- Pittsburgh, PA
- http://jackiekircher.com
Rails Web Accessibility Initiative for the differently abled.
A fun little tool created for Claire - give it an image and it'll convert it to a cross stitch pattern
Generates attr_accessors that encrypt and decrypt attributes
This is the tool used to create those awesome Color Wheels available at https://twitter.com/gamecolorwheel and https://www.instagram.com/gamecolorwheel. Just go crazy with it.
Home Office Digital repository of posters covering different topics - research, access needs, accessibility, design.
Parameter Validation & Type Coercion for Sinatra
Twitter/rstat.us/etc multiplatform microblogging client
A Starcraft 2 replay parser written in pure Ruby
Simple microblogging network based on the ostatus protocol.
a basic poi simulator, designed to experiment with different permutations