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A library to use SteemConnect in Firebase Functions.

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What is steemconnect-firebase-functions?

It is a library designed to help developers who want to create apps based on SteemConnect and Firebase. The library makes it easy to:

  • implement OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant (enables user to log in to your app using SteemConnect)
  • mint Firebase Custom Token (used to authenticate user within your app)
  • broadcast operations to Steem blockchain (post, comment, upvote, etc.)

How to install?

npm install steemconnect-firebase-functions --save

Example use

Function that redirects to SteemConnect (first step in OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant):

import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import { getAuthorizationUrl } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const redirectUri = 'http://localhost:4200/redirect';
const clientId = functions.config();
const scope = ['vote', 'comment'];

export const redirect = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
  const endpoint = getAuthorizationUrl(clientId, redirectUri, scope);



This library has been mainly designed to use with Firebase Cloud Functions, but a lot of its features can be used in any NodeJS environment.

Any NodeJS environment functions

These functions can be used in any NodeJS environment:


Broadcasts a comment to the Steem blockchain and returns the result of the operation.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken string the access_token of the user +
parentAuthor string the username of the author of either a post or a parent comment that user wants to add a comment to +
parentPermlink string the permlink of either a post or a parent comment that user wants to add a comment to +
commentAuthor string the username of the user who wants to add a comment +
commentPermlink string the permlink of the comment +
commentBody string the content of the comment +
jsonMetadata object optional additional metadata (ex. the name of the app) -
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the result of the operation.

Example usage
import { broadcastComment } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const accessToken = 'access-token';
const parentAuthor = 'ned';
const parentPermlink = 'steemfest2-closing-dinner';
const commentAuthor = 'jakipatryk';
const commentPermlink = 'f34fre5';
const commentBody = 'This is a test comment';

).then(result => {


Broadcasts a downvote to the Steem blockchain and returns the result of the operation.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken string the access_token of the user +
voter string the username of the voter +
author string the username of the author of a comment/post that user wants to downvote +
permlink string the permlink of a comment/post that user wants to downvote +
weight number the weight of the vote (ex. 5000 is going to broadcast a 50% downvote) +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the result of the operation.

Example usage
import { broadcastDownvote } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const accessToken = 'access-token';
const voter = 'jakipatryk';
const author = 'ned';
const permlink = 'steemfest2-closing-dinner';
const weight = 10000; // 100% downvote

broadcastDownvote(accessToken, voter, author, permlink, weight).then(result => {


Broadcasts a follow to the Steem blockchain and returns the result of the operation.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken string the access_token of the user +
username string the username of the user that wants to follow somebody +
userToFollow string the username of the user to follow +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the result of the operation.

Example usage
import { broadcastFollow } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const accessToken = 'access-token';
const username = 'jakipatryk';
const userToFollow = 'ned';

broadcastFollow(accessToken, username, userToFollow).then(result => {


Broadcasts operations to the Steem blockchain.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken string the access_token of the user +
operations array an array of operations to broadcast. +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the result of the operations.

Example usage
import { broadcastOperations } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const accessToken = 'access-token';
const operations = [
      voter: 'jakipatryk',
      author: 'ned',
      permlink: 'steemfest2-closing-dinner',
      weight: 5000 // 50%

broadcastOperations(accessToken, operations).then(result => {


Broadcasts a post to the Steem blockchain and returns the result of the operation.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken string the access_token of the user +
mainTag string the main tag of the post (not possible to change it later) +
postAuthor string the username of the user who wants to add a post +
postPermlink string the permlink of the post +
postTitle string the title of the post +
postBody string the content of the post +
jsonMetadata object optional additional metadata (ex. the name of the app or additional tags) -
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the result of the operation.

Example usage
import { broadcastPost } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const accessToken = 'access-token';
const mainTag = 'test-tag';
const postAuthor = 'jakipatryk';
const postPermlink = 'test-post-432rhbb23';
const postTitle = 'Test post';
const postBody = 'This is a test post content';

).then(result => {


Broadcasts a post with beneficiaries details to the Steem blockchain and returns the result of the operation.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken string the access_token of the user +
mainTag string the main tag of the post (not possible to change it later) +
postAuthor string the username of the user who wants to add a post +
postPermlink string the permlink of the post +
postTitle string the title of the post +
postBody string the content of the post +
beneficiariesAccount string the username of the beneficiaries account +
beneficiariesWeight number the weight of the beneficiaries (ex. 2500 is equal the 25% rewards going to beneficiaries account) +
jsonMetadata object optional additional metadata (ex. the name of the app or additional tags) -
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the result of the operation.

Example usage
import { broadcastPostWithBeneficiaries } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const accessToken = 'access-token';
const mainTag = 'test-tag';
const postAuthor = 'jakipatryk';
const postPermlink = 'test-post-432rhbb23';
const postTitle = 'Test post';
const postBody = 'This is a test post content';
const beneficiariesAccount = '';
const beneficiariesWeight = 2500; // 25%

).then(result => {


Broadcasts a reblog to the Steem blockchain and returns the result of the operation.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken string the access_token of the user +
username string the username of the user that wants to reblog something +
postAuthor string the username of the author of the post to reblog +
postPermlink string the permlink of the post to reblog +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the result of the operation.

Example usage
import { broadcastReblog } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const accessToken = 'access-token';
const username = 'jakipatryk-dev';
const postAuthor = 'jakipatryk';
const postPermlink =

broadcastReblog(accessToken, username, postAuthor, postPermlink).then(
  result => {


Broadcasts an unfollow to the Steem blockchain and returns the result of the operation.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken string the access_token of the user +
username string the username of the user that wants to unfollow somebody +
userToUnfollow string the username of the user to unfollow +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the result of the operation.

Example usage
import { broadcastUnfollow } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const accessToken = 'access-token';
const username = 'jakipatryk';
const userToUnfollow = 'ned';

broadcastUnfollow(accessToken, username, userToUnfollow).then(result => {


Broadcasts an upvote to the Steem blockchain and returns the result of the operation.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken string the access_token of the user +
voter string the username of the voter +
author string the username of the author of a comment/post that user wants to upvote +
permlink string the permlink of a comment/post that user wants to upvote +
weight number the weight of the vote (ex. 10000 is going to broadcast a 100% upvote) +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the result of the operation.

Example usage
import { broadcastUpvote } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const accessToken = 'access-token';
const voter = 'jakipatryk';
const author = 'ned';
const permlink = 'steemfest2-closing-dinner';
const weight = 10000; // 100%

broadcastUpvote(accessToken, voter, author, permlink, weight).then(result => {


Creates and returns the comment operation.

Name Type Description Required
parentPermlink string the parent permlink for comments or main tag for posts +
author string the author of the comment/post +
permlink string the permlink of the comment/post +
body string the content of the comment/post +
parentAuthor string the parent author of the comment -
title string the title of the post -
jsonMetadata object the additional metadata of the comment/post -
What does it return?

This function returns a single comment operation in the form of an array.

Example usage
import { createComment } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const parentAuthor = 'ned';
const parentPermlink = 'i-am-ned-stark';
const author = 'jakipatryk';
const permlink = 'i-am-jakipatryk-from-polska';
const body = 'Hello! Whats up ppl?';
const jsonMetadata = {
  app: 'strimi',
  community: 'strimi'

const commentOperation = createComment(


Creates and returns the comment_option operation.

Name Type Description Required
author string the author of the post/comment +
permlink string the permlink of the post/comment +
extensions array optional extensions (ex. beneficiaries) -
maxAcceptedPayout string optional maximum accepted payout in the form of string (ex. '300.000 SBD') -
percentSteemDolars number optional percent of the rewards in Steem Blockchain Dolars (10000 stands for 50/50 split and it is the default) -
allowVotes boolean optional boolean that enables/disables upvoting a post/comment -
allowCurationRewards boolean optional boolean that enables/disables the curation rewards -
What does it return?

This function returns a single comment_option operation in the form of an array.

Example usage
import { createCommentOptions } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const author = 'jakipatryk';
const permlink = '12-iq-overload-hendrik-lorentz';
const allowVotes = false;

const commentOptionsOperation = createCommentOptions(


Creates and returns the custom_json operation.

Name Type Description Required
requiredPostingAuths Array required posting auths array +
id string the id of the custom_json +
customJson Array the custom JSON +
requiredAuths Array optional required auths -
What does it return?

This function returns a single custom_json operation in the form of an array.

Example usage
import { createCustomJson } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const requiredPostingAuths = ['jakipatryk'];
const id = 'follow';
const customJson = [
    account: 'jakipatryk',
    author: 'ned',
    permlink: 'i-am-ned'

const customJsonOperation = createCustomJson(


Creates and returns the vote operation.

Name Type Description Required
voter string the username of the voter +
author string the username of the author of a comment/post that you want to create a vote operation on +
permlink string the permlink of a comment/post that you want to create a vote operation on +
weight number the weight of the vote (ex. 10000 is going to create a 100% upvote operation and -1000 is going to create a 10% downvote operation) +
What does it return?

This function returns a single vote operation in the form of an array.

Example usage
import { createVote } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const voter = 'jakipatryk';
const author = 'ned';
const permlink = 'i-am-ned-and-i-like-smts';
const weight = 500; // will create a 5% upvote operation

const voteOperation = createVote(voter, author, permlink, weight);


Exchanges the OAuth2 code for an access token and its details (username, expiration time and optionally refresh token) and returns them.

Name Type Description Required
clientId string the client id of the SteemConnect app +
clientSecret string the client secret of the SteemConnect app +
redirectUri string the redirect URI used in the getAuthorizationUrl function +
code string the OAuth2 code +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the access token + its details object.

Example usage
import { getAccessToken } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const clientId = '';
const clientSecret = '543hrfbhrb32ivcvs';
const redirectUri = '';
const code = '432r432rnj45n4323f3ti456k5';

getAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri, code).then(credentials => {


Creates and returns the authorization URL to SteemConnect OAuth2 service.

Name Type Description Required
clientId string the client id of the SteemConnect app +
redirectUri string the URI you want the user to be redirected to after successful login +
scope array the array of scopes (ex. ['vote', 'comment']) +
state string optional state variable -
What does it return?

This function returns a string - the URL of the SteemConnect OAuth2 authorization endpoint.

Example usage
import { getAuthorizationUrl } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const clientId = '';
const redirectUri = '';
const scope = ['vote', 'offline'];

const endpoint = getAuthorizationUrl(clientId, redirectUri, scope);


Gets and returns the data of the user.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken string the access_token of the user +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into user data object.

Example usage
import { getUserData } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const accessToken = '432432543njn5k43b5hj23hjbhj423.543nbrj43btjhb4';

getUserData(accessToken).then(userData => {


Exchanges the refresh token for the new access token and its details (username, expiration time and refresh token) and returns them.

Name Type Description Required
clientId string the client id of the SteemConnect app +
clientSecret string the client secret of the SteemConnect app +
refreshToken string the refresh_token of the user you want to get new access token for +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the access token + its details object.

Example usage
import { refreshAccessToken } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const clientId = '';
const clientSecret = '543hrfbhrb32ivcvs';
const refreshToken = '432r432rnj45n4323f3ti456k5.g5rthokgd';

refreshAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret, redirectUri, code).then(
  newCredentials => {


Revokes given access token.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken string the access_token to revoke +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the result of revoking token.

Example usage
import { revokeAccessToken } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const accessToken = '432432543njn5k43b5hj23hjbhj423.543nbrj43btjhb4';

revokeAccessToken(accessToken).then(result => {


Sets user metadata and returns the data of this user.

Name Type Description Required
accessToken string the access_token of the user +
metadata object the metadata to set +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into user data object.

Example usage
import { setUserMetadata } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const accessToken = '432432543njn5k43b5hj23hjbhj423.543nbrj43btjhb4';
const metadata = {
  testData: 'some-data'

setUserMetadata(accessToken, metadata).then(userData => {

Firebase specific functions

These function can be used only on the Firebase:


Creates or updates Firebase auth user account.

Name Type Description Required
admin object the configurated firebase-admin object +
uid string the uid of the user +
username string the username of the user +
photoURL string optional user's photo URL -
email string optional user's email -
emailVerified boolean optional boolean whether or not the user's email is verified -
phoneNumber string optional user's phone number -
disabled boolean optional boolean whether or not the user is disabled -
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object.

Example usage
import { createFirebaseAccount } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';

const serviceAccount = require('../serviceAccountKey.json');

  credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount)

const uid = 'steemconnect:jakipatryk';
const username = 'jakipatryk';
const photoURL = '';

createFirebaseAccount(admin, uid, username, photoURL).then(() => {
  console.log(5 * 20 + 11);


Gets and returns the access token + details object from the Firestore.

Name Type Description Required
admin object the configurated firebase-admin object +
uid string the uid of the user you want to get access token for +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into the access token + its details object.

Example usage
import { getAccessTokenFromFirestore } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';

const serviceAccount = require('../serviceAccountKey.json');

  credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount)

const uid = 'steemconnect:jakipatryk';

getAccessTokenFromFirestore(admin, uid).then(credentials => {


Creates and returns Firebase custom auth token.

Name Type Description Required
admin object the configurated firebase-admin object +
uid string the uid of the user you want to mind custom Firebase auth token for +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object that resolves into into Firebase custom auth token.

Example usage
import { mintFirebaseToken } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';

const serviceAccount = require('../serviceAccountKey.json');

  credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount)

const uid = 'steemconnect:jakipatryk';

mintFirebaseToken(admin, uid).then(token => {


Saves access token and its details in the Firestore.

Name Type Description Required
admin object the configurated firebase-admin object +
uid string the uid of the user you want to mind custom Firebase auth token for +
accessToken object the access token + its details object +
What does it return?

This function returns a Promise object.

Example usage
import { saveAccessToken } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';

const serviceAccount = require('../serviceAccountKey.json');

  credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount)

const uid = 'steemconnect:jakipatryk';
const accessToken = {
  access_token: '423423432.fsdfewf43',
  expires_in: 4200000,
  username: 'jakipatryk',
  refresh_token: '4u5jnj4f3.543jim43i'

saveAccessToken(admin, uid, accessToken).then(() => {
  console.log(2 + 2 * 4);