installation is complete, you can import the library and start using its functionalities.
Remark: We recommend using Python 3.7+ for the library.
Tutorial: Alignment Tasks and Algorithms
Tutorial: Distance Tasks and Algorithms
Tutorial: Search Tasks and Algorithms
Tutorial: Similarity Tasks and Algorithms
Hands-on Tutorial: Semantic Search and Visualization of USPTO Patents)
>>> # Import the NeedlemanWunsch class from the alignment module
>>> from string2string.alignment import NeedlemanWunsch
>>> # Create an instance of the NeedlemanWunsch class
>>> nw = NeedlemanWunsch()
>>> # Let's create a list of strings (resembling DNA sequences), but they can be any strings (e.g., words), of course.
>>> seq1 = ['X', 'ATT', 'GC', 'GC', 'A', 'A', 'G']
>>> seq2 = ['ATT', 'G', 'GC', 'GC', 'A', 'C', 'G']
>>> # Compute the alignment between two strings
>>> aligned_seq1, aligned_seq2 = nw.get_alignment(seq1, seq2)
>>> # Print the alignment between the sequences, as computed by the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.
>>> nw.print_alignment(aligned_seq1, aligned_seq2)
X | ATT | - | GC | GC | A | A | G
- | ATT | G | GC | GC | A | C | G
>>> alg_path, alg_seq1_parts, alg_seq2_parts = nw.get_alignment_strings_and_indices(aligned_seq1, aligned_seq2)
>>> plot_pairwise_alignment(seq1_pieces = alg_seq1_parts, seq2_pieces = alg_seq1_parts, alignment = alignment_path, str2colordict = {'-': 'lightgray', 'ATT': 'indianred', 'GC': 'darkseagreen', 'A': 'skyblue', 'G': 'palevioletred', 'C': 'steelblue'}, title = 'Global Alignment Between Two Sequences of Strings')
>>> # Let's create a Levenshtein edit distance class instance, with the default (unit cost) weights, from the distance module
>>> from string2string.distance import LevenshteinEditDistance
>>> edit_dist = LevenshteinEditDistance()
>>> # Let's also create a Tokenizer class instance with the default word delimiter (i.e., space)
>>> from string2string.misc import Tokenizer
>>> tokenizer = Tokenizer(word_delimiter=' ')
>>> # Let's create two strings
>>> text1 = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
>>> text2 = "The kuack brown box jumps over the lazy dog"
>>> # Get the edit distance between them at the character level
>>> edit_dist_score = edit_dist.compute(text1, text2)
>>> print(f"Edit distance between these two texts at the character level is {edit_dist_score}")
# Edit distance between these two texts at the character level is 3.0
>>> # Tokenize the two texts
>>> text1_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text1)
>>> text2_tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text2)
>>> # Get the distance between them at the word level
>>> edit_dist_score = edit_dist.compute(text1_tokens, text2_tokens)
>>> print(f"Edit distance between these two texts at the word level is {edit_dist_score}")
# Edit distance between these two texts at the word level is 2.0
>>> # Let's create a KMPSearch class instance from the search module
>>> from import KMPSearch
>>> knuth_morris_pratt = KMPSearch()
>>> # Let's define a pattern and a text
>>> pattern = Jane Austen'
>>> text = 'Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Mansfield Park, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, and Lady Susan were written by Jane Austen and are important works of English literature.'
>>> # Now let's find the index of the pattern in the text, if it exists (otherwise, -1 is returned).
>>> idx =,text=text)
>>> print(f'The index of the pattern in the text is {idx}.')
# The index of the pattern in the text is 127.
>>> # Let's create a FaissSearch class instance from the search module to perform semantic search
>>> from import FaissSearch
>>> faiss_search = FaissSearch(model_name_or_path = 'facebook/bart-large')
>>> # Let's create a corpus of strings (e.g., sentences)
>>> corpus = {
'text': [
"Coffee is my go-to drink in the morning.",
"I always try to make time for exercise.",
"Learning something new every day keeps me motivated.",
"The sunsets in my hometown are breathtaking.",
"I am grateful for the support of my friends and family.",
"The book I'm reading is incredibly captivating.",
"I love listening to music while I work.",
"I'm excited to try the new restaurant in town.",
"Taking a walk in nature always clears my mind.",
"I believe that kindness is the most important trait.",
"It's important to take breaks throughout the day.",
"I'm looking forward to the weekend.",
"Reading before bed helps me relax.",
"I try to stay positive even in difficult situations.",
"Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies.",
"I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow every day.",
"I love traveling and experiencing new cultures.",
"I'm proud of the progress I've made so far.",
"A good night's sleep is essential for my well-being.",
"Spending time with loved ones always brings me joy.",
"I'm grateful for the beauty of nature around me.",
"I try to live in the present moment and appreciate what I have.",
"I believe that honesty is always the best policy.",
"I enjoy challenging myself and pushing my limits.",
"I'm excited to see what the future holds."
>>> # Next we need to initialize and encode the corpus
>>> faiss_search.initialize_corpus(
>>> # Let's define a query, and the number of top results we want to retrieve; then, let's perform the semantic search.
>>> query = 'I like going for a run in the morning.'
>>> top_k = 5
>>> top_k_results =, k = top_k)
# Let's define a function to print the results of the search.
>>> def print_results(query, results, top_k):
# Let's first print the query.
print(f'Query: "{query}"\n')
# Let's now print the top k results.
print(f'Top {top_k} most similar sentences in the corpus to the query (smallest score is most similar):')
for i in range(top_k):
print(f' - {i+1}: "{results["text"][i]}" with a similarity score of {top_k_results["score"][i]:.2f}')
>>> print_results(query=query, results=top_k_results, top_k=top_k)
# Query: "I like going for a run in the morning."
# Top 3 most similar sentences in the corpus to the query (smallest score is most similar):
# - 1: "I always try to make time for exercise." with a similarity score of 170.65
# - 2: "The sunsets in my hometown are breathtaking." with a similarity score of 238.20
# - 3: "Coffee is my go-to drink in the morning." with a similarity score of 238.85
>>> # Let's create a Cosine Similarity class instance from the similarity module
>>> from string2string.similarity import CosineSimilarity
>>> cosine_similarity = CosineSimilarity()
>>> # Let's also create an instance of the GloVeEmbeddings class from the misc module to compute the embeddings of words
>>> from string2string.misc import GloVeEmbeddings
>>> glove = GloVeEmbeddings(model='glove.6B.200d', dim=50, force_download=True, dir='./models/glove-model/')
>>> # Let's define a list of words
>>> words = ['cat', 'dog', 'phone', 'computer']
>>> # Let's create a list to store the embeddings of the words and compute them
>>> embeds = []
>>> for word in words:
>>> embedding = glove.get_embedding(word)
>>> embeds.append(embedding)
>>> # Let's create a similarity matrix to store the cosine similarity between each pair of embeddings
>>> similarity_matrix = np.zeros((len(words), len(words)))
>>> for i in range(len(embeds)):
similarity_matrix[i, i] = 1
for j in range(i + 1, len(embeds)):
result = cosine_similarity.compute(embeds[i], embeds[j], dim=1).item()
similarity_matrix[i, j] = result
similarity_matrix[j, i] = result
>>> # Let's visualize the similarity matrix
>>> from string2string.misc.plotting_functions import plot_heatmap
>>> plot_heatmap(
title='Similarity Between GloVe Embeddings',
x_ticks = words,
y_ticks = words,
x_label = 'Words',
y_label = 'Words',
valfmt = '{x:.2f}',
We would like to thank the following people for their contributions to this project: [TBD]