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?>Component is anything wired to the ESP8266/ESP8255 chip to be controlled by or send data to it.

Components can be: buttons, switches, relays, LEDs, sensors, displays, MCU units, etc. Every component is assigned in the device template to the GPIO it is wired (connected) to.

Every Tasmota device has some components configured by default. Most often there is a relay, a button and a LED configured as is the case for a Sonoff Basic in the following image.

Sonoff components

GPIOs configured as User (255) are the GPIOs that can be assigned to components in the Configure Module page. See next image for an example!

Assigning Components

If you wish to expand a device with a peripheral component, after properly wiring everything, you need to assign it to a free GPIO in Configure Module page or use command GPIO<x>.

GPIO assign

Read more about peripherals.

Components List

Google Sheet of components by number and alphabetically

# Name Description
255 User GPIO configurable in modules
0 None Not used
1 DHT11 DHT11 sensor
2 AM2301 AM230X, DHT21 and DHT22 sensor
3 SI7021 Only for Sonoff Si7021, not the i2c version
4 DS18x20 Dallas Semiconductor DS18b20 1-Wire temperature sensor
5 I2C SCL I2C serial clock pin, used with any I2C component (sensors, displays, ...)
6 I2C SDA I2C serial data pin, used with any I2C component (sensors, displays, ...)
7 WS2812 Addressable LEDs such as WS281X or Neopixel
8 IRsend IR Transmitter LED
9 Switch1 Switch
10 Switch2 Switch
11 Switch3 Switch
12 Switch4 Switch
13 Switch5 Switch
14 Switch6 Switch
15 Switch7 Switch
16 Switch8 Switch
17 Button1 Button
18 Button2 Button
19 Button3 Button
20 Button4 Button
21 Relay1 Relay
22 Relay2 Relay
23 Relay3 Relay
24 Relay4 Relay
25 Relay5 Relay
26 Relay6 Relay
27 Relay7 Relay
28 Relay8 Relay
29 Relay1i Relay inverted
30 Relay2i Relay inverted
31 Relay3i Relay inverted
32 Relay4i Relay inverted
33 Relay5i Relay inverted
34 Relay6i Relay inverted
35 Relay7i Relay inverted
36 Relay8i Relay inverted
37 PWM1 Pulse Width Modulated Output
38 PWM2 Pulse Width Modulated Output
39 PWM3 Pulse Width Modulated Output
40 PWM4 Pulse Width Modulated Output
41 PWM5 Pulse Width Modulated Output
42 Counter1 Counter Input
43 Counter2 Counter Input
44 Counter3 Counter Input
45 Counter4 Counter Input
46 PWM1i Pulse Width Modulated inverted Output
47 PWM2i Pulse Width Modulated inverted Output
48 PWM3i Pulse Width Modulated inverted Output
49 PWM4i Pulse Width Modulated inverted Output
50 PWM5i Pulse Width Modulated inverted Output
51 IRrecv IR Receiver Input (for example TSOP1838)
52 Led1 LED
53 Led2 LED
54 Led3 LED
55 Led4 LED
56 Led1i Inverted LED - default state ON
57 Led2i Inverted LED - default state ON
58 Led3i Inverted LED - default state ON
59 Led4i Inverted LED - default state ON
60 MHZ Rx MHZ 19 CO2 Sensor
61 MHZ Tx MHZ 19 CO2 Sensor
62 PZEM0XX Tx Peacefair Pzem-0XX Power Meter Tx pin
63 PZEM004 Rx Peacefair Pzem-004 Power Meter Rx pin
64 SAir Rx Sensor Senseair
65 SAir Tx Sensor Senseair
66 SPI CS SPI Interface (ePaper Display)
67 SPI DC SPI Interface (ePaper Display)
68 BkLight Backlight (Display)
69 PMS5003 PMS5003 Air Quality Sensor
70 SDS0X1 Rx Nova Fitness SDS011 Laser Dust Sensor Rx pin
71 SerBr Rx Serial Bridge Receive
72 SerBr Tx Serial Bridge Transmit
73 SR04 Tri Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 Trigger pin
74 SR04 Ech Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 Echo pin
75 SDMx20 Tx SDMx20-Modbus Multifunction Power Analyser Tx pin
76 SDMx20 Rx SDMx20-Modbus Multifunction Power Analyser Rx pin
77 SDM630 Tx SDM630-Modbus Multifunction Power Analyser Tx pin
78 SDM630 Rx SDM630-Modbus Multifunction Power Analyser Rx pin
79 TM16 CLK TM1638 Switch Module
80 TM16 DIO TM1638 Switch Module
81 TM16 STB TM1638 Switch Module
82 Switch1n Switch, no pullup resistor
83 Switch2n Switch, no pullup resistor
84 Switch3n Switch, no pullup resistor
85 Switch4n Switch, no pullup resistor
86 Switch5n Switch, no pullup resistor
87 Switch6n Switch, no pullup resistor
88 Switch7n Switch, no pullup resistor
89 Switch8n Switch, no pullup resistor
90 Button1n Button, no pullup resistor
91 Button2n Button, no pullup resistor
92 Button3n Button, no pullup resistor
93 Button4n Button, no pullup resistor
94 Counter1n Counter sensor, no pullup resistor
95 Counter2n Counter sensor, no pullup resistor
96 Counter3n Counter sensor, no pullup resistor
97 Counter4n Counter sensor, no pullup resistor
98 PZEM016 Rx Peacefair Pzem-016 Power Meter Rx pin
99 PZEM017 Rx Peacefair Pzem-017 Power Meter Rx pin
100 MP3 Player DF MP3 Player mini (Input)
101 SDS0X1 Tx Nova Fitness SDS011 Laser Dust Sensor Tx pin
102 HX711 SCK HX711 weight sensor serial clock input
103 HX711 DAT HX711 weight sensor data output
104 TX20 TX20 Wind Sensor Input (Tx from sensor)
105 RFSend RF Emitter (433Mhz module needed; Requires self-compile with RF_SENSOR and USE_RC_SWITCH)
106 RFrecv RF Receiver (433Mhz module needed; Requires self-compile with RF_SENSOR and USE_RC_SWITCH)
107 Tuya Tx Tuya Transfer pin
108 Tuya Rx Tuya Receive pin
109 MGC3130 Xfr MGC3130 E-field Xfr pin
110 MGC3130 Rst MGC3130 E-field Reset pin
111 SSPI MISO Software SPI MISO (Display)
112 SSPI MOSI Software SPI MOSI (Display)
113 SSPI SCLK Software SPI SCLK (Display)
114 SSPI CS Software SPI CS (Display)
115 SSPI DC Software SPI DC (Display)
116 RF Sensor Theo Arendst RF433 Sensor
117 AZ Rx AZ 7798 CO2 datalogger
118 AZ Tx AZ 7798 CO2 datalogger
119 MX31855 CS MAX31855 Thermocouple Sensor Chip Select pin
120 MX31855 CLK MAX31855 Thermocouple Sensor Serial Clock pin
121 MX31855 DO MAX31855 Thermocouple Sensor Digital Output pin
122 Button1i Button inverted
123 Button2i Button inverted
124 Button3i Button inverted
125 Button4i Button inverted
126 Button1in Button inverted, no pullup resistor
127 Button2in Button inverted, no pullup resistor
128 Button3in Button inverted, no pullup resistor
129 Button4in Button inverted, no pullup resistor
130 HLWBL SEL Energy Monitoring (for example Pow)
131 HLWBL SELi Energy Monitoring (for example Pow)
132 HLWBL CF1 Energy Monitoring (for example Pow)
133 HLW8012 CF HLW8012 Single Phase Energy Monitor Chip CF pin
134 BL0937 CF BL0937 Single Phase Energy Monitor Chip CF pin
135 MCP39F5 Tx Energy Monitoring (for example Shelly2)
136 MCP39F5 Rx Energy Monitoring (for example Shelly2)
137 MCP39F5 Rst Energy Monitoring (for example Shelly2)
138 PN532 Tx PN532 RFID/NFC Reader Tx pin
139 PN532 Rx PN532 RFID/NFC Reader Rx pin
140 SM16716 CLK SM16716 Pixel LED Serial Clock pin
141 SM16716 DAT SM16716 Pixel LED Data pin
142 SM16716 PWR SM16716 Pixel LED Power pin
143 MY92x1 DI Light Bulb with MY92x controller
144 MY92x1 DCKI Light Bulb with MY92x controller
145 CSE7766 Tx CSE7766 Single Phase Energy Monitor Chip Tx pin
146 CSE7766 Rx CSE7766 Single Phase Energy Monitor Chip Rx pin
147 ALux IrRcv AriLux RGB Controller IR receive (Input)
148 Serial Tx Serial Transfer pin
149 Serial Rx Serial Receive pin
150 Rotary1a Rotary Encoder (Mi Desk Lamp)
151 Rotary1b Rotary Encoder (Mi Desk Lamp)
152 Rotary1c Rotary Encoder (Mi Desk Lamp)
153 Rotary1d Rotary Encoder (Mi Desk Lamp)
154 HRE CLOCK Clock/Power line for HR-E Water Meter
155 HRE DATA Data line for HR-E Water Meter
156 ADE7953_IRQ ADE7953 IRQ
157 LedLink Device Status LED
158 LedLinki Device Status LED, inverted
159 ALux IrSel For AriLux devices - switches between IR/RF mode
160 Buzzer Sonoff iFan03 Buzzer
161 Buzzeri Sonoff iFan03 Buzzer inverted
162 OLED Reset OLED Display Reset
163 SolaxX1 Tx Solax Inverter Tx pin
164 SolaxX1 Rx Solax Inverter Rx pin
165 Zigbee Tx Zigbee Serial interface Tx
166 Zigbee Rx Zigbee Serial interface Rx
167 RDM6300 Rx RDM6300 RX
168 iBeacon Tx HM17 iBeacon Tx
169 iBeacon Rx HM17 iBeacon Rx
170 A4988 DIR A4988 Motor Direction
171 A4988 STP A4988 Step motor
172 A4988 ENA A4988 Enable motor
173 A4988 MS1 A4988 Microstep increment select pin1
174 A4988 MS2 A4988 Microstep increment select pin2
175 A4988 MS3 A4988 Microstep increment select pin3
176 DDS238-2 Tx DDS2382 Serial interface Tx
177 DDS238-2 Rx DDS2382 Serial interface Rx
178 DDSU666 Tx DDSU666 Serial interface Tx
179 DDSU666 Rx DDSU666 Serial interface Rx
180 SM2135 CLK SM2135 Clk
181 SM2135 DAT SM2135 Dat
182 DeepSleep DeepSleep wake switch
183 EXS Enable EXS Dimmer MCU Enable
184 Slave TX TasmotaSlave TX
185 Slave RX TasmotaSlave RX
186 Slave RST TasmotaSlave Reset Pin
187 Slave RSTi TasmotaSlave Reset Inverted
188 HPMA RX Honeywell HPMA115S0 Serial Rx
189 HPMA TX Honeywell HPMA115S0 Serial Tx