Reusable workflow library for Django
Viewflow is the workflow library based on BPMN concepts. BPMN - business process modeling and notations - is the wide adopted industry standard for business process modeling. BPMN provides a standard notation readily understandable by all business stakeholders. Viewflow bridging the gap between picture and executable, ready to use web application.
After over than 10 years history of the BPMN standard, it contains whole set of battle-proven primitives for all occasions, helps you to describe all real life business process scenarios. Viewflow helps you to build a bpmn diagram in code and keep business logic separate from django forms and views code.
Read the documentation at the
Viewflow is an Open Source project licensed under the terms of the AGPL license - The GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
Viewflow Pro has a commercial-friendly license allowing private forks and modifications of Viewflow. You can find the commercial license terms in COMM-LICENSE. Please see FAQ for more detail.
- flow.Start().Permission no longer supports callable (there is Start.Available for that)
- Task.flow_task and Task.owner_permission fields length extended up to 255 to match django